I finally tracked down the issue that was causing the performance
regression in the pending 2.4.4 release. It was another case of the
MarshalledObject generating huge serialized forms due to the encoded
object's class loader classpath. The change that triggered this was the
removal of the jboss-client.jar from the run.jar classpath. This caused
the ejb handles to see the server classpath as their annotated classpath
and resulted in 9k serialized form sizes. I didn't want to go back to
needing additional classes in the classpath so I used a trival subclass
of MLet as the server main classloader that returned an empty URL[]
from the getURLs() method.

This restored the RMI server codebase value as the annotated codebase
of the ejb handles and the serialized size dropped to < 1k. The moral
is known minimize your MarshalledObject input's class loader classpath.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

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