
I have a custom Query class that provides a long list of lucene docIds (not for 
filtering purposes), which is one clause in a standard BooleanQuery (which also 
contains TermQuery instances).

I have a custom Scorer that goes along with the custom Query class. 

What (if any) document ordering requirements does the Scorer class have for its 
skipTo(int docId) method?

In particular, currently I'm sorting/returning the docIds in ascending order 
from my custom Query class. That can be expensive for large docId lists; is 
sorting necessary? It looks like skipTo() might expect the documents it gets to 
be in ascending order to behave correctly as part of a BooleanQuery, but I 
can't tell for sure from the doc.

If the document list from my custom Scorer class does not have its document 
list in ascending order (e.g. 10, 80, 40, 60, 50) will whatever uses skipTo() 
potentially lose hits? If not, is there any performance concern with having the 
docIds unordered?

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