I am going crazy with that:

If I create a tunnel on port 5222 (ssh -L 5222:localhost:5222 devloop.de) and 
if I set my jabber client to connect to localhost:5222 everything is working 
fine. Login works, presence message are comming in. This is the log:
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=49636] connect
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] legacy authentication succeeded: 
host=devloop.de, username=damage, resource=Kopete
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] requesting session: 
Jul 16 23:26:32 devloop jabberd/sm[4422]: session started: 

But if I try to use the normal "remote" way and try to connect directly to 
devloop.de:5222 my client is hanging during login. And the log is just:
Jul 16 23:27:28 devloop jabberd/c2s[4445]: [8] [, port=33738] 

I don't think it is a firewall problem as packets are received by c2s daemon. 
Just one thing I determined:
devloop ~ # ping devloop.de
PING devloop.de ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from devloop.de ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms
My server resolves itself as through /etc/hosts file. But I don't 
think it's a problem because I already tried without that.

Any ideas what's going on there? I can provide XMLs if needed but I really hope 
it's a kind of 'RTFM problem'...

Some infos about my installation:
- version 2.2.4
- mysql storage backend
- sm and router are bound to
- c2s and s2s are bound to
- sm has "auto-create user" enabled

thanks in advance

PS: My client is able to connect to another jabber server.

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