Re: [JAWS-Users] Using TeraTerm (a solution)

2008-12-05 Thread Negoslav Sabev
Wow! Great! I wish I knew this before I took the linux administration 
course. Anyway, it is must have for the future.

Thanks for the permission to give it to others.

- Original Message - 
From: Deborah Armstrong [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2008 2:41 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Using TeraTerm (a solution)

Since I just posted a long ranting request for help, I figured I better
balance that with a nice long solution-oriented write-up.

I saw this question on various screen access lists. People want to know
which terminal emulator works best with JAWS, or how to access some
Unix-Linux-BSD with JFW or simply how to use a terminal program in Windows
with screen access.

I feel particularly sorry for the blind student who is trying to take
some sort of Unix course, and not only has to figure out this new OS but
needs to figure out how to access it while simultaneously using the
Windows computers. Usually the access technology specialists don't have a
clue, or the information on the net is incomplete, outdated and/or

I run several Linux machines, and am fortunate enough to have access to 
old computers which need terminals to talk to them.  I have researched 
a lot, and have tried many telnet clients, hyperterminal, secure CRT, 
for Windows and Putty. By far, my favorite application for accessing 

computers with JAWS is TeraTerm.

First, grab yourself a copy of the latest UTF-8 TeraTerm Pro 4.60. Many
older  versions are floating around, but I guarantee that 4.60 works great
with JAWS. I've used versions 5-10 of  JFW with 4.x versions of TeraTerm.

The TeraTerm site is:

other urls you might encounter contain dated versions.

Install the program and say No to all the extra little tray applets.  They
don't do any harm but who wants resource hogs that aren't needed. If you 

one by mistake, standard techniques, like using msconfig can make it go
bye-bye.  If you do accept all the defaults, the install will add these
unwanted extras. They keep unnecessary windows open but will not adversely
affect your computer's accessibility.
Next, if you have JAWS, a version later than 5,and you want TeraTerm to
automatically speak while text scrolls (like a console window) create this

Include HJConst.jsh

Void Function SayNonHighlightedText (handle hwnd, string buffer)


string TheClass

let TheClass=GetWindowClass(hWnd)

If GetScreenEcho ()  ECHO_NONE  TheClass == VTWin32 Then




this script should be specific to TeraTerm, it should be called
ttermpro.jss and you should *NOT* put this code in the default script.

If this is all Greek to you don't worry. You can skip this scripting step
and TeraTerm will still work fine with JFW. Without the script, you will
need to use your JAWS cursor or virtualize the window, or a Braille 
to read incoming data. At work I use Braille and the JAWS cursor; at home, 

use the script. Both techniques work, and I switch between them each day.

You will find several, far more elaborate TeraTerm scripts out there. You
don't need them. Many were for older versions of Tera Term, and older
versions of JAWS.

One old script disables my semicolon key, and another of these outdated
scripts makes my Braille display constantly jump around.

A script very similar to mine above was originally on  the blog of Saqib
Shaikh, which seems to be no longer on the net. I'd like to give him 

for the idea, and I only plagiarize because
I can't find his blog to link you to it.

Anyway, this code is simply what gets executed in a Win32 console window
(what used to be called a DOS box)  when the user chooses to have
highlighted text spoken but actually wants to have new text read as it 

onscreen. It's stolen from part of the JAWS default script.   But in the
default script, the code executes only for console windows, not for the
TeraTerm window.

The situation for a terminal user is similar to a DOS box user; they don't
actually want highlighted text, they want all new text, but not to hear 

read more than once. In other words, when the text scrolls, causing new 
to be written and old text to be rewritten as part of the scroll 

the JAWS user wants to only hear anything new, and not a repeat of the old

For DOS screen access, this was easy. These programs simply read video
memory when users were not working with scrolling applications. When they
were, the DOS screen reader filtered calls to the PC BIOS. The BIOS 
the scrolling and the screen access program never saw the old text again. 

the user never heard old text repeated. In DOS, the screen reader watched
the text that was sent to the BIOS screen services, so it knew about
everything sent to the screen through the BIOS. Video memory

[JAWS-Users] Using TeraTerm (a solution)

2008-12-04 Thread Deborah Armstrong
Since I just posted a long ranting request for help, I figured I better
balance that with a nice long solution-oriented write-up.
I saw this question on various screen access lists. People want to know
which terminal emulator works best with JAWS, or how to access some
Unix-Linux-BSD with JFW or simply how to use a terminal program in Windows
with screen access.
I feel particularly sorry for the blind student who is trying to take
some sort of Unix course, and not only has to figure out this new OS but
needs to figure out how to access it while simultaneously using the
Windows computers. Usually the access technology specialists don't have a
clue, or the information on the net is incomplete, outdated and/or
I run several Linux machines, and am fortunate enough to have access to many
old computers which need terminals to talk to them.  I have researched this
a lot, and have tried many telnet clients, hyperterminal, secure CRT, Kermit
for Windows and Putty. By far, my favorite application for accessing remote
computers with JAWS is TeraTerm.
First, grab yourself a copy of the latest UTF-8 TeraTerm Pro 4.60. Many
older  versions are floating around, but I guarantee that 4.60 works great
with JAWS. I've used versions 5-10 of  JFW with 4.x versions of TeraTerm.
The TeraTerm site is:   
other urls you might encounter contain dated versions.   
Install the program and say No to all the extra little tray applets.  They
don't do any harm but who wants resource hogs that aren't needed. If you get
one by mistake, standard techniques, like using msconfig can make it go
bye-bye.  If you do accept all the defaults, the install will add these
unwanted extras. They keep unnecessary windows open but will not adversely
affect your computer's accessibility.   
Next, if you have JAWS, a version later than 5,and you want TeraTerm to
automatically speak while text scrolls (like a console window) create this
Include HJConst.jsh  
Void Function SayNonHighlightedText (handle hwnd, string buffer)  
string TheClass  
let TheClass=GetWindowClass(hWnd)  
If GetScreenEcho ()  ECHO_NONE  TheClass == VTWin32 Then  
this script should be specific to TeraTerm, it should be called
ttermpro.jss and you should *NOT* put this code in the default script.
If this is all Greek to you don't worry. You can skip this scripting step
and TeraTerm will still work fine with JFW. Without the script, you will
need to use your JAWS cursor or virtualize the window, or a Braille display
to read incoming data. At work I use Braille and the JAWS cursor; at home, I
use the script. Both techniques work, and I switch between them each day.
You will find several, far more elaborate TeraTerm scripts out there. You
don't need them. Many were for older versions of Tera Term, and older
versions of JAWS.

One old script disables my semicolon key, and another of these outdated
scripts makes my Braille display constantly jump around. 
A script very similar to mine above was originally on  the blog of Saqib
Shaikh, which seems to be no longer on the net. I'd like to give him credit
for the idea, and I only plagiarize because
I can't find his blog to link you to it.  
Anyway, this code is simply what gets executed in a Win32 console window
(what used to be called a DOS box)  when the user chooses to have
highlighted text spoken but actually wants to have new text read as it comes
onscreen. It's stolen from part of the JAWS default script.   But in the
default script, the code executes only for console windows, not for the
TeraTerm window.
The situation for a terminal user is similar to a DOS box user; they don't
actually want highlighted text, they want all new text, but not to hear old
read more than once. In other words, when the text scrolls, causing new text
to be written and old text to be rewritten as part of the scroll operation,
the JAWS user wants to only hear anything new, and not a repeat of the old
For DOS screen access, this was easy. These programs simply read video
memory when users were not working with scrolling applications. When they
were, the DOS screen reader filtered calls to the PC BIOS. The BIOS handled
the scrolling and the screen access program never saw the old text again. so
the user never heard old text repeated. In DOS, the screen reader watched
the text that was sent to the BIOS screen services, so it knew about
everything sent to the screen through the BIOS. Video memory only had to be
consulted if a program wrote directly to the screen. Because DOS terminal
programs usually had the BIOS handle their scrolling, they for the most part
worked great with screen access.
Anyway, with Windows, lots of behind-the-scenes magic goes in to building
the off-screen model: the screen reader's best guess about