[JBoss-dev] [JBoss IDE (dev)] - Re: Unable to find a javac compiler for JSPs

2004-11-23 Thread brett_s_r
My fix for this is to ensure tools.jar is in the bootstrap classpath in the 
server configuration.  It is not included as a JRE library by default.

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - WildcardLoader

2004-12-06 Thread brett_s_r
In addition to an enhancement to allow Constructor interception, I have also 
extended the reflective Loader to produce a WildcardLoader, which allows entire 
packages to be registered for reflection during classloading.

Any interest?

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[JBoss-dev] [Tomcat] - jboss-web_3_2.dtd, multiple s

2004-06-06 Thread brett_s_r
I note from http://www.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=VirtualHosts (bottom of page), 
that it is possible to define multiple s for which a WAR should be 
deployed.  (Aside - anyone doing this pre JBoss 3.2.4/Tomcat 5.x?).

Anyway, http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-web_3_2.dtd defines ELEMENT jboss-web ... 
virtual-host?, so I am wondering if the DTD should be updated for 3.2.4 (it still 
appears to have the above definition), to allow virtual-host*.


Brett Randall

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - Extending Reflection to intercept Constructors

2004-07-06 Thread brett_s_r
I am using the Javassist Loader and Reflection classes from javassist.reflect, to 
stub-out and mock classes transparently, especially when performing unit tests.

I have found that when used with the reflective Loader, Reflection can stub-out and 
intercept everything (i.e. methods, fields, statics) with the exception of 
Constructors.  In order to be able to transparently mock certain classes, I need to be 
able to intercept their constructors, as these may throw Exceptions, e.g. due to 
resource dependencies that we are trying to mock-out, such as database connections etc.

I have started adding constructor interception as an optional feature of 
javassist.reflect.Reflection, and the purpose of this posting is to seek community 
feedback on whether others might find this sensible/useful.  Depending on what is 
possible through the rest of the API, particularly CtNewConstructor, I am thinking 
that the best design approach might be to copy the way Method interception works, by 
"moving" the real Methods and introducing a delegating stub Constructor.  I'm guess 
that this will delegate to a Method in a subclass of Metaobject.  As the real classes' 
Constructor has been intercepted, it would then be up to the Metaobject to instantiate 
a suitable replacement underlying object to delegate to.

Any other approaches?

Any thoughts/comments, however brief, most welcome ... I need to code this now ... may 
need some help from interested parties ...

Brett Randall

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - Re: Extending Reflection to intercept Constructors

2004-07-07 Thread brett_s_r
OK, that approach won't quite work, as it doesn't make sense to try and rename the 
Constructors as is done with the Methods.

I have succeeded in "hard intercepting" the construction by calling (on 
CtConstructor): insertBeforeBody("return;");, which is handy as it retains the correct 
(implicit or explicit) super(..) call to the superclass constructor, and blocks the 
remainder of the constructor from executing.  It does however prevent the real 
original code in the Constructor body from being executed later if required.

Since renaming is probably not on, I see a couple of other options:

1) Before inserting the "return;", copy the Constructor body (after any super(...)), 
converting it into a factory method.
2) Try and make the execution of "return;" conditional in some way, based on a field.

I'm thinking that the second one may be the simplest.

Brett Randall

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - CtNewMethod on static fields, bug submitted

2004-07-07 Thread brett_s_r
See http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=987038&group_id=22866&atid=376685. 
 A failing TestCase is provided.

I notice that the code deliberately treats statics differently:

if ((finfo.getAccessFlags() & AccessFlag.STATIC) == 0) {
  | code.addAload(0);
  | code.addLoad(1, field.getType());
  | code.addPutfield(Bytecode.THIS, fieldName, fieldType);
  | }
  | else {
  | code.addLoad(0, field.getType());
  | code.addPutstatic(Bytecode.THIS, fieldName, fieldType);
  | }

Any ideas what the problem could be?


Brett Randall

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - Re: CtNewMethod on static fields, bug submitted

2004-07-07 Thread brett_s_r
Had a guess:

   else {
  | code.addLoad(1, field.getType()); // change 0 to 1
  | code.addPutstatic(Bytecode.THIS, fieldName, fieldType);
  | }

fixes my unit test, not sure if it is correct or if it breaks other cases.

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - Re: Extending Reflection to intercept Constructors

2004-07-08 Thread brett_s_r
I now have a working version based on 2) above, by adding a boolean field to the 
class, which is set during the instantiation of the embedded Metaobject (this is an 
instance field and is instantiated straight after the super(...) constructor runs and 
prior to the execution of the remainder of the constructor).  The field determines 
whether the full constructor (after any explicit or implicit call to super(...)) 
should be intercepted (effectively stopped).

The constructor is enhanced through the following code in Reflection:

CtConstructor c;
  | ...
  | c.insertBeforeBody("if (" + interceptConstructorField + ") {return;}");

... where interceptConstructorField contains the name of the new boolean field added 
to the class.  This field is set in the constructor of the Metaobject based on an 
equivalent new (static) boolean field in Metaobject.  So, if:


... is called, when the next instance of the reflected class is instantiated, only its 
superclass constructor will run, as the inserted return will be reached.  Set it back 
to false, and the full constructor will run for the next instance.

The design uses static fields and methods in Metaobject (should these live instead in 
ClassMetaobject?), as the instance of Metaobject is not instantiated until during the 
instantiation of the reflected object.  This made me realise that the additional field 
within the reflected class is probably not needed, rather:

c.insertBeforeBody("if (" + metaobjectGetter + "().isInterceptConstructor()) 

... is just as effective, with the slight disadvantage being that there is no way down 
the track to tell whether a particular reflective object's constructor was 
intercepted.  So maybe the field should stay.

I have a full set of jUnit tests.  Could someone please advise me on how best to 
contribute this enhancement?

Brett Randall

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[JBoss-dev] [Javassist development Forum] - javassist.reflect contruction interception draft

2004-07-29 Thread brett_s_r
I have posted a proposed enhancement to the javassist.reflect package, to support 
constructor interception.

The enhancement provides the following additional features:

An event is generated prior to the calling of a reflected class's super constructor.
An event is generated prior to the calling of a reflected class's constructor body.  
This event has access to the object under-construction, and can optionally bypass the 
constructor body if required (the default behaviour is to execute the constructor body.
An event is generated at the completion of the reflected class's constructor body.  
The entire body is wrapped in a try/catch block that will catch unchecked Throwables 
(RuntimeException and Error), as well as any checked Exceptions declared in the 
constructor.  The caught Throwables are available to the event along with the object 
under-construction, and by default they are re-thrown, or they can optionally remain 

The three events are available as three new callback methods in ClassMetaobject:

public void trapBeforeSuperConstructor() throws Throwable {}
  | public boolean trapBeforeClassConstructor(Object underConstruction) throws 
Throwable {} // return false to bypass constructor body
  | public boolean trapAfterClassConstructor(Object underConstruction, Throwable 
threw) throws Throwable {} // return false to prevent re-throw

Initially I had though to attempt to wrap the constructors using 
CtNewWrappedConstructor or similar, or replicating the constructors as a static 
factory method.  This was less attractive when I considered the additional difficulty 
of actually replacing the object constructed in memory.

The main TODO is to make the constructor arguments available to the events as 
Object[].  I guess this would be fairly easy with a WrappedConstructor, but another 
construction is not what I was after.

This proposed enhancement is posted on Sourceforge for review.

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[JBoss-dev] [Tomcat] - Setting char encoding of Response to UTF8, -Dfile.encoding=U

2004-08-20 Thread brett_s_r
I would like to force responses to be encoded in UTF8.  I start JBoss with JVM arg 
-Dfile.encoding=UTF8, and this has become the default encoding within the container, 
however the Coyote Response appears to always be with character encoding of 
ISO-8859-1.  I am picking this up within a servlet Filter.

JDK 1.4.2_05 on Win2k, JBoss 3.2.5 + TC5.  Locale is en/us.

Any advice appreciated.

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