[ITCENTER] Lowongan Junior Engineer for Google Product

2013-05-16 Terurut Topik Nickolas Jonathan
Dear All,

Kantor saya lagi buka Lowker untuk posisi Junior Engineer for Google Product
Lokasi kerja di Blok M Jakarta Selatan
Kalau ada yg minat kirim lamaran dan CV k saya saja


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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2013-02-20 Terurut Topik Gimen Digital
Malam semua,

Permisi Mod ijin untuk taruh info lowongan

Dibutuhkan 2 orang untuk bekerja sebagai IT Engineer
1. Pria/Wanita max. 30tahun  
2. Memahami konsep TCP/IP
3. Mampu melakukan konfigurasi Switch Manageable  Router (cisco  mikrotik)
4. Mampu melakukan konfigurasi Mail Server  Proxy (linux based)
5. Suka tantangan baru/IT research

CV silahkan dikirim japri gimen.digi...@gmail.com sebelum 30 Feb 2012

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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Bls: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2013-02-20 Terurut Topik Candra Inara G.
untuk penempatan dimna ?


Candra IG.

--- Pada Rab, 20/2/13, Gimen Digital gimen.digi...@yahoo.com menulis:

Dari: Gimen Digital gimen.digi...@yahoo.com
Judul: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
Kepada: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Rabu, 20 Februari, 2013, 8:27 PM



  Malam semua,

Permisi Mod ijin untuk taruh info lowongan

Dibutuhkan 2 orang untuk bekerja sebagai IT Engineer

1. Pria/Wanita max. 30tahun  

2. Memahami konsep TCP/IP

3. Mampu melakukan konfigurasi Switch Manageable  Router (cisco  mikrotik)

4. Mampu melakukan konfigurasi Mail Server  Proxy (linux based)

5. Suka tantangan baru/IT research

CV silahkan dikirim japri gimen.digi...@gmail.com sebelum 30 Feb 2012

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer di PT. Mitra Infoparama

2011-06-20 Terurut Topik Febrina
Career Opportunity
Need Urgent

PT. Mitra Infoparama is a national IT Services Company, provides maintenance  
human resources management in providing qualified professional resources.
To support the above requirements we are looking for young, skilled and 
motivated persons for the following positions :


Requirement :

•   Male, 22-35 Years
•   Diploma or Degree  majoring in IT, Computer Science, Information 
System, or related 
•   Have minimum 2 years working experience in IT Possition
•   Having a good communication skill in English
•   Having Experience in Support Server and Network
•   Strong Background in Linux
•   Self motivated, have positive work ethic and the ability to work under 
own initiative.

If you are interested please send in your CV and photo in within 2 weeks to :
HR Department 
PT. Mitra Infoparama
Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 7D
(Arteri Pondok Indah) – Jakarta Selatan 12240
Ph. +62 21 72798985, 72798955, Fax. +62 21 7230653
via email to : hr_recruitm...@mip.co.id,  cc. ri...@mip.co.id

 Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and 

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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2011-03-19 Terurut Topik dian
PT. Jejala Pararta International, perusahaan yang berlokasi di Jakarta Barat 
dan bergerak dibidang penyedia jasa teknologi berbasis web dan mobile, 
diantaranya adalah membangun web portal AYOFOTO! (www.ayofoto.com)

Kami saat ini membuka kesempatan pada beberapa tenaga kreatif PROGRAMMER 
ENGINEER baru untuk mengembangkan web portal dan membuat aplikasi-aplikasi 

Pendidikan min. D3 dengan IPK minimal 3.0 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.
Terbuka untuk fresh-graduate.

Keahlian yang dibutuhkan:
1. Pengetahuan yang kuat di lingkungan LAMP (install dan optimalisasi)
2. Intermediate PHP skill (GD, Imagick, Content Caching, dsb)
3. Intermediate MySQL skill (replikasi, cache, optimizing/indexing)
4. Pernah menggunakan/membuat web-service (REST API - XML/JSON)
6. Intermediate Javascript skill dan familiar dengan JS Framework (AJAX, 
JQuery, etc)

Keahlian tambahan:
1. J2ME (untuk membuat aplikasi mobile dan atau mempackage flashlite apps)
2. Intermediate Adobe Flash programmer (actionscript, flashlite)
3. Symbian, iPhone, Blackberry application programmer
4. SELERA DESAIN yang sesuai dengan WEB 2.0

Hal-hal yang dibutuhkan untuk kelengkapan lamaran:
1. Wajib mencantumkan/melampirkan portfolio pekerjaan (diutamakan yang dapat 
dilihat online) berupa image, flash animation, web, screenshot
2. Transkrip hasil studi

Kirimkan CV, photo copy ijasah, transkrip nilai dan contoh hasil kerja
beserta foto terbaru melalui email ke: j...@jejala.com atau jobs[at]jejala.com

Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 1 April 2011

PT. Jejala Pararta International
Gedung Graha Kencana, Lt. 10/G
Jakarta Barat

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan network engineer [URGENT]

2011-01-09 Terurut Topik Budianto H
Dear rekan-rekan IT,
Sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan di jakarta membutuhkan tenaga IT untuk menempati 
posisi sebagai network engineer. 
Kualifikasi yg dibutuhkan sbb:
- Lelaki, max 28 tahun, S1/D3/Sederajad
- Pengalaman handle jaringan WAN minimal 1 tahun.
- Menguasai konsep jaringan dengan baik, terutama jaringan TCP/IP, MPLS, 
framerelay, leasedline.
- Familiar dengan windows dan linux environment.
- Familiar jaringan dengan mikrotik dan cisco router lebih diutamakan.
- Mempunyai semangat bekerja yg tinggi, ulet, fast learner, strong analytical, 
biasa bekerja secara independent maupun team work.
- Penempatan jakarta, siap traveling ke seluruh cabang kami di indonesia.
Bagi yg memenuhi kriteria diatas dan tertarik untuk bergabung, silahkan 
kirimkan CV dan gaji yg diminta ke budiant...@gmail.com dengan mencantumkan 
subject: CV Network engineer. Mohon dikirim dengan subject CV Network 
engineer, file attachment dicompress dlm format ZIP dan dikirim paling lambat 
tgl 22 Januari 2011.
Terima kasih

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan Field Engineer

2010-10-21 Terurut Topik rasmono wira
Sesuai subject di atas

Dibutuhkan  karyawan untuk posisi Field Engineer
dengan Kriteria :
Mengerti jaringan Komputer
Bisa pointing Wireless dan tidak takut ketinggian
Mengerti mikrotik
mengerti microwave adalah nilai tambah
mengerti Vsat adalah nilai tambah
pendidikan SMA/ STM ke atas
Umur max 24tahun, jika yang lebih dari 24 tahun dan masih sanggup
Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan juga
mempunyai sepeda motor sendiri

yang berminat bisa kirim CV ke w...@dtp.net.id


Rasmono Wira T
Ym : aa_jawir

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : itcenter-h...@yahoogroups.com 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan Application Engineer / IT programmer

2008-09-10 Terurut Topik sapto
Dibutuhkan segera application engineer / IT programmer:

*Application Engineer/ IT Programmer*

*Post Date: 04 Sep 08*

*Kualifikasi :*

·Pendidikan Sarjana Informatika, *pria* maksimum 30 tahun

·Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai developer/programmer

·Lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman dengan aplikasi Billing

·Menguasai database, Java, C++  Web server

·Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang baik

·Berkepribadian, kreatif, mandiri, motivasi kerja tinggi

Lamaran dapat dikirim ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan Network Engineer (PT.ACN)

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik dava kuswandani
PT. ACN bergerak dibidang apa bos, terus posisinya dimana
bisa diperjelas informasinya

On 11/20/07, david dark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Dear All;

 Numpang posting.

 Dibutuh kan Network Engineer untuk PT. ACN

 Syarat - Syarat:

 - Sudah Lulus D3/S1

 - Mengerti Networking (Cramping, Setting router, Setting Swicth, Mengenal
 Linux, Mengerti PHP - MySQL, VLAN)

 - Hardworker

 Yang berminat lansung kirimin ke : [EMAIL PROTECTED] cdrt01%40gmail.com

 Best Regards

 Cornelius David Ronny

 Publish your photos to your Space easily with Photo Gallery

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan Network Engineer (PT.ACN)

2007-11-21 Terurut Topik Rusdianto
ini maling gain (baca:maxgain) bukan yah ?

kok g jelas

On Nov 20, 2007 10:04 AM, david dark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear All;

  Numpang posting.

 Dibutuh kan Network Engineer untuk PT. ACN

 Syarat - Syarat:

 - Sudah Lulus D3/S1

 - Mengerti Networking (Cramping, Setting router, Setting Swicth, Mengenal 
 Linux, Mengerti PHP - MySQL, VLAN)

 - Hardworker

 Yang berminat lansung kirimin ke : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Best Regards

 Cornelius David Ronny

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan Network Engineer (PT.ACN)

2007-11-20 Terurut Topik david dark
Dear All;


 Numpang posting.

Dibutuh kan Network Engineer untuk PT. ACN

Syarat - Syarat:

- Sudah Lulus D3/S1

- Mengerti Networking (Cramping, Setting router, Setting Swicth, Mengenal 
Linux, Mengerti PHP - MySQL, VLAN)

- Hardworker

Yang berminat lansung kirimin ke : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best Regards 

Cornelius David Ronny

Publish your photos to your Space easily with Photo Gallery

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan: IT ENGINEER di Frameworks Animation Studio Batam

2006-12-01 Terurut Topik adez3d
Infinite Frameworks Studios Batam, memerlukan IT ENGINEER 
Utk sebuah proyek animasi berskala International 

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:
- Desain, Implementasi  memanage Studio Comm Network,Mempersiapkan
networks diagram and informasi
- Desain, Implementasi  memanage Intranet application termasuk Web
presence, Mail Server, dan Forum
- Studio's Server side maintenance and reporting
- Troubleshoot Workstation Studio (Software/Hardware installation) 
- Memonitor network traffic dan maintaining traffic shaping,
maintaining policies and rules on firewall


- Bersedia ditempatkan di batam
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan 
- Diutamakan yang telah berpengalaman pada bidang yang disebut diatas
minimal 2 tahun
- Mempunyai inisiatif tinggi, kreatif
- Able to commit Get the job done
- Punya pengalaman di Windows XP , 2003 Server, Linux, mulai dari
konsep dasar, instalasi, maintenance, troubleshooting
- Pengetahuan dasar tentang network (LAN, WAN, Routing, dll) harus kuat
- Punya kemampuan desain dan programming aplikasi berbasis web
- Paham konsep dan aplikasi programming terutama system management
(perl/jscript/vbscript/php/batch file,dll)
- Paham konsep dasar dan penerapan Active Directory, Proxy, Mail, Web
Server dan aplikasi2 terkait lainnya
- Pemahaman mengenai database adalah nilai tambah

- Tempat tinggal 
- Makan 2x sehari 
- Transportasi dari tempat tinggal - studio PP

- CV (Daftar Riwayat Hidup) format MSWord document / PDF dengan photo
di dalamnya.
- Surat lamaran 
Kirimkan document diatas ke email [EMAIL PROTECTED] dengan subject: 
IT:_nama anda
contoh - IT: michael ananta

Karena posisi ini dibutuhkan segera, deadline utk penyerahan lamaran
adalah hari Rabu, 6 December 2006

Infinite Frameworks Studios saat ini sedang mengerjakan proyek animasi
layar lebar yang akan diedarkan ke seluruh dunia.
Dengan staff inti yang berpengalaman dalam pembuatan film HARRY
POTTER,TROY,BARBIE  EVERYONE'S HERO, ini adalah kesempatan 
sangat langka di indonesia yang sangat utk sayang dilewatkan.

utk pertanyaan lebih lanjut silakan hubungi saya di Yahoo messanger
dengan ID: adez3d2.
Catatan : saya tidak online setiap waktu. bergantung kepada kesibukan

Production  Recruitment Department
Infinite frameworks Studios

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##

## Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 
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Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-21 Terurut Topik Acho
Yoi bener !!! Transmarco itu di Artha Graha Lt. 25. Mas freddy pernah ikut
hubla online project kah??

- Acho -

- Original Message -
From: Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

 Yup, efektif Februari 2006. :)

 -Original Message-
 From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Carnegz
 Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 10:59 AM
 To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

 BTW TransMarco mangnya sudah pindah dari gedung Artha
 Graha yach :),,, setahu saya kantornya disana deh

 --- Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  PT Transmarco Data Systems
  Royal Palace Blok C25.
  Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
  Jakarta Selatan
  -Original Message-
  From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
  Of Hardiyansyah
  Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
  To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
  Nama Perusahaan ?
  Alamat ?
  perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..
  On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian
   Dear all,
   We are very urgently need some experts as :
   1.  IT Supervisor (1 person)
   2.  Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
   3.  Network Engineer (1 person)
   4.  Software Engineer (2 persons)
   5.  Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
   6.  MIS (1 person)
   7.  System Analyst (1 person)
   Requirement :
   - Have an experienced more than 12 years
  (1), more than 10 years
   (2-7) in related fields.
   - Able to manage team members (1).
   - Have strong knowledge of computer
  technology (1-7).
   - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
   - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
   - Problem Solver (1-5).
   Technical Skill :
   - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
  Server (Database design,
   Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
   - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
  Firewall, Firewall (3).
   Other Requirement :
   - Has an active NPWP.
   - Proof of tax payment for the last 3
   Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
  vitae and photograph
   Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
   E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
   Best Regards,
   [Non-text portions of this message have been
   www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
   Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
   :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst)
  saat reply! ::
   ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
  itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
   $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship
   [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
   Yahoo! Groups Links
  [Non-text portions of this message have been
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
  reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
  itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
  reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
  itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! ::
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! ::
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id

 Yahoo! Groups Links

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 

Balasan: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik erni retnowati
btw lowongan kerja yang di Transmarco udah ada follow up-nya blon seh?
  soalnynya saya juga ngirim via pos.

Carnegz [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
  BTW TransMarco mangnya sudah pindah dari gedung Artha
Graha yach :),,, setahu saya kantornya disana deh

--- Freddy Pudjian wrote:

 PT Transmarco Data Systems
 Royal Palace Blok C25.
 Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
 Jakarta Selatan
 -Original Message-
 From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Hardiyansyah
 Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
 To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
 Nama Perusahaan ?
 Alamat ?
 perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..
 On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian
  Dear all,
  We are very urgently need some experts as :
  1. IT Supervisor (1 person)
  2. Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
  3. Network Engineer (1 person)
  4. Software Engineer (2 persons)
  5. Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
  6. MIS (1 person)
  7. System Analyst (1 person)
  Requirement :
  - Have an experienced more than 12 years
 (1), more than 10 years
  (2-7) in related fields.
  - Able to manage team members (1).
  - Have strong knowledge of computer
 technology (1-7).
  - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
  - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
  - Problem Solver (1-5).
  Technical Skill :
  - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
 Server (Database design,
  Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
  - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
 Firewall, Firewall (3).
  Other Requirement :
  - Has an active NPWP.
  - Proof of tax payment for the last 3
  Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
 vitae and photograph
  Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
  E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
  Best Regards,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst)
 saat reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been
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RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik Freddy Pudjian
Yup, efektif Februari 2006. :)

-Original Message-
From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Carnegz
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 10:59 AM
To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

BTW TransMarco mangnya sudah pindah dari gedung Artha
Graha yach :),,, setahu saya kantornya disana deh

--- Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PT Transmarco Data Systems
 Royal Palace Blok C25.
 Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
 Jakarta Selatan
 -Original Message-
 From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Hardiyansyah
 Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
 To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
 Nama Perusahaan ?
 Alamat ?
 perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..
 On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian
  Dear all,
  We are very urgently need some experts as :
  1.  IT Supervisor (1 person)
  2.  Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
  3.  Network Engineer (1 person)
  4.  Software Engineer (2 persons)
  5.  Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
  6.  MIS (1 person)
  7.  System Analyst (1 person)
  Requirement :
  - Have an experienced more than 12 years
 (1), more than 10 years
  (2-7) in related fields.
  - Able to manage team members (1).
  - Have strong knowledge of computer
 technology (1-7).
  - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
  - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
  - Problem Solver (1-5).
  Technical Skill :
  - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
 Server (Database design,
  Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
  - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
 Firewall, Firewall (3).
  Other Requirement :
  - Has an active NPWP.
  - Proof of tax payment for the last 3
  Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
 vitae and photograph
  Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
  E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
  Best Regards,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst)
 saat reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links
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 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
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 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
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 Yahoo! Groups Links

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## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
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## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

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RE: Balasan: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik Freddy Pudjian
Sebagian ada. Prosesnya oleh HRD. :)

-Original Message-
From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of erni retnowati
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 3:58 PM
To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Balasan: RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

btw lowongan kerja yang di Transmarco udah ada follow up-nya blon seh?
  soalnynya saya juga ngirim via pos.

Carnegz [EMAIL PROTECTED] menulis:
  BTW TransMarco mangnya sudah pindah dari gedung Artha
Graha yach :),,, setahu saya kantornya disana deh

--- Freddy Pudjian wrote:

 PT Transmarco Data Systems
 Royal Palace Blok C25.
 Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
 Jakarta Selatan
 -Original Message-
 From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Hardiyansyah
 Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
 To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
 Nama Perusahaan ?
 Alamat ?
 perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..
 On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian
  Dear all,
  We are very urgently need some experts as :
  1. IT Supervisor (1 person)
  2. Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
  3. Network Engineer (1 person)
  4. Software Engineer (2 persons)
  5. Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
  6. MIS (1 person)
  7. System Analyst (1 person)
  Requirement :
  - Have an experienced more than 12 years
 (1), more than 10 years
  (2-7) in related fields.
  - Able to manage team members (1).
  - Have strong knowledge of computer
 technology (1-7).
  - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
  - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
  - Problem Solver (1-5).
  Technical Skill :
  - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
 Server (Database design,
  Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
  - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
 Firewall, Firewall (3).
  Other Requirement :
  - Has an active NPWP.
  - Proof of tax payment for the last 3
  Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
 vitae and photograph
  Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
  E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
  Best Regards,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst)
 saat reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been
 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
 Yahoo! Groups Links
 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
 Yahoo! Groups Links

Do You Yahoo!?
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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
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## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

Yahoo! Groups Links

Apakah Anda Yahoo!?
Kunjungi halaman depan Yahoo! Indonesia yang baru!

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www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

Yahoo! Groups Links


www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http

Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-20 Terurut Topik Andriansah
On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,

 We are very urgently need some experts as :

 1.  IT Supervisor (1 person)
 2.  Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
 3.  Network Engineer (1 person)
 4.  Software Engineer (2 persons)
 5.  Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
 6.  MIS (1 person)
 7.  System Analyst (1 person)

 Requirement :

 - Have an experienced more than 12 years (1), more than 10 years
 (2-7) in related fields.

Ini nih yan berat, gak salah nih? 10 tahun? saya aja baru 7 tahun sejak
lulus S1, kerja udah 4x pindah, di tpt sekarang udah masuk tahun ke 4.

- Able to manage team members (1).

 - Have strong knowledge of computer technology (1-7).

 - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).

 - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).

 - Problem Solver (1-5).

 Technical Skill :

 - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL Server (Database design,
 Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).

 - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix Firewall, Firewall (3).

 Other Requirement :

 - Has an active NPWP.

 - Proof of tax payment for the last 3 years.

 Please send your resume and detailed curriculum vitae and photograph
 Sunday 19th, 2006 to :

 E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)

 Best Regards,


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! ::
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id

 Yahoo! Groups Links


syukuri aja yg ada...
nanti yg not really good akan hilang dengan sendirinya...

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

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RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik Freddy Pudjian
PT Transmarco Data Systems

Royal Palace Blok C25.
Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
Jakarta Selatan

-Original Message-
From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Hardiyansyah
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

Nama Perusahaan ?

Alamat ?

perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..

On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,

 We are very urgently need some experts as :

 1.  IT Supervisor (1 person)
 2.  Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
 3.  Network Engineer (1 person)
 4.  Software Engineer (2 persons)
 5.  Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
 6.  MIS (1 person)
 7.  System Analyst (1 person)

 Requirement :

 - Have an experienced more than 12 years (1), more than 10 years
 (2-7) in related fields.

 - Able to manage team members (1).

 - Have strong knowledge of computer technology (1-7).

 - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).

 - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).

 - Problem Solver (1-5).

 Technical Skill :

 - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL Server (Database design,
 Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).

 - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix Firewall, Firewall (3).

 Other Requirement :

 - Has an active NPWP.

 - Proof of tax payment for the last 3 years.

 Please send your resume and detailed curriculum vitae and photograph
 Sunday 19th, 2006 to :

 E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)

 Best Regards,


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! ::
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id

 Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

Yahoo! Groups Links


www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

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RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik Freddy Pudjian
Baca dulu pak. Bukan sbg sales, tp sbg IT engineer. Maxgain mencari sales2.
Ini untuk resources. Lain kali baca dulu y, baru ambil kesimpulan.

Best Regards,


-Original Message-
From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Carnegz
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:09 PM
To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

Nah kalo ini BISA jadi MAXGAIN lage he he he he he

--- Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear all,
 We are very urgently need some experts as :
 1.IT Supervisor (1 person)
 2.Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
 3.Network Engineer (1 person)
 4.Software Engineer (2 persons)
 5.Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
 6.MIS (1 person)
 7.System Analyst (1 person)
 Requirement :
 - Have an experienced more than 12 years
 (1), more than 10 years
 (2-7) in related fields.
 - Able to manage team members (1).
 - Have strong knowledge of computer
 technology (1-7).
 - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
 - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
 - Problem Solver (1-5).
 Technical Skill :
 - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
 Server (Database design,
 Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
 - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
 Firewall, Firewall (3).
 Other Requirement :
 - Has an active NPWP.
 - Proof of tax payment for the last 3 years.
 Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
 vitae and photograph before
 Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
 E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
 Best Regards,
 [Non-text portions of this message have been
 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
 Yahoo! Groups Links

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:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

Yahoo! Groups Links


www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi Indonesia 
Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
:: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat reply! :: 
## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
$$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$

[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

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* Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:

RE: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer

2006-03-19 Terurut Topik Carnegz
BTW TransMarco mangnya sudah pindah dari gedung Artha
Graha yach :),,, setahu saya kantornya disana deh

--- Freddy Pudjian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PT Transmarco Data Systems
 Royal Palace Blok C25.
 Jl. Prof. Soepomo, SH 178-A
 Jakarta Selatan
 -Original Message-
 From: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Hardiyansyah
 Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 7:43 AM
 To: ITCENTER@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ITCENTER] Lowongan IT Engineer
 Nama Perusahaan ?
 Alamat ?
 perlu dicuriga-in nich he.. he..
 On 3/16/06, Freddy Pudjian
  Dear all,
  We are very urgently need some experts as :
  1.  IT Supervisor (1 person)
  2.  Database Administrator (DBA) (2 persons)
  3.  Network Engineer (1 person)
  4.  Software Engineer (2 persons)
  5.  Hardware Engineer (2 persons)
  6.  MIS (1 person)
  7.  System Analyst (1 person)
  Requirement :
  - Have an experienced more than 12 years
 (1), more than 10 years
  (2-7) in related fields.
  - Able to manage team members (1).
  - Have strong knowledge of computer
 technology (1-7).
  - Independent, good teamwork (1-7).
  - Analytical skill (1, 6-7).
  - Problem Solver (1-5).
  Technical Skill :
  - Has strong knowledge in Oracle / SQL
 Server (Database design,
  Index tuning, Backup, Replication) (2).
  - Has strong knowledge in LAN, Router, Pix
 Firewall, Firewall (3).
  Other Requirement :
  - Has an active NPWP.
  - Proof of tax payment for the last 3
  Please send your resume and detailed curriculum
 vitae and photograph
  Sunday 19th, 2006 to :
  E-mail to : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Priyo C)
  Best Regards,
  [Non-text portions of this message have been
  www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
  Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
  :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst)
 saat reply! ::
  ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
  $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship
  [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been
 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
 Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim :
 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
 Yahoo! Groups Links
 www.itcenter.or.id - Komunitas Teknologi Informasi
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 :: Hapus bagian yang tidak perlu (footer, dst) saat
 reply! :: 
 ## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa:
 itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
 $$ Iklan/promosi : www.itcenter.or.id/sponsorship $$
 [@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di
 Yahoo! Groups Links

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## Jobs: itcenter.or.id/jobs ## Bursa: itcenter.or.id/bursa ##
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[@@] Jaket ITCENTER tersedia di http://shop.itcenter.or.id 

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[ITCENTER] Lowongan Network Engineer (IT)

2005-07-20 Terurut Topik Edward Purba
Kami adalah  perusahan Finance yang bergerak di bidang securities
membutuhkan  secepatnya network engineer (Replacement) untuk ditempatkan di
Jakarta dan kami mempunyai Cabang Bandung, Bogor, Semarang dan Surabaya
semua network sudah terintegrasi baik voice maupun data  untuk itu kami
membutuhkan engineer Network  dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
1. Teknik informatika, elektro  minimal S-1
2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
3. Familiar dengan Cisco Router, Pix Firewall, Switch  lebih disukai CCNA
4. Familiar dengan Linux
5. Familiar dengan MS Windows advanced Server 2000/2003, Exchange Server
6. Familiar dengan teknologi Frame Relay
7. Dapat berkerja dengan team work 

NB: dibutuhkan secepatnya  yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil utk interview
dan  kirimkan CV anda ke E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Terima kasih 


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Info, Gabung, Keluar, Mode Kirim : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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:: SPONSOR ---
Web hosting 1GB space cuma Rp. 65ribu/bln
Multiple website, free domain name. http://www.rakdata.com

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