Hi Everyone,

I saw the email below in the archives and I'm having the same problem: the 
iReport doesn't acknowledge the aliases at runtime.

The report SQL is automatically parsed fine and all fields are parsed fine with 
the correct alias names.

But at runtime it throws an exception about Unknown column name: THE_ALIAS

I get that error only if I use the new version 1.2.0, if I use the old version 
that I have 0.4.0 it works fine, and since I'm using the same driver from the 
same jconn3.jar, I'm thinking it has to do with iReport.

Anyone else having the same issue?


From: Barry Klawans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: Field Alias
2005-10-28 12:04

 That sounds like the field names did not get set to the alias name
 correctly, so that the report engine doesn't see a declaration of the
 field named "tableA_name".  In iReport bring up the Report Query
 window and check what the lower half shows as the field names.  I bet
 they show "name" twice.  If so, make sure that "Automatically
 Retrieve Fields" is selected.  If it is selected, and you have the
 aliases in the query but they aren't showing up in the field list,
 that means the JDBC driver you are using isn't showing the aliases

 If that is the problem, the fix is pretty easy.  Leave the Query
 window and bring up the Report Fields window.  (Go to the View menu
 and select "Report Fields".  In this window you should see a field
 called id, and possible one or two named "name".  Rename one to
 tableA_name and the other to tableB_name.  If the list only shows one
 field called "name" simply add a new one.

 One last thing to watch out for.  Some drivers map alias names to all
 lower  case (like the PostgreSQL driver) so the names may need to be

 -Barry Klawans

 On Oct 27, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Sigit Purnomo M wrote:

 > Hello.. I'm new in Java and JasperReports. But I already try
 > to create / design some report using iReport 0.5.1. But I found a
 > problem: How can I
 > use some field with the same name? For example I have this query:
 > select a.id, a.name as tableA_name, b.name as tableB_name
 > from tableA a, tableB b
 > where a.id = b.id
 > When I compile report with that query, it return this error:
 > net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Report design not valid :
 > 1. Field not found : tableA_name
 > .....
 > So, is there anyone can help me?
 > Thanx in advance
 > Sigit Purnomo M
 > Indonesia

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