With the LUCENE-1297, the SpellChecker will be able to choose how to estimate distance between two words.

Here are some other enhancement:
* The capacity to synchronize the main Index and the SpellChecker Index. Handling tokens creation is easy, a simple TokenFilter can do the work. But for Token deletion, it's a bit harder. Lazy deleted can be used if each time, token popularity is checked in the main Index. It's a pull strategy, a push from the Directory should be lighter. * Choosing the similarity strategy. Now, it's only a Ngram computation. Homophony can be nice, for example. * Spell Index can be used for dynamic similarity without disturbing the main Index. By example, Snowball is nice for grouping words from its roots, but it disturbs the Index if you wont to make a start with query.

Some time ago, I suggested a patch LUCENE-1190, but, I guess it's too monolithic. A more modular way should be better.

Any comments or suggestion?


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