[GitHub] [incubator-openwhisk] falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

2019-04-23 Thread GitBox
falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also 
work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

 File path: 
 @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ActionLimitsTests extends TestHelpers with 
WskTestHelpers with WskActorSys
   val openFileAction = TestUtils.getTestActionFilename("openFiles.js")
   val openFileLimit = 1024
-  val minExpectedOpenFiles = openFileLimit - 15 // allow for already opened 
files in container
+  val minExpectedOpenFiles = openFileLimit - 20 // allow for already opened 
files in container
 Review comment:
   The nodejs:10 runtime has some more (+5) already open file handles which 
reduces the remaining number of open files by 5. The test is `successfully 
invoke an action when it is within nofile limit` therefore it seems not really 
necessary to always test for the exact maximum of files that can be opened. 
With the `-20` the test now runs fine with both versions of the nodejs runtimes.

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[GitHub] [incubator-openwhisk] falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

2019-04-23 Thread GitBox
falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also 
work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

 File path: tests/src/test/scala/invokerShoot/ShootInvokerTests.scala
 @@ -188,13 +189,13 @@ class ShootInvokerTests extends TestHelpers with 
WskTestHelpers with JsHelpers w
 JsObject("key" -> JsString("copiedAnnot2"), "value" -> 
 JsObject("key" -> JsString("copiedAnnot1"), "value" -> 
 JsObject("key" -> JsString("origAnnot2"), "value" -> JsBoolean(true)),
-JsObject("key" -> JsString("exec"), "value" -> JsString("nodejs:6")),
+//JsObject("key" -> JsString("exec"), "value" -> JsString(runtime)),
 Review comment:
   Sure, forgot that line… will be removed.

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Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-openwhisk] falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

2019-04-23 Thread GitBox
falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also 
work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

 File path: tests/dat/actions/openFiles.js
 @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function main(params) {
 console.log("opened files = ", openFiles.length);
 openFiles.forEach(function(fh) {
+fs.close(fh, (err) => {} );
 Review comment:
   The empty callback was added since this parameter was optional for nodejs:6 
but is now required for nodejs:10. Using an empty callback funtion sounded to 
be the default behaviour when this parameter is not present in nodejs:6. 
Explicitly defining the empty callback now, works with both nodejs:6 and 
   You are right, making this a `closeSync ` call will most likely not change 
the test behaviour, since this is cleanup code at the end of the test. But I 
would need to try it first with both node versions.

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Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-openwhisk] falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

2019-04-22 Thread GitBox
falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also 
work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

 File path: tests/src/test/scala/invokerShoot/ShootInvokerTests.scala
 @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class ShootInvokerTests extends TestHelpers with 
WskTestHelpers with JsHelpers w
   it should "add new parameters and annotations while copying an action" in 
withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
 (wp, assetHelper) =>
+  val runtime = "nodejs:10"
 Review comment:
   yes, makes sense, I will look for a generic check like `nodejs:*` and see if 
we can modify the tests accordingly … the travis 'System Tests' also still show 
a failure I need to analyse and fix… I will get back to you when I am done with 
that :-)

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With regards,
Apache Git Services

[GitHub] [incubator-openwhisk] falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

2019-04-17 Thread GitBox
falkzoll commented on a change in pull request #4450: Fix test cases to also 
work with nodejs:10 as default nodejs runtime.

 File path: tests/src/test/scala/invokerShoot/ShootInvokerTests.scala
 @@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class ShootInvokerTests extends TestHelpers with 
WskTestHelpers with JsHelpers w
   it should "add new parameters and annotations while copying an action" in 
withAssetCleaner(wskprops) {
 (wp, assetHelper) =>
+  val runtime = "nodejs:10"
 Review comment:
   Right, that would be the best 👍. 
   Unfortunately many tests explicitly check the returned runtime string, e.g. 
for 'nodejs:6'. When we use 'nodejs:default' at action creation, this returned 
runtime string would be whatever the actual default runtime is.
   In this case we would need to either query somehow in the test case what the 
current default runtime is, which we then can use to compare in the test case.
   Or, we could check against a list of possible nodejs runtimes (nodejs:6, 
nodejs:8, nodejs:10). But then we would also need to adjust this list when we 
add newer versions.
   Or, the other option would be, we do not compare the returned runtime string 
at all. Which would be the easiest solution,
   What do you think? 

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