Hello everybody, I am a new member of this list my name is Daniel. I realise 
that this might be off topic but I would really like it if someone could give 
me sergestions instead of saying this is not a jaws related question and there 
for it wouldn't be answered because simply I don't know where else to go to get 
help with this question.

Well with that out of the way lets begin! 

With out beating around the bush, its to do with a certain file extention. 
Basicly ones like .zip .exe and ones that are not music related are fine. By 
this lets say for example I wanted to download the latest demo of Jaws so I go 
to that website find the jaws version I want and when I hit enter on it a 
dialog box comes up asking weather I want to run, save or cancel. So I have a 
choice in what I want to do. 
Now comes my problem that I am having.
Basicly if its a music extention such as .mp3 .wma and proably loads of more 
that I have not heard of. But if lets say I go to the website blind cool tech 
all of them are audio files that you can download. Well when ever I hit enter 
on one of them windows media player which is my default player to play things 
just comes up I don't get the dialog box asking weather I want to open, save or 
cancel. The only way at present I can download these types of files is going to 
the link hitting the apps key on it and going down to "save target as" then a 
save as dialog box comes up and I hit enter and that saves the file. But is 
there a way to get windows media player and its extentions to behave as for 
example as the .exe .zip extentions? 
I know this proably is a tough question to answer and to be fixed for me but 
please I would be greatful if someone could give me advice on how to resolve 
Many Thanks 
A new member.
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