On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 5:41 PM Oliver Hancock <oliverwhanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am taking in a JSON file that is an array of objects. I am trying to unnest 
> it and serialize it however memory management is very import, meaning that 
> the json being read and unested needs to be done through through a stream. 
> The given input would look like an array of json objects looking like this:
> {"a": "some \"string\" here"}
> With the desired outcome looking like
> {"data": "{\"a\":\"some \\\"string\\\" here\"}"}
> for the reading and writing of the data object i am using the jackson 
> streaming library as it is the least memory intensive library fitting with my 
> requirements. To serialize the data i am use an chararray library called 
> fastUtils however the problem persists without this so it is not the library 
> or the serialization itself. I have also increased the buffer size of both 
> the pipedReader object and the char buffer but again there is no benefit.
> Current code:
> Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
> Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
> final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JsonFactory();
> final JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = jsonFactory.createGenerator(writer);
> final JsonParser jsonParser = jsonFactory.createParser(reader);
> jsonParser.nextValue();
> jsonGenerator.writeStartObject();
> jsonGenerator.writeFieldName("dataItem");
> jsonGenerator.flush();
> writer.flush();
> writer.write(58)
> PipedReader pipedReader = new PipedReader(4096);
> PipedWriter pipedWriter = new PipedWriter(pipedReader);
> JsonGenerator jsonGeneratorPiped = jsonFactory.createGenerator(pipedWriter);
> new Thread(
>     new Runnable(){
>     public void run() {
>         jsonGeneratorPiped.copyCurrentStructure(jsonParser);
>         jsonGeneratorPiped.flush();
>         pipedWriter.close();
>     }
>     }
> ).start();
> char[] buffer = new char[2048];
> int len = reader.read(buffer);
> char quote = '"';
> char escape = '\\';
> CharArrayList listBuffer;
> //listBuffer = new CharArrayList();
> while (len != -1) {
>     listBuffer = new CharArrayList(buffer,0,len);
>     //listBuffer.addElements(0,buffer,0,len);
>     for (CharListIterator iter = listBuffer.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
>         if (iter.nextChar() == quote) {
>             iter.set(escape);
>             iter.add(quote);
>         }
>     }
>     writer.write(listBuffer.elements(), 0, listBuffer.size());
>     //toCharArray uses lot of memory
>     //writer.write(listBuffer.toCharArray(), 0, listBuffer.size());
>     //listBuffer.trim();
>     len = reader.read(buffer);
> }
> writer.flush();
> pipedReader.close();
> jsonGeneratorPiped.close();
> jsonGenerator.writeEndObject();
> jsonGenerator.flush();
> jsonGenerator.close();
> jsonParser.close();
> that is the current code i have implemented and it works fine for files that 
> are small, however with larger files >10mb from my testing, the stream closes 
> mid way through resulting in this error
> java.io.IOexception: stream is closed
> Any help would be greatly appreciated

Since Jackson does not do any such limits checking currently, I'd
guess use of PipedReader / PipedWriter is problematic.
Your Runnable may be throwing an exception that you are not catching

Alternatively if you are reading from/writing to some network resource
(reading from a server via URL), it's likely some limit by that
system. 10 megs sounds like the kind of limit many systems impose for
maximum requests/responses.

I hope this helps,

-+ Tatu +-

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