dubeejw closed pull request #3385: Remove test for included packages in python 
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/pull/3385

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git 
index 1e4f1bc480..cb880befaa 100644
--- a/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/PythonActionContainerTests.scala
+++ b/tests/src/test/scala/actionContainers/PythonActionContainerTests.scala
@@ -380,63 +380,4 @@ class PythonActionContainerTests extends 
BasicActionRunnerTests with WskActorSys
         e should include("Traceback")
-  it should "be able to import additional packages as installed in the image" 
in {
-    val (out, err) = withActionContainer() { c =>
-      val code = """
-                |from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-                |from dateutil.parser import *
-                |import httplib2
-                |from lxml import etree
-                |import requests
-                |from scrapy.item import Item, Field
-                |import simplejson as json
-                |from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, endpoints
-                |import socket
-                |from kafka import BrokerConnection
-                |
-                |def main(args):
-                |    socket.setdefaulttimeout(120)
-                |    b = BeautifulSoup('<html><head><title>python action 
test</title></head></html>', 'html.parser')
-                |    h = 
-                |    t = parse('2016-02-22 11:59:00 EST')
-                |    r = 
-                |    j = json.dumps({'foo':'bar'}, separators = (',', ':'))
-                |    kafka = BrokerConnection("it works", 9093, None)
-                |
-                |    return {
-                |       "bs4": str(b.title),
-                |       "httplib2": h.status,
-                |       "dateutil": t.strftime("%A"),
-                |       "lxml": etree.Element("root").tag,
-                |       "json": j,
-                |       "request": r.status_code,
-                |       "kafka_python": kafka.host
-                |    }
-            """.stripMargin
-      val (initCode, _) = c.init(initPayload(code))
-      initCode should be(200)
-      val (runCode, runRes) = c.run(runPayload(JsObject()))
-      runCode should be(200) // action writer returning an error is OK
-      runRes shouldBe defined
-      runRes should be(
-        Some(JsObject(
-          "bs4" -> "<title>python action test</title>".toJson,
-          "httplib2" -> 200.toJson,
-          "dateutil" -> "Monday".toJson,
-          "lxml" -> "root".toJson,
-          "json" -> JsObject("foo" -> "bar".toJson).compactPrint.toJson,
-          "request" -> 200.toJson,
-          "kafka_python" -> "it works".toJson)))
-    }
-    checkStreams(out, err, {
-      case (o, e) =>
-        o shouldBe empty
-        e shouldBe empty
-    })
-  }


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