[IWETEL] Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography, Version 2

2011-01-17 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version 2 of the Digital Curation and Preservation
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship as an
XHTML website with live links to many included works.  This
selective bibliography includes over 500 articles, books,
and technical reports  that are useful in understanding
digital curation and preservation.  All included works are
in English.  It is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.


Table of Contents


1 General Works about Digital Curation and Preservation
2 Digital Preservation Copyright Issues
3 Digital Preservation of Formats and Materials
3.1 General Works
3.2 Digital Data
3.3 Digital Media
3.4 E-journals
3.5 Other Digital Formats and Materials
3.6 World-Wide Web
4 Digital Preservation Metadata
5 Digital Preservation Models and Policies
6 Digital Preservation National and International Efforts
7 Digital Preservation Projects and Institutional
8 Digital Preservation Research
9 Digital Preservation Services
9.3 Portico
10 Digital Preservation Strategies
11 Digital Repository Digital Preservation Issues
Appendix A. Related Bibliographies
Appendix B. About the Author

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

1. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version 79


2. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version


3. Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 3


4. Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A
Bibliography (a paperback, a PDF file, and an XHTML website)


See also: Reviews of Digital Scholarship Publications:


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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship Chronology

Para darse de baja IWETEL pincha y envia el siguiente url

[IWETEL] Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version 79

2010-12-13 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version 79 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship as an
XHTML website with live links to many included works.  This
selective bibliography includes over 3,880 articles, books,
technical reports, and other scholarly textual sources that
are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing
efforts on the Internet.  All included works are in English.
It is available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.


The next version of the bibliography is scheduled for June 2011.

Changes in This Version

Two new sections have been added in this version: (1) 2.4
Electronic Books and Texts: Research and (2) 4.1 General
Works: Research (Multiple-Types of Electronic Works).

The bibliography has the following sections (new/revised
sections are marked with an asterisk):

Table of Contents

1 Economic Issues*
2 Electronic Books and Texts
  2.1 Case Studies and History*
  2.2 General Works*
  2.3 Library Issues*
  2.4 Research*
3 Electronic Serials
  3.1 Case Studies and History*
  3.2 Critiques*
  3.3 Electronic Distribution of Printed Journals*
  3.4 General Works*
  3.5 Library Issues*
  3.6 Research*
4 General Works*
  4.1 Research (Multiple-Types of Electronic Works)*
5 Legal Issues
  5.1 Digital Copyright*
  5.2 License Agreements*
6 Library Issues
  6.1 Digital Libraries*
  6.2 Digital Preservation*
  6.3 General Works*
  6.4 Metadata and Linking*
7 New Publishing Models*
8 Publisher Issues*
  8.1 Digital Rights Management and User Authentication*
9 Repositories, E-Prints, and OAI*
Appendix A. Related Bibliographies*
Appendix B. About the Author*
Appendix C. SEPB Use Statistics

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

1. Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version


2. Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 3


3. Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A
Bibliography (a paperback, a PDF file, and an XHTML website)


See also: Reviews of Digital Scholarship Publications:


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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship Chronology

Para darse de baja IWETEL pincha y envia el siguiente url

[IWETEL] Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version 5

2010-11-29 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version five of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship as
an XHTML website with live links to many included works.
This selective bibliography includes articles, books,
conference papers, technical reports, unpublished e-prints
and other scholarly textual sources that are useful in
understanding electronic theses and dissertations. All
included works are in English.  It is available under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United
States License.


The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 3


Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A
Bibliography (a paperback, a PDF file, and an XHTML website)


See also: Reviews of Digital Scholarship Publications.


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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship Chronology

Los archivos de IWETEL  pueden ser consultados en: 

[IWETEL] Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 3

2010-11-14 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
An institutional repository is a digital repository specific
to a single institution that contains diverse types of
digital works that deal with the disciplines associated with
that institution.

Version three of the Institutional Repository Bibliography
is now available from Digital Scholarship as an XHTML
website with live links to many included works. It primarily
includes published articles, books, and technical reports. A
limited number of conference papers and unpublished e-prints
are also included. All included works are in English. It is
available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial
3.0 United States License.


The bibliography has the following sections (all sections
have been updated):

1 General
2 Country and Regional Institutional Repository Surveys
3 Multiple-Institution Repositories
4 Specific Institutional Repositories
5 Institutional Repository Digital Preservation Issues
6 Institutional Repository Library Issues
7 Institutional Repository Metadata Issues
8 Institutional Repository Open Access Policies
9 Institutional Repository R&D Projects
10 Institutional Repository Research Studies
11 Institutional Repository Software
12 Electronic Theses and Dissertations in Institutional
Appendix A. Related Bibliographies
Appendix B. About the Author

The following recent Digital Scholarship publication may
also be of interest:

Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A
Bibliography (a paperback, a PDF file, and an XHTML website)


For reviews of Digital Scholarship publications, see:


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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Digital Scholarship Chronology

Normas para el correcto uso del correo electrónico:

[IWETEL] XHTML Version of Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access with Live Links

2010-10-12 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access: A
Bibliography is now available as an XHTML website with live
links to many included works. All versions of the
bibliography are available under a Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

OA XHTML: http://digital-scholarship.org/tsp/w/tsp.html

OA PDF: http://digital-scholarship.org/tsp/transforming.pdf

Low-Cost Paperback:

This bibliography presents over 1,100 selected
English-language scholarly works useful in understanding the
open access movement's efforts to provide free access to and
unfettered use of scholarly literature.  The bibliography
primarily includes books and published journal articles.
(See the "Preface" for further details about scope and
selection criteria).

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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

A Look Back at 21 Years as an Open Access Publisher

Los artículos de IWETEL son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración 
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)

[IWETEL] Version 1, Open Access Journals Bibliography

2010-08-21 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version one of the Open Access Journals Bibliography is now
available from Digital Scholarship. Open access journals
publish articles (typically peer-reviewed articles) that are
free of charge and, depending on the journal, may be able to
be reused under an open license (e.g., a Creative Commons

This bibliography presents selected English-language
scholarly works that are useful in understanding open access
journals. It does not cover works about e-prints or works
that include open access journals in a treatment of diverse
types of research materials. Most sources have been
published from 1999 to the present; however, a few key
sources published prior to 1999 are also included. The
bibliography primarily includes books and published journal
articles. A limited number of magazine articles and
technical reports that are deemed to be of exceptional
interest are also included. The bibliography includes links
to freely available versions of included works.


The following Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

(1) Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, version 78


(2) Digital Scholarship 2009 (paperback and open access PDF


(3) Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008
Annual Edition (paperback, Kindle version, and open access
PDF file)


(4) Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography,
version 1


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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

A Look Back at 21 Years as an Open Access Publisher

Los archivos de IWETEL  pueden ser consultados en: 

[IWETEL] Version 78, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

2010-06-30 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Translate (oversatta, oversette, prelozit, traducir,
traduire, tradurre, traduzir, or ubersetzen):


Version 78 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship.
This selective bibliography presents over 3,750 articles,
books, and other printed and electronic sources that are
useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing
efforts on the Internet.


Changes in This Version

The bibliography has the following sections (revised
sections are  marked with an asterisk):

Table of Contents

1 Economic Issues*
2 Electronic Books and Texts
  2.1 Case Studies and History*
  2.2 General Works*
  2.3 Library Issues*
3 Electronic Serials
  3.1 Case Studies and History*
  3.2 Critiques*
  3.3 Electronic Distribution of Printed Journals*
  3.4 General Works*
  3.5 Library Issues*
  3.6 Research*
4 General Works*
5 Legal Issues
  5.1 Intellectual Property Rights*
  5.2 License Agreements*
6 Library Issues
  6.1 Cataloging, Identifiers, Linking, and Metadata*
  6.2 Digital Libraries*
  6.3 General Works*
  6.4 Information Integrity and Preservation*
7 New Publishing Models*
8 Publisher Issues*
  8.1 Digital Rights Management and User Authentication*
9 Repositories, E-Prints, and OAI*
Appendix A. Related Bibliographies*
Appendix B. About the Author*
Appendix C. SEPB Use Statistics*

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

(1) Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography,
Version 1


(2) Google Books Bibliography, Version 6


(3) Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 2



Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

A Look Back at 21 Years as an Open Access Publisher

Los archivos de IWETEL  pueden ser consultados en: 

[IWETEL] PDF: Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition

2010-06-21 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Translate (oversatta, oversette, prelozit, traducir,
traduire, tradurre, traduzir, or ubersetzen):


This June is the twenty-first anniversary of PACS-L, an
early mailing list. PACS-L facilitated the establishment in
August 1989 of The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
(PACS Review), one of the first open access journals
published on the Internet. In turn, a PACS Review experiment
resulted in the establishment of the Scholarly Electronic
Publishing Bibliography in October 1996, which led to the
establishment of Digital Scholarship in April 2005. See "A
Look Back at 21 Years as an Open Access Publisher" for


To commemorate these events, Digital Scholarship has
released a free PDF version of the Scholarly Electronic
Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition.



Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Para darse de baja IWETEL pincha y envia el siguiente url

[IWETEL] Digital Curation and Preservation Bibliography, Version 1

2010-05-17 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version one of the Digital Curation and Preservation
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship.


This bibliography presents over 360 selected
English-language articles, books, and technical reports that
are useful in understanding digital curation and

Most sources have been published between 2000 and the
present; however, a limited number of key sources published
prior to 2000 are also included.  Where possible, links are
provided to sources that are freely available on the
Internet, including e-prints for published articles in
disciplinary archives and institutional repositories.  Note
that e-prints and published articles may not be identical.
See the scope note for further details:


The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

* Digital Scholarship 2009


* Google Book Search Bibliography, Version 6


* Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 2


* Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version



Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Para darse de baja IWETEL pincha y envia el siguiente url

[IWETEL] Google Books Bibliography, Version 6

2010-04-12 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Translate (oversatta, oversette, prelozit, traducir,
traduire, tradurre, traduzir, or ubersetzen):


Version 6 of the Google Books Bibliography is now available
from Digital Scholarship.


This bibliography presents over 310 selected
English-language articles and other works that are useful in
understanding Google Books. It primarily focuses on the
evolution of Google Books and the legal, library, and social
issues associated with it. Where possible, links are
provided to works that are freely available on the Internet,
including e-prints in disciplinary archives and
institutional repositories.

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

o Digital Scholarship 2009 (http://bit.ly/dCMnd5): 504-page
paperback that includes four bibliographies: the Scholarly
Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2009 Annual Edition, the
Institutional Repository Bibliography, the Electronic Theses
and Dissertations Bibliography, and the Google Book Search

o Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 2
(http://bit.ly/B0Xsf): Includes over 700 selected
English-language articles and other works that are useful in
understanding institutional repositories.

o Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography, Version
4 (http://bit.ly/1eyLv5): Includes over 130 selected
English-language articles and other works that are useful in
understanding electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).


Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Para darse de baja IWETEL pincha y envia el siguiente url

[IWETEL] Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 2

2010-01-10 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version two of the Institutional Repository Bibliography is
now available from Digital Scholarship:


The Institutional Repository Bibliography presents over 700
selected English-language articles, books, technical
reports, and other scholarly textual sources that are useful
in understanding institutional repositories. This version
significantly expands coverage of technical reports and adds
a search function (Google index update for version two may
take a few days).

Most sources have been published between 2000 and the
present; however, a limited number of key sources published
prior to 2000 are also included. Where possible, links are
provided to e-prints in disciplinary archives and
institutional repositories for published articles.

The bibliography has the following sections (revised
sections marked with an asterisk):

1 General*
2 Country and Regional Institutional Repository Surveys*
3 Multiple-Institution Repositories*
4 Specific Institutional Repositories*
5 Institutional Repository Digital Preservation Issues*
6 Institutional Repository Library Issues*
7 Institutional Repository Metadata Issues*
8 Institutional Repository Open Access Policies*
9 Institutional Repository R&D Projects*
10 Institutional Repository Research Studies*
11 Institutional Repository Software*
Appendix A. About the Author*

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

(1) Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, Version
77: http://bit.ly/GdDqp

(2) Google Book Search Bibliography, Version 5:

(3) Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography,
Version 4: http://bit.ly/1eyLv5

(4) Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008
Annual Edition (print/Kindle): http://bit.ly/2X8zKF

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Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Los artículos de IWETEL son distribuidos gracias al apoyo y colaboración 
técnica de RedIRIS - Red Académica española - (http://www.rediris.es)

[IWETEL] Version 77, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography

2009-12-15 Por tema Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Version 77 of the Scholarly Electronic Publishing
Bibliography is now available from Digital Scholarship.
This selective bibliography presents over 3,620 articles,
books, and other printed and electronic sources that are
useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing
efforts on the Internet.


The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008
Annual Edition is available as a paperback book and as a
Kindle e-book.


Changes in This Version

The bibliography has the following sections (revised
sections are marked with an asterisk):

Table of Contents

1 Economic Issues*
2 Electronic Books and Texts
 2.1 Case Studies and History*
 2.2 General Works*
 2.3 Library Issues*
3  Electronic Serials
 3.1 Case Studies and History*
 3.2 Critiques
 3.3 Electronic Distribution of Printed Journals
 3.4 General Works*
 3.5 Library Issues*
 3.6 Research*
4 General Works*
5 Legal Issues
 5.1 Intellectual Property Rights*
 5.2 License Agreements*
6  Library Issues
 6.1 Cataloging, Identifiers, Linking, and Metadata*
 6.2 Digital Libraries*
 6.3 General Works*
 6.4 Information Integrity and Preservation*
7 New Publishing Models*
8 Publisher Issues
 8.1 Digital Rights Management and User Authentication*
9 Repositories, E-Prints, and OAI*
Appendix A. Related Bibliographies*
Appendix B. About the Author*
Appendix C. SEPB Use Statistics

The following recent Digital Scholarship publications may
also be of interest:

(1) Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography,
Version 4 (7/15/2009)


(2) Google Book Search Bibliography, Version 5


(3) Institutional Repository Bibliography, Version 1



Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Publisher, Digital Scholarship

Los archivos de IWETEL  pueden ser consultados en: 