Re: [java-list] Forte memoria

2000-09-04 Por tôpico Alysson Neves Bessani

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, William Massaki Shiguetaka wrote:

> Marcos,
> Algumas pessoas que me afirmam do insucesso do java, acusam o "peso" e
> "lentidao" como um grande ponto fraco..
> Infelizmente isso parece ser verdade.

As classes do Swing sao realmente muito pesadas... Porem muito
boas!!! Uma ferramenta como o Forte ou o JBuilder que sao feitas em Java
tem que ser pesadas mesmo... 
Agora lento ele nao eh!! Isso eu jah percebi, o problema da
lentidao estah em comecar a executar, e principalmente na falta de

Eh isso aih! 

Alysson Neves Bessani   
Laboratorio de Engenharia de Software
Universidade Estadual de Maringa

-- LISTA SOUJAVA  -  Sociedade de Usuários Java da Sucesu-SP 
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Re: [java-list] SOS javaneses

2000-09-04 Por tôpico luizbarbosa

Obrigado pela atenção. Não consigo conectar o banco 
de dados. o erro está na linha abaixo no url:
String url = "jdbc:odbc:cadastros";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection 
erro: NO Suitable Driver.

  - Original Message - 
  Daniel Díaz 

  Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 12:54 
  Subject: Re: [java-list] SOS 
  --- luizbarbosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: 
  >Estou com erro na conexao atraves de um Applet.> > 
  import;> import java.sql.*;> import 
  java.awt.*;> import java.applet.*;> > public class Teste 
  extends Applet> {  public void init()>    
  {  try>   {  String url = 
  Class.forName> ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");> 
  >  Connection con 
  => DriverManager.getConnection (url, "my_user",> 
  "my_passwd");> > proba url   "String url = 
  "jdbc:odbc:cadastros"; ?nao "String url = "C: 
  You Yahoo!?Obtenga su dirección de correo-e gratis @yahoo.comen


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  JDBCTM Guide: Getting 
  2 - ConnectionThis overview is excerpted from 
  JDBCTM Database Access from JavaTM: A Tutorial and Annotated Reference, 
  currently in progress at JavaSoft. This book, both a tutorial and the 
  definitive reference manual for JDBC, will be published in the spring of 1997 
  by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company as part of the Java series. 
  2.1    OverviewA 
  Connection object represents a connection with a database. A 
  connection session includes the SQL statements that are executed and the 
  results that are returned over that connection. A single application can have 
  one or more connections with a single database, or it can have connections 
  with many different databases. 
  2.1.1     Opening a ConnectionThe 
  standard way to establish a connection with a database is to call the method 
  DriverManager.getConnection. This method takes a string 
  containing a URL. The DriverManager class, referred to as the 
  JDBC management layer, attempts to locate a driver than can connect to the 
  database represented by that URL. The DriverManager class 
  maintains a list of registered Driver classes, and when the 
  method getConnection is called, it checks with each driver in the 
  list until it finds one that can connect to the database specified in the URL. 
  The Driver method connect uses this URL to actually 
  establish the connection. 
  A user can bypass the JDBC management layer and call 
  Driver methods directly. This could be useful in the rare case 
  that two drivers can connect to a database and the user wants to explicitly 
  select a particular driver. Normally, however, it is much easier to just let 
  the DriverManager class handle opening a connection. 
  The following code exemplifies opening a connection to 
  a database located at the URL "jdbc:odbc:wombat" with a user ID 
  of "oboy" and "12Java" as the password : 
  String url = "jdbc:odbc:wombat";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "oboy", "12Java");

  2.1.2     URLs in General UseSince URLs 
  often cause some confusion, we will first give a brief explanation of URLs in 
  general and then go on to a discussion of JDBC URLs. 
  A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) gives information for 
  locating a resource on the Internet. It can be thought of as an address. 
  The first part of a URL specifies the protocol used to 
  access information, and it is always followed by a colon. Some common 
  protocols are "ftp", which specifies "file transfer protocol," and "http," 
  which specifies "hypertext transfer protocol." If the protocol is "file," it 
  indicates that the resource is in a local file system rather than on the 
  Internet. (Underlining in the examples below is used to indicate the part 
  being described; it is not part of the URL.)
The rest of a URL, everything after the first colon, 
  gives information about where the data source is located. If the protocol is 
  file, the rest of the URL is the path to a file. For the 
  protocols ftp and http, the rest of the URL 
  identifies the host and may optionally give a path to a more specific site. 
  For example, below is the URL for the JavaSoft home page. This URL identifies 
  only the host:
By navigating from this home page, one can go to 
  many other pages, one of which is the JDBC home page. The URL for the JDBC 
  home page is more specific and looks like this:

  2.1.3     JDBC URLs A JDBC URL