It appears (in recent podcasts) that the Posse (Dick only?) equates
multi-threading to parallelism.
Definitely, if you're interested in calculations and batch processing
this is the way to go and Actors/MapReduce/Executors/Futures/fork-join/
etc. help greatly.

Concurrency seems to be ignored though...
Bruce Eckel brought it up a little (Goetz talk?) but the discussion
moved quickly to parallelism (and Scala...).  :-(

Typically, applications that rely on a lot of interactions and shared
data can't use these high level constructs. The current solution is to
use a container (app-server?) to deal with the interaction part and
hope for some data access layer to deal with the shared data issues.
But this breaks down very quickly when performance isn't good. Then
these tasks are moved in the application itself and we're back to
square one again...

So far, I haven't seen many answers to this. The only answer I've
found is the excellent MultithreadedTC by Bill Pugh and Nat Ayewah. It
is a very good tool but still relies on already understanding the
multi-threading issues that you are testing for... If you don't it's a
bit of a chicken-and-egg problem...
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