[java ee programming] Re: LAB 4005

2009-11-11 Thread Alfredo Torres
maybe is because the atribute is set to nothing before removed.

I am not sure

2009/11/10 sparky jeffrey.dun...@att.net


 I noticed the same thing. The attributeReplaced method is called
 before the attributeRemoved method.  Does anyone know why this occurs?


 On Oct 8, 5:29 am, Anand A. Parikh anand_a_par...@yahoo.com wrote:
  When a session attribute is added/replaced/removed the methods will be
 called automatically.
  The homework asks you to add a session attribute in Greeting and remove
 it in Response.
  But, I noticed that the attributeReplaced() was called when the attribute
 was removed.
  --- On Wed, 10/7/09, derezone derez...@yahoo.com wrote:
  From: derezone derez...@yahoo.com
  Subject: [java ee programming] LAB 4005
  To: Java EE (J2EE) Programming with Passion! 
  Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 11:19 PM
  For this homework •Add another event handler Java source file called
  MyOwnEventListener that implements Http Session Attribute Listener.
  the code is as follows:
  public void attributeAdded(HttpSessionBindingEvent se)
  servletContext.log(attributeAdded() method is invoked);
  public void attributeRemoved(HttpSessionBindingEvent se)
   servletContext.log(attributeRemoved() method is
  public void attributeReplaced(HttpSessionBindingEvent se)
   servletContext.log(attributeReplaced() method is
  Now the question is :  how do I invoke these methods?? Do I need to
  change  something in the web pages
  or any extra code in the greeting or response java  ? ?
  I have the getSession() code in place.


Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: contuining with my lab 4008 question

2009-11-10 Thread Alfredo Torres
br/ is giving the error br is not a tag is a line break

font color=red ${name} /font

Hope this help

2009/11/10 fernando pardo ingsopor...@gmail.com

 hello guys .
 I continue with my back email relationed with the lab 4008

 if someone could help me
 I send the problem

 the followin sentence in the products.jsp generated the following wrong:

 This is the item: font color=red ${name} /fontbr/
 HERE netbeans generated the wrong: expresion language not allowed in a
 template text body

 thanks a lot


Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Homework lab 4104

2009-11-04 Thread Alfredo Torres

  Could anyone tell me how to send a custom message to the
ValidatorException something like The minimun acceptable is 5 and maximun

  Instead  throw new ValidatorException(MessageFactory.getMessage(context,

  Something like throw new ValidatorException(Minimun is {0} and Maximun is

 Thanks in advance

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: mistake of work home struts 2

2009-11-04 Thread Alfredo Torres

Mr. Shing move Struts2 training to an advanced course, So Strut2 is
not part of this course anymore.


On 3 nov, 12:40, cristiamterrera cristiamterr...@gmail.com wrote:
 This work is disappeared of the page :

 # Struts 2

     * Struts 2 Basics (2 hour lecture + 1 hour lab) - (Nov. 28th,
 2009) (homework #13)

 anybody know about this??

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[java ee programming] Re: Which version of JDK/SDK is needed for running the Servlet?

2009-10-02 Thread Alfredo Torres
The last version should be fine.


2009/10/1 arindam chatterjee arindamchatterjee...@gmail.com

 Which version of JDK is needed to run the servlet applications?It will be
 of help if you provide me the required link for downloading.

 I have used SDK(java_ee_sdk-5_07-windows-ml) and
 JDK(jdk-6u16-windows-i586),but found no help(the javax.servlet and
 javax.servlet.http are missing)

 With thanks,

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: Struts 2

2009-09-30 Thread Alfredo Torres


Thanks a lot, you where all right.

2009/9/29 Karl karlk...@yahoo.com:
 I suspect the resource you are using in web.xml for your welcome-file.list 
 is stated incorrectly. I suspect it should be index.html so like this:


 --- On Tue, 9/29/09, Alfredo Torres alfredoluis.tor...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: Alfredo Torres alfredoluis.tor...@gmail.com
 Subject: [java ee programming] Struts 2
 To: Java EE (J2EE) Programming with Passion! 
 Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2009, 8:49 AM

   I have to format and reinstall my pc.

   I have XP sp 3, Netbeans 6.7.1 with Java , Java Web
 and EE. With
 Apache tomcat and Glassfish Prelude V3.

   When i try to open and run the Strut2-Hellotime
 project from the lab
 folder i receive the page in the attachments.

   In any on the web servers apache or Glashfish.

   Any idea??

 Thanks in advance

 Alfredo Torres
 Hab.+58 212 9446304
 Cel. +58 416 6118599


Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Struts 2

2009-09-29 Thread Alfredo Torres

  I have to format and reinstall my pc.

  I have XP sp 3, Netbeans 6.7.1 with Java , Java Web and EE. With
Apache tomcat and Glassfish Prelude V3.

  When i try to open and run the Strut2-Hellotime project from the lab
folder i receive the page in the attachments.

  In any on the web servers apache or Glashfish.

  Any idea??

Thanks in advance

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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attachment: Dibujo.JPG

[java ee programming] Struts2

2009-09-21 Thread Alfredo Torres


  I have read the struts2 presentaiton and hands on lab 2 times but i
dont get it, i can not understand the structure, is there any other
site that explain struts2 in more detail from the beggining whithout
mix code??

Thanks a lot for your answer

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: JSP 2.0 Custom Tags - Homework required?

2009-09-14 Thread Alfredo Torres

  I suppose the first answer is *Yes* at least a did it.

  And if you follow the homework the example is the one you work at point
(2.3) Exercise Display Products Example Part 1

Hope this help

2009/9/12 Dhwani Patel swami.learningj...@gmail.com

 Hello all,

 I am running on JSP 2.0 Custom Tags lession. After completion we have
 homework ! But if we check on topic with homework assignment, we dont have
 that homework listed !

 Do we need to do that homework ? If yes,

 I dont know why but i dont find TomcatJSPExample example as sample of my
 Netbeans 6.5 ?
 Can any1 tell me from where should i get that ?

 Dhwani Patel


Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: Lab 4016

2009-09-11 Thread Alfredo Torres


  Solved, The database username and password need to be app in both
cases and the database name sample.


On Sep 10, 6:08 pm, Alfredo Torres alfredoluis.tor...@gmail.com

   I set up the database an create the book table but when i try tu run
 the Web my browser go to


 Anuone know the solution for this?

 Thanks in advance

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[java ee programming] LAB-4016 Build and run bookstore4-jndi sample application

2009-09-11 Thread Alfredo Torres


I follow the steps to create the jdbc resource and morify the derby
pool in the admin console in Glassfish 3.0 prelude.

But when i try to run the sample Web bookstore4-jndi i receive this

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/derby/client/am/

Where is supose to be that class?? or i have to addd something to the

Thanks in advance

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[java ee programming] Re: Applet lesson

2009-09-11 Thread Alfredo Torres


I found a really nice and perfect tutorial for beginners like me


It is a great tutorial

Hope this help someone

On Sep 11, 1:49 pm, Alfredo Torres alfredoluis.tor...@gmail.com

   In the applets lesson, The las one in Web Core Technologies:
 Servlet and JSP just have one link NetBeans IDE Applet Tutorial and
 is broken, so i found this tutorial in replacement.


 Hope this help others
 Alfredo Torres
 Hab.+58 212 9446304
 Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Lab 4016

2009-09-10 Thread Alfredo Torres


  I set up the database an create the book table but when i try tu run
the Web my browser go to


Anuone know the solution for this?

Thanks in advance

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[java ee programming] Lab 4006 homework

2009-09-09 Thread Alfredo Torres


  I am working on the lab 4006 homework, I have everithing aparently fine.

    Person person = new Person(Alfredo,Torres);
    sce.getServletContext().setAttribute(person, person);

  I have the person object then the name then the firstname and then
the lastname (I can see it in the debug mode)

 When i call   c:out value=The person first names is:
${person.name.firstName}/ in the page appear Alfredo

 but when i try to display ${person.name.lastName} i receive thie error:

The class 'org.apache.taglibs.standard.examples.beans.Name' does not
have the property 'lastName'.

Why anyone can help me on this??
Thanks in advance

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] LAB 4005- Serverlet Advanced

2009-09-07 Thread Alfredo Torres

  I am working on exercise 1.2 Add a Servlet filter to the hello2
application, I have Netbeans 6.7 with Apache Tomcat 6.0.18 as the configured

 My problem is that i can not see the Tomcat debug window or some window
that show the information in the GlassFish v 2.1 windows showed in the lab.

Any idea? or i have to configure a GlassFish server??
Thanks for your help
Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Lab 4003

2009-09-04 Thread Alfredo Torres

  I am on hand on lab 4003 in exsercise
(2.1) Build and run JSP Examples sample application
I create a new JSP project with the template JSP Examples under Web but when
i run it i just see 6 exampls and can not find the JSP 1.2 section.

So i can not proceed with this lab.

I am using Netbeans 6.7 with Tomcat Apache 2.2 on Windows XP service pack 3

Any help will be appreciated
Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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[java ee programming] Re: Lab 4003

2009-09-04 Thread Alfredo Torres
Sorry, My fault i was using the wrong tamplate, plase delete this post

2009/9/4 Alfredo Torres alfredoluis.tor...@gmail.com


   I am on hand on lab 4003 in exsercise
 (2.1) Build and run JSP Examples sample application
 I create a new JSP project with the template JSP Examples under Web but
 when i run it i just see 6 exampls and can not find the JSP 1.2 section.

 So i can not proceed with this lab.

 I am using Netbeans 6.7 with Tomcat Apache 2.2 on Windows XP service pack 3

 Any help will be appreciated
 Alfredo Torres
 Hab.+58 212 9446304
 Cel. +58 416 6118599

Alfredo Torres
Hab.+58 212 9446304
Cel. +58 416 6118599

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