[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought II

2005-04-17 Thread tarantula
I would steer away from a layout strategy that depended on CSS positioning. 
Browser support for CSS-2 positioning is not universally consistent and even 
when the browser fully supports the standard, there are still page rendering 

I find this to be a good guideline to follow for working with CSS. The more 
complex the CSS, the slower pages are rendered and the more chance there is 
that your styles will break. I have adopted a page design strategy that 
combines layout tables and CSS. 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have added the capability to define portal properties in portal.xml file and 
now the layout and theme are lookup up in the property map so it is possible to 
set the layout per portal.

for instance in default-portal.xml :

  |   !-- Set the layout for the default portal --
  |   property
  |  nameorg.jboss.portal.layout/name
  |  valuenodesk/value
  |   /property

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have added the context path switch when dispatching the layout. So the layout 
can use req.getContextPath() to get the context path of the war file in which 
it is. It is similar to what the portlet spec defines for portlet components.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I looked at it, so actually there are two separate things :

  | * layout : it is what the portal dispatch to
  | * theme : it uses a set of JSP tags to output markup

so at the end, the layout can output its own markup or can delegate to the 
theme and renderers right ?

I want to keep the idea that the layout can choose between using custom markup 
or delegating to theme for integration purpose.

One nice thing with renderers is to introduce an AbstractFactory to give the 
capability to get a set of renderers based on the markup. Of course speaking of 
the future.

mholzner wrote : I commited a first draft of the new feature today. 
  | don't go crazy, it's still very early on, but here is the general idea, and 
my motivations: 
  | themes, layouts, skins , branding .  they all have a lot in common, in 
fact : I don't know where one ends and the other one begins. So I tried to come 
up with the most flexible approach. 
  | I really like the clean separation of duties that is outlined in css 
zengarden (http://www.csszengarden.com/) .  It separates content from the rest, 
and gives the web designer the most power over the look and feel. 
  | You can find a sample app attached to the JIRA issue (JBTL-17)
  | So here is what a typical portal request looks like: 
  | * the portal determines the portal page to render, and calls the portlet 
container for each portlet on that page 
  | * once the portlet content is rendered, the theme takes over 
  | * themes are split into three major components: a layout, a theme, and a 
render set
  | * a layout is a JSP or a Servlet that the portal can request dispatch to. 
It is the piece that creates the root tag of the response (like HTML) 
  | * in case of a jsp. there are tags to render a region of the page, or a 
particular portlet, and one to inject the theme
  | * in case of a servlet, there is an API to get the same task done (the same 
API the tags are using)
  | * the region tag gets the list of results containing the rendered portlet 
content for the portlets on that page region. It then determines the render set 
for the current content type. 
  | * a render set is a collection of classes that implement a defined interface
  | * there are 4 renderer interfaces in a render set (region, portlet window, 
decoration, and portlet content)
  | * the theme is a set of css, js, and binary files. When the theme tag is 
injecting the theme content, it actually injects link and script tags 
  | * the layout, the renderer set and the theme all work together to get the 
final markup. 
  | * There are some dependencies between all of them, but for now there are no 
rules: each piece can be switched independently
  | I'll be providing more examples in the next days
  | themes are in core/src/main/org/jboss/portal/core/theme/* 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Martin, will the new examples have the theme display portlets within it? 

The zengarden app, only shows the zengarden page. It does not display within 
IE, but you knew that already. ;-)

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-07 Thread mholzner
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : Martin, will the new examples have the theme 
display portlets within it? 
  | The zengarden app, only shows the zengarden page. It does not display 
within IE, but you knew that already. ;-)

depends on what you consider theme display portlets.  the zengarden app 
contains a set of portlets that work together with the theme. 
I beliefe a set of portlets to list the available themes and layouts,  that let 
the user choose one, would be helpful to understand the concepts better

I'll add those 

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought

2005-04-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I may be missing something, but all I see is a flat html page in the zengarden 
app. I see the portlets defined in -pages.xml, -instances.xml, and portlet.xml, 
but nothing seems to show aside from the main window.

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[JBoss-dev] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: JBPTL-17: Theme API food for thought II

2005-04-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sounds too good :)

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