[JAWS-Users] Settings Center changes

2011-06-18 Thread Brian Wooten

Can someone tell me how to make changes in Settings Center permanent
rather than intermittent or temporary? It is acting strangely. Changes
I make work only sometimes.  I am trying to make jaws stop saying the
word selected every time i Alt Tab or arrow through a list.  I have
the Verbosity level set to Intermediate. Jaws version 12.



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[JAWS-Users] iTunes andJaws

2011-04-22 Thread Brian Wooten

I use Jaws 12 and I would like to know the correct way to navigate
iTunes. Must I have someone sighted to sign me up? I cannot seem to
get the focus on the sign up page.  I have never made a purchase on it
before and it requests that I set up an ID before I can do that but
the F6 will only read the sources pane and search box.  Can someone
help with directions? Please talk to me like a novice.



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[JAWS-Users] Word and Outlook 2007 help

2010-10-20 Thread Brian Wooten

I am a novice in office 2007.  I am looking for a good source for Word
and Outlook user guides with Jaws commands.  I tried the one on the
Jaws Users List Home Page and I do not know how to use Excel.  It
requires some spreadsheet knowledge in order to get the infromation I
am looking for.  I wish to use Outlook Calendar to keep up with my
school assignments, schedule, homework, tasks, etc.  Also, I need to
know how to format papers in Word 2007.  Can someone direct me to a
good source written for beginners?

Respectfully submitted,

M. Brian Wooten

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