[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.1_06) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 09:26:26 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 09:28:46 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516043745
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: 1Date of build: 05/16/2004 04:37:45Time to build: 7 minutes 19 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 04:14:00Last log entry: expose tests target to ant projecthelp

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (16)1.24modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlexpose tests target to ant projecthelp1.13modifiedjuhalindforsaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/standalone/SystemClassLoader.javaFixes for error handling in standalone system classloader: * Do not masquerade all exceptions (including errors) as CNFE * Report CNFE on the correct classname (was reporting CNFE on the containing class) * Expose class weaving problems as errors rather than hiding them with   non-descriptive CNFEs (this is still a problem due to AspectManager declaring   much too generic exception types).1.11modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/web/AbstractWebDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.55modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.27modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.1addedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebSecurityMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.33modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.6modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/EJBMethodPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPattern.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPatternSpec.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebResourcePermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebRoleRefPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebUserDataPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/EJBPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516053037
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: 1Date of build: 05/16/2004 05:30:37Time to build: 12 minutes 17 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 05:06:58Last log entry: hide tests target as it appears cruisecontrol gets upset

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (17)1.25modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlhide tests target as it appears cruisecontrol gets upset1.24modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlexpose tests target to ant projecthelp1.13modifiedjuhalindforsaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/standalone/SystemClassLoader.javaFixes for error handling in standalone system classloader: * Do not masquerade all exceptions (including errors) as CNFE * Report CNFE on the correct classname (was reporting CNFE on the containing class) * Expose class weaving problems as errors rather than hiding them with   non-descriptive CNFEs (this is still a problem due to AspectManager declaring   much too generic exception types).1.11modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/web/AbstractWebDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.55modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.27modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.1addedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebSecurityMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.33modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.6modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/EJBMethodPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPattern.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPatternSpec.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebResourcePermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebRoleRefPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebUserDataPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/EJBPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.1_06) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 11:31:22 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 11:33:45 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.1_06) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 13:18:17 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 13:20:18 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread KaMiKaTze

I'm trying to check nukes out as a java project, or is there another way to get 
Eclipse's full java functionality on a project? Ok, I'm aware that I can't use eclipse 
to build, but I's like to use "External tools" to accomplish the call to 
What I'm stumbling over is:
Class org.jboss.nukes.handler.NukesImpl inherits from ServletRequest / ServletResponse 
but doesn't implement the abstract methods required.
Is there magic in play, because apparently the build script is able to compile it... 
the compiler should moan if a non-abstract class doesn't implement all declared 
abstract methods, shouldn't it?

Any guess?


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - domain name case sensitivity and internet domain literal

2004-05-16 Thread mikea-xoba
just committed some revisions to M1 which fixed two small problems. test cases were 
added for both.

first problem was that server wasn't treating domain names with required case 
insensitivity. i fixed that in DomainGroup implementation. now server accepts mail for 
contract changed a bit as a result, although byte code is unchanged.

other problem was that server was not accepting internet domain literals in addresses, 
like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' or '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. now it is. rfc 1123-5.2.17 says we 
should do this.

added test cases (scripts) for both issues, and script runner is still running against 
separate networked M1 server (see smtp-scripts.xml)

andy, i found these bugs while "eating my own dog food" on your M1 mail server [thanks 
for setting that up!], and i'm sure this strategy of us using the product ourselves 
every day will turn out to be a fantastic quality control. i may have found another 
obvious bug too after just a little bit of usage but am still investigating.


View the original post : 

Reply to the post : 

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: SourceForge.net Broadband
Sign-up now for SourceForge Broadband and get the fastest
6.0/768 connection for only $19.95/mo for the first 3 months!
JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.1_06) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 16:19:42 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: domain name case sensitivity and internet domain literal

2004-05-16 Thread acoliver
Excellent.  I knew it was a good idea :-)  For M2 or 3 I want to 
stabilize/parameterize our testkit a bit more.

View the original post : 

Reply to the post : 

This SF.Net email is sponsored by: SourceForge.net Broadband
Sign-up now for SourceForge Broadband and get the fastest
6.0/768 connection for only $19.95/mo for the first 3 months!
JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Compilation Failed! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Sun May 16 16:21:51 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

[mkdir] Created dir: D:\jboss\jboss-head\server\output\gen-src
(XDocletMain.start   47  ) Running 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jmx.connector.invoker.InvokerAdaptorService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.EntityContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.FixedDelayRetryPolicy' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.ExternalContext' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.asf.ServerSessionPoolLoader' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.MessageDrivenContainer' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.naming.NamingAlias' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.logging.Log4jService' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.Container' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.SQLExceptionProcessor' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.EJBTimerServiceImpl' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.inflow.JBossMessageEndpointFactory' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache' using template file 
(TemplateSubTask.engineStarted   789 ) Generating output for 
'org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderLoader' using template file 

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - M1 issue - database gets corrupted.

2004-05-16 Thread acoliver
There is some kind of issue that I'm not sure how to reproduce.  After running for 
awhile with M1, eventually the database gets corrupted in some manner which causes 
NPEs.  It could be due to some piece of spam I get.  I'm trying to narrow down which 
data causes it.  If someone is up for it (whom is a known member of the team because I 
don't want to send my email to someone I just met ;-) ) I'd like to send you the 
hypersonic database and get another pair of eyes on this.  It manifests itself as a 
"can't get the data object" but that may be because I have to keep the log level so 
low that we're not catching it.  For M2 or 3 we do need to rationalize our logging and 
error handling a bit.  

For those of you on my mail server, you'll see this bug when it says "Service is 
Unavailable" or what have you.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: Mail lists

2004-05-16 Thread acoliver
Excellent.  Don't forget that list memeber often aren't local users...  I can't wait 
to put this behind nukes.

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516114953
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: 1Date of build: 05/16/2004 11:49:53Time to build: 13 minutes 10 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 11:24:44Last log entry: Fix the eclipse build

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (22)1.14modifiedejortserver/.classpathFix the eclipse build1.13modifiedejortj2ee/.classpathFix the eclipse build1.164modifiedremmserver/build.xml- Add servlet to classpath because of JACC.1.26modifiedremmaop/build.xml- Remove typo.1.16modifiedejortmessaging/src/main/org/jboss/mq/selectors/Selector.javaMake the selector threadsafe1.25modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlhide tests target as it appears cruisecontrol gets upset1.24modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlexpose tests target to ant projecthelp1.13modifiedjuhalindforsaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/standalone/SystemClassLoader.javaFixes for error handling in standalone system classloader: * Do not masquerade all exceptions (including errors) as CNFE * Report CNFE on the correct classname (was reporting CNFE on the containing class) * Expose class weaving problems as errors rather than hiding them with   non-descriptive CNFEs (this is still a problem due to AspectManager declaring   much too generic exception types).1.11modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/web/AbstractWebDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.55modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.27modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.1addedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebSecurityMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.33modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.6modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/EJBMethodPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPattern.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPatternSpec.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebResourcePermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebRoleRefPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebUserDataPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/EJBPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions

[JBoss-dev] jboss-3.2 build.30 Build Successful

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-3.2?log=log20040516120620Lbuild.30
BUILD COMPLETE - build.30Date of build: 05/16/2004 12:06:20Time to build: 10 minutes 41 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 10:48:23Last log entry: Make the selector threadsafe - properly this time

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (1) the selector threadsafe - properly this time

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.162 Build Fixed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516125644Lbuild.162
BUILD COMPLETE - build.162Date of build: 05/16/2004 12:56:44Time to build: 18 minutes 35 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 12:29:31Last log entry: Fix the eclipse build

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (23)1.4modifiedejortwebservice/.classpathFix the eclipse build1.14modifiedejortserver/.classpathFix the eclipse build1.13modifiedejortj2ee/.classpathFix the eclipse build1.164modifiedremmserver/build.xml- Add servlet to classpath because of JACC.1.26modifiedremmaop/build.xml- Remove typo.1.16modifiedejortmessaging/src/main/org/jboss/mq/selectors/Selector.javaMake the selector threadsafe1.25modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlhide tests target as it appears cruisecontrol gets upset1.24modifiedjuhalindforsaop/build.xmlexpose tests target to ant projecthelp1.13modifiedjuhalindforsaop/src/main/org/jboss/aop/standalone/SystemClassLoader.javaFixes for error handling in standalone system classloader: * Do not masquerade all exceptions (including errors) as CNFE * Report CNFE on the correct classname (was reporting CNFE on the containing class) * Expose class weaving problems as errors rather than hiding them with   non-descriptive CNFEs (this is still a problem due to AspectManager declaring   much too generic exception types).1.11modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/web/AbstractWebDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.55modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/ejb/EjbModule.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.27modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.1addedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/metadata/WebSecurityMetaData.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.33modifiedstarksmserver/src/main/org/jboss/deployment/EARDeployer.javaComplete the jacc permission creation and integration with the policy configuration1.6modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/EJBMethodPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPattern.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/URLPatternSpec.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebResourcePermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebRoleRefPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.3modifiedstarksmj2ee/src/main/javax/security/jacc/WebUserDataPermission.javaUpdate the implies behavior to match that of the spec.1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/EJBPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebResourcePermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions1.1addedstarksmtestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/security/test/WebUserDataPermissionUnitTestCase.javaAdd basic tests of the javax.security.jacc permissions

[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread sgwood
You can check the Nukes moduke out into an Eclipse Java project.

In Eclipse 3.0 M8, you can run an Ant build on Nukes without using the 

What version of Nukes are you looking at? Here is the signature I have:

public class NukesImpl implements NukesRequest, NukesResponse

This has compiled fine in my Eclipse environment.

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516141044
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122Date of build: 05/16/2004 14:10:44Time to build: 12 minutes 54 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 13:50:44Last log entry: Remove UnifiedLoaderRepository(1)

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (13)1.34deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository.javaRemove UnifiedLoaderRepository(1)1.6deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.8deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader2MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.23deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository2MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.5modifiedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/classloader/circularity/test/CircularityErrorTests.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.5modifiedejortjboss.net/src/main/org/jboss/net/axis/JWSHandler.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/LoadMgr4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.6deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository4MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader4

[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread KaMiKaTze

compiling resp. building is not my problem, I just call the build.bat as ExternalTask.

The (future) problem is (sorry I didn't check before I posted :-)

  | /**
  |  * @author mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Julien Viet
  |  * @version $Revision: 1.7 $
  |  */
  | public class NukesImpl implements NukesRequest, NukesResponse
inherits from NukesRequest:

  | /**
  |  * Extends HttpServletRequest capabilities.
  |  *
  |  * @author mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Julien Viet
  |  * @version $Revision: 1.13 $
  |  */
  | public interface NukesRequest extends HttpServletRequest
HttpServletRequest resp. ServletRequest has got abstract methods in J2EE 1.4.2:

  | abstract ServletRequest.getLocalAddr();
  | abstract ServletRequest.getLocalName();
  | abstract ServletRequest.getLocalPort();
  | abstract ServletRequest.getRemotePort();
which are not implemented yet. That's all of my problem :-)
Thank you for your quick response!

Cheers, Mika

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516154257
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122Date of build: 05/16/2004 15:42:57Time to build: 12 minutes 40 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 15:19:10Last log entry: Add the missing MBeanPermission checks for the MBeanServer methods requiring securitywhen running under a security manager.

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (16)1.69modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/MBeanServerImpl.javaAdd the missing MBeanPermission checks for the MBeanServer methods requiring securitywhen running under a security manager.1.4modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/javax/management/MBeanPermission.javaComplete the security permissions1.4modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/javax/management/MBeanServerPermission.javaComplete the security permissions1.34deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository.javaRemove UnifiedLoaderRepository(1)1.6deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.8deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader2MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.23deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository2.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository2MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.5modifiedejorttestsuite/src/main/org/jboss/test/classloader/circularity/test/CircularityErrorTests.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.5modifiedejortjboss.net/src/main/org/jboss/net/axis/JWSHandler.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader21.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/LoadMgr4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.6deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository4.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader41.3deletedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository4MBean.javaRemove UnifiedClassLoader4

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: domain name case sensitivity and internet domain literal

2004-05-16 Thread mikea-xoba
thanks. just realized that we may want to use DomainGroup's for other purposes that 
just testing 'rcpt to:<...>' during smtp, so i made the inclusion of address domain 
literals configurable in the mbean and in jboss-service.xml. thus, we can still use 
DomainGroupMBean's in cases where implictly including domains  like '[]' is 
not needed.

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[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread sgwood

Nukes only works against JBoss 3.2.3, which is J2EE 1.3. Haven't tried it against 
3.2.4, which is at RC1 right now.

Where does J2EE 1.4.2 come in?


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[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread cooper
let's wait 3.2.4 final to switch

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[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Re: Access to SourceForge CVS is changing

2004-05-16 Thread KaMiKaTze
Completely agree.
The background is, that I'm currently porting a php shop to java. I'm thinking about 
implementing it as nukes module and trying to get on speed with nukes at the moment, 
so please forgive me if I need some time to get familiar with it and ask silly 
questions. (Currently it is a struts/tiles/CMP approach)
J2EE 1.4.2 has come into play in my local dev-environment... I'd choosen to take the 
latest when developing new stuff.
So sorry to bother.
Cheers, Mika

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: M1 issue - database gets corrupted.

2004-05-16 Thread acoliver
nevermind.  I fixed it.  That was mind numbing.  I just forgot to check in build 
changes so onLoad wasn't happening when I thought.

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: M1 issue - database gets corrupted.

2004-05-16 Thread spiritualmechanic
What is your basic strategy for "rationalize our logging and error handling a bit"? 
That's something easy that I can do and would save you guys some time.

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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516180309
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: -122Date of build: 05/16/2004 18:03:09Time to build: 11 minutes 48 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 17:38:21Last log entry: Add a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (39)1.13modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerService.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.2modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPoolFactory.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPool.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortjboss.net/src/main/org/jboss/net/axis/JWSHandler.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.9modifiedejortiiop/src/main/org/jboss/iiop/WebCL.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.59modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/registry/BasicMBeanRegistry.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.23modifiedejortjmx/src/main/javax/management/loading/MLet.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.15modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/BasicLoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.7modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.20modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/LoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.1addedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/RepositoryClassLoader.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.36modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedClassLoader.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.26modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/UnifiedLoaderRepository3.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.9modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loa

[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: M1 issue - database gets corrupted.

2004-05-16 Thread acoliver
Stuff that should be "error" and "warn" and "info" and so forth.  Furthermore sample 
configurations for logging different stuff (like only pop or only smtp and maybe only 
what comes from the client and only from the server, etc).  The latter might be best 
on the wiki.  Just come up with a strategy and make it all consistent and make sure 
things that should log do.

Error handlingI think we're catching things that should propegate themselves as 
reasonable errors.  Basically find all the try/catch blocks and figure out what should 
be caught, thrown and what should be propegated as  a protocol error, etc.  It should 
be both consistent and "to spec" especially in the latter case.

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[JBoss-dev] [Mail Services] - Re: M1 issue - database gets corrupted.

2004-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There is a general logging level guide line here:

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[JBoss-dev] jboss-head Build Failed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516201755
BUILD FAILEDAnt Error Message: file:/home/build/cruisecontrol/work/scripts/build-jboss-head.xml:80: exec returned: 1Date of build: 05/16/2004 20:17:55Time to build: 12 minutes 26 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 19:54:10Last log entry: Use a priviledged action to access the "jbossmx.optimized.dispatcher" property

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (44)1.10modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/capability/DispatcherFactory.javaUse a priviledged action to access the "jbossmx.optimized.dispatcher" property1.5modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/Serialization.javaUse a priviledged action to access the "jmx.serial.form" property1.4modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/RequiredModelMBeanInstantiator.javaUse a priviledged codeblock to access the RMM class property1.7modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/AgentID.javaEnclose the access of the InetAddress lookup in a PrivilegedExceptionAction1.1addedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/PropertyAccess.javaSystem property access utilties that encapsulate theAccessController.doPrivileged calls required when running with asecurity manager. Use to access system properties when the callerspermissions should not dictate whether or not access is allowed.1.13modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerService.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.2modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPoolFactory.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPool.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortjboss.net/src/main/org/jboss/net/axis/JWSHandler.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.9modifiedejortiiop/src/main/org/jboss/iiop/WebCL.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.59modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/registry/BasicMBeanRegistry.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.23modifiedejortjmx/src/main/javax/management/loading/MLet.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.15modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/BasicLoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.7modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.20modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/LoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.1addedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/RepositoryClassLoader.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation det

[JBoss-dev] JBoss Test Results: 92 % ( 1685 / 1831 ) - come on - pull your finger out. JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.1_06) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Mon May 17 01:44:34 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

JBoss daily test results


Number of tests run:   1831

Successful tests:  1685


Failures:  7

[time of test: 2004-05-16.23-37 GMT]
[java.version: 1.4.1_06]
[java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc.]
[java.vm.version: 1.4.1_06-b01]
[java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM]
[java.vm.info: mixed mode]
[os.name: Windows XP]
[os.arch: x86]
[os.version: 5.1]

Useful resources:

the junit report of this test.

NOTE: If there are any errors shown above - this mail is only highlighting 
them - it is NOT indicating that they are being looked at by anyone.

It is assumed that whoever makes change(s) to jboss that 
break the test will be fixing the test or jboss, as appropriate!


Suite:   org.jboss.test.client.test.AppClientUnitTestCase
Exception:   javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
Message: test-client not bound

Suite:   org.jboss.test.client.test.AppClientUnitTestCase
Exception:   javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
Message: test-client not bound

Suite:   org.jboss.test.client.test.AppClientUnitTestCase
Exception:   org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException
Message: Failed to find module file: cts.jar

Suite:   org.jboss.test.exception.EntityExceptionUnitTestCase
Exception:   net.sourceforge.junitejb.RemoteTestException
Message: Error, bean instance was discarded!

Suite:   org.jboss.test.exception.EntityExceptionUnitTestCase
Exception:   net.sourceforge.junitejb.RemoteTestException
Message: Error, bean instance was discarded!

Suite:   org.jboss.test.exception.EntityExceptionUnitTestCase
Exception:   net.sourceforge.junitejb.RemoteTestException
Message: Error, bean instance was discarded!

Mon May 17 01:44:34 GMTDT 2004
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 quarks2 1.5.4(0.94/3/2) 2003-09-12 23:08 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
java -version
java version "1.4.1_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_06-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_06-b01, mixed mode)

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Sign-up now for SourceForge Broadband and get the fastest
6.0/768 connection for only $19.95/mo for the first 3 months!
JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Test Job Failed to Complete Successfully (or we gave up on it...)! JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Mon May 17 02:56:18 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
[junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 9.453 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.txtimer.test.SimpleTimerTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.141 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.txtimer.test.TimerSerializationTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.172 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.txtimer.test.TransactionalTimerTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 4.281 sec

[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.PropertyEditorsUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.547 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.PropertyPatternUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 17, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.125 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.ProtocolHandlerUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.079 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.SchedulerUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.531 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.StringsUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.219 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.ThreadPoolRunnableUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.203 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.util.test.ThreadPoolTaskUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 1.25 sec

[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.basic.AxisUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 14.094 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.ejbcomplex.EJBComplexUnitTestCase
[junit] org.jboss.test.webservice.ejbcomplex.EJBComplexUnitTestCase: This test 
involves some intense persistence actions and may require you to adjust your server 
-Xmx settings.
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 27.328 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.ejbsimple.HelloUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 10.5 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.ejbsimple.RedeployUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 11.5 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.external.ExternalUnitTestCase
[junit] org.jboss.test.webservice.external.ExternalUnitTestCase: This test 
requires a working http(s) connection to the internet. If you are running behind a 
firewall, you must start the server with the correct -Dhttp.proxy options. See the 
java documentation for that topic.
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 14.344 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.external.RedeployUnitTestCase
[junit] org.jboss.test.webservice.external.RedeployUnitTestCase: This test 
requires a working http(s) connection to the internet. If you are running behind a 
firewall, you must start the server with the correct -Dhttp.proxy options. See the 
java documentation for that topic.
[junit] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.922 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.jmx.JmxUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 7.969 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.jmx.RedeployUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 11, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.812 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.security.SecurityUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 8.453 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.state.RedeployUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 9.922 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.state.StateUnitTestCase
[junit] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 9.718 sec
[junit] Running org.jboss.test.webservice.uddi.UddiUnitTestCase
[junit] org.jboss.test.webservice.uddi.UddiUnitTestCase: This test involves 
intense database activity and may require to adjust your server -Xmx settings.
[junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 29.954

[JBoss-dev] JBoss Test Results: % ( / ) - . JBoss (HEAD/winxp/1.4.2_03) [AUTOMATED]

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==
Mon May 17 03:13:10 GMTDT 2004
==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net/ FOR DETAILS==

Mon May 17 03:13:10 GMTDT 2004
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 quarks2 1.5.4(0.94/3/2) 2003-09-12 23:08 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin
java -version
java version "1.4.2_03"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_03-b02, mixed mode)

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Sign-up now for SourceForge Broadband and get the fastest
6.0/768 connection for only $19.95/mo for the first 3 months!
JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.163 Build Fixed

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516215153Lbuild.163
BUILD COMPLETE - build.163Date of build: 05/16/2004 21:51:53Time to build: 13 minutes 34 secondsLast changed: 05/16/2004 21:28:43Last log entry: Perform the getContextClassLoader()/setContextClassLoader() methods in PrivilegedAction blocks

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (45)1.5modifiedstarksmcommon/src/main/org/jboss/util/TCLStack.javaPerform the getContextClassLoader()/setContextClassLoader() methods in PrivilegedAction blocks1.10modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/capability/DispatcherFactory.javaUse a priviledged action to access the "jbossmx.optimized.dispatcher" property1.5modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/Serialization.javaUse a priviledged action to access the "jmx.serial.form" property1.4modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/modelmbean/RequiredModelMBeanInstantiator.javaUse a priviledged codeblock to access the RMM class property1.7modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/AgentID.javaEnclose the access of the InetAddress lookup in a PrivilegedExceptionAction1.1addedstarksmjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/util/PropertyAccess.javaSystem property access utilties that encapsulate theAccessController.doPrivileged calls required when running with asecurity manager. Use to access system properties when the callerspermissions should not dictate whether or not access is allowed.1.13modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/AspectManagerService.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.2modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPoolFactory.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortaspects/src/main/org/jboss/aop/deployment/JBossClassPool.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.6modifiedejortjboss.net/src/main/org/jboss/net/axis/JWSHandler.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.9modifiedejortiiop/src/main/org/jboss/iiop/WebCL.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.59modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/server/registry/BasicMBeanRegistry.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.23modifiedejortjmx/src/main/javax/management/loading/MLet.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.15modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/BasicLoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.7modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.20modifiedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/LoaderRepository.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This includes all the methods required by other parts of JBoss.Other parts of the JBoss should not assume implementation detailsof the exact classloader implementation.1.1addedejortjmx/src/main/org/jboss/mx/loading/RepositoryClassLoader.javaAdd a RepositoryClassLoader abstract super class of UnifiedClassLoader.This include

[JBoss-dev] jboss-head build.164 Build Successful

2004-05-16 Thread kimptoc_mail

View results here -> http://tck2.jboss.com/cc/buildresults/jboss-head?log=log20040516222815Lbuild.164
BUILD COMPLETE - build.164Date of build: 05/16/2004 22:28:15Time to build: 13 minutes 1 secondLast changed: 05/16/2004 22:08:15Last log entry: Need to override the PermissionCollection to deal with the new/create permissionequivalence.

    Unit Tests: (0)No Tests RunThis project doesn't have any tests 
 Modifications since last build: (2)1.5modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/javax/management/MBeanServerPermission.javaNeed to override the PermissionCollection to deal with the new/create permissionequivalence.1.15modifiedstarksmjmx/src/main/javax/management/MBeanServerFactory.javaEnclose the possibly secured MBeanServer ops within priviledged blocks to runat the jmx impl codebase privilege level after passing the MBeanServerPermissionchecks

[JBoss-dev] [AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: AOPC question

2004-05-16 Thread oz59

What exactly are you referring to when you say anonymous wrote : it's being modified 
or not?  

In either case, to get the AOPized behavior, even if you pre-compile a class, an 
applicable xml file still needs to be either in the runtime's classpath (under 
META-INF) or defined in a system property.  (Otherwise you'll get the plain behavior.)


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JBoss-Development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [Nukes Development] - Translating Nukes to spanish

2004-05-16 Thread marcord
Nukes is very good, im intrested in translating into spanish, and adding a few new 
modules like a e-commerce i developed use ejb.
Would like to know if there is any intrest in spanish version.

View the original post : 

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JBoss-Development mailing list