[jackson-user] Jackson 2.13.0-rc2 released; more time for testing the Release Candidate, fix bugs

2021-08-27 Thread Tatu Saloranta
As per title, I decided that instead of trying to release the official
2.13.0, it makes sense to instead push another release candidate.
Decision is due to:

1. Multiple fixes since rc1, including important ones (see
https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson/wiki/Jackson-Release-2.13 -- alas,
fixes for rc1 not separated)
2. A few bugs remain on the list of "really want to fix for 2.13.0 final"

I have also had much less time to work on Jackson itself lately (first due
to vacation, but also due to starting a new job which requires a lot of
active learning at this point) so things are a bit slow on getting PRs
integrated, verified and so on.
I feel that avoiding the rush to "just get it done" makes sense here, to
minimize the possibility of regressions.

Having said that, I do hope that the final 2.13.0 will get out by
mid-September 2021.

At this point I would REALLY welcome help in regression/compatibility
testing Jackson 2.13.0-rc2. Thank you everyone who tested, reported issues
with 2.13.0-rc1!

-+ Tatu +-

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[jackson-user] Jackson 2.12.5 released: 1 important (and 3 other) fixes

2021-08-27 Thread Tatu Saloranta
Quick note: I decided to release yet one more 2.12 full patch release of
Fixes are listed here:


and of these the notable problem fixed is:


which has to do with generic type resolution of static factory style
Creator methods (read the issue for more details if interested). This was a
regression from 2.11.

After this release I do not expect another full patch release of 2.12 or
earlier Jackson versions.

-+ Tatu +-

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