Thank you to all those who responded with their thoughts and experiences. In
an ideal world, there would be a way to use a new program for long enough to
really learn and assess it, and then be able to revert back to the older
version if the new one did not suit. 

Perhaps if there are screen reader issues, they could be reported to FS and
they could be addressed.  Sometimes small annoyances can be a deal-breaker
for using or not using a program.  I too use the f8 for quick selection.  In
Word 2010, JAWS does a great job.

In 2010 too, the spell-checker with f7 works really well, speaking
everything. Insert-f7 repeats the information; insert-c reads the context
and alt-c corrects the spelling (when I remember to press it instead of
enter).  LOL.  To me, enter seems more intuitive to confirm a choice, and
alt-i makes more logical sense to ignore.  Smile.  

With Window-Eyes, I used alt-f7, which I sometimes do with JAWS as well.

I do use Window-Eyes still in Word for playing Sudoku.  The table mode works
really well, giving only column and row numbers without trying to read
headings. This lets me know instantly where I am when trying to figure out
what number would go where. I don't know if Window-Eyes works with Word
2016, and I've not found a way to make tables work well for me with JAWS for

There are always gains and losses when updating technology, for us, doubly
so, since the screen has to be mediated, and screen readers do the best they

Perhaps all the tech wizards everywhere could try turning off their monitors
and do their testing with a screen reader.?  Smile.

Thanks again for all the thoughts.


"The best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better" 

From:  Center for Action and Contemplation


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