[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: reaonsably confused about setup...

2005-04-03 Thread Shihan
i decided to start playing with it again, and i've figured out my problems... 
It appears portal's doing something that doesnt play nice with other 

Originally, i was fooling around with 4.0.1 which had 2 applications i'd moved 
over from sunone app 7... both of them use databases (oracle originally) and 
i'd moved one to mysql...

then i'd tried to deploy the portal and it failed... what i hadnt noticed 
though is that my other applications had started failing (at some point i added 
jboss 402rc1 into the mix as well).

Anyway, i've put portal into its own installation of (401) jboss and all is 

however, i've noticed something else rather bizare... i tried to move an 
application and a datasource into the jboss instance that's running portal, and 
it doesnt like the datasource (for one reason or another)... for eg... a simple 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?


deployed after portal has been deployed will start producing errors like this:

2005-04-04 12:27:15,705 INFO  [org.jboss.system.ServiceConfigurator] Problem 
configuring service jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionFactory,name=testerDS
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [properties: null]

and eventually:
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionFactory,name=testerDS
 state: FAILED
 I Depend On:  jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='jboss-local-jdbc.rar'

 Depends On Me:  jboss.jca:service=ManagedConnectionPool,name=testerDS
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [properties: null]

It's also worth pointing out that if you undeploy portal at this point, no ds 
can be deployed until jboss is restarted (i've only tried oracle/mysql at this 
point thought, but both produce the same set of errors)...

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: reaonsably confused about setup...

2005-03-31 Thread Shihan
Sorry, perhaps thats post did come off as sarcastic, but it wasnt really meant 

originally i deployed all this on a 4.0.1 instance (as per the documentation), 
which didnt work (essentially produced a large mess of exceptions hundreds of 
lines long, and from what i could tell, related mostly to hibernate)... so i 
moved up to 4.0.2 rc1... 

this did actually lessen the erros, but didnt help much with the result... i 
eventually got it down to one exception... (the one pasted in the original 
post).. you say its not related to jboss portal... but i only really get that 
exception is portal is deployed into it...

anyways, i've since dropped back to 4.0.1 and decided to leave the portal alone 
for now... my main motivation was really to compare it to sunone's portal 
(which i've done many hours of work with as part of my job)..

its hard to be more descriptive about the problem though other than to say, it 
doesnt work and this is the only exception im getting...

but the one thing i was really confused about was whether im supposed to deploy 
hibernate.. i eventually went hunting through the code, and decided no..

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - reaonsably confused about setup...

2005-03-22 Thread Shihan
ok, so i've got jboss 4.0.2rc1 and i've downloaded both the portal and forum 

the first thing that bothers me when im trying to deploy this is section 2.3.1 
which says ..contains the following files: portal-core.sar 
portal-forums.ear.. yet, both those are directories in the binary archives...

I copied those into the deploy directory and they appear to work (well, they 
deploy at least)...

The next thing is hibernate... the doco intimates that hibernate is used, but 
doesnt really say whether its a requirement or not (and i really hope not, 
trying to understand the hibernate doco has me wanting to stick pins in my 
eyes)... yet, during the deploy process there are errors which hint at 
hibernate problems..

the other thing is, this link: 

its fantastic!! or at least it would be if it worked (im not trying to be 
sarcastic, but a step by step minimal installation guide would be really nice), 
but then again, it is beta so i wont complain too much:)

If it is still supposed to be correct then im doing something wrong...

the kind of exceptions im getting:
2005-03-22 21:35:03,734 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.TomcatDeployer] Unable 
to retrieve orbjavax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: 
jboss:service=CorbaORB is not registered.

java.sql.SQLException: Table already exists: JMS_MESSAGES in statement [CREATE 

All in all though, i've really like jboss so far, i've deployed a few j2ee apps 
with few problems so far, nice work..

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