[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: possible bug when adding .js file to a folder

2009-05-03 Thread asookazian
unable to immediately reproduce with a new java project.  i copied the files 
into the sub-folder and refreshed.  no JS icons showing up like before.  all 
files are visible.  not sure exactly what is triggering it...

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Issue using XmlMixed, XmlRefrences, XmlRefrence annotations

2009-05-03 Thread kyle.bober
I am having an issue with the XmlMixed, XmlRefrences, XmlRefrence 
annotations... Or so that is what I think is causing the issue.

I have a base class called CriteriaSO

  | @XmlRootElement(name="Criteria")
  | @XmlType(propOrder = {"sortType"})
  | @XmlSeeAlso({IdCriteriaSO.class})
  | public abstract class CriteriaSO {
  | protected SortType theSortType;
  | public CriteriaSO() {
  | super();
  | this.theSortType = KeywordAnalysisSortType.ASCENDING;
  | }
  | @XmlElement(name="SortType", required=true, nillable=false)
  | public SortType getSortType() {
  | return theSortType;
  | }
  | public void setSortType(SortType aSortType) {
  | theSortType = aSortType;
  | }
  | }

I have a two classes that extend the CriteriaSO class ::

  | @XmlRootElement(name="IdCriteria")
  | @XmlType(propOrder = {"Ids"})
  | public class IdCriteriaSO extends CriteriaSO {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 20090430001L;
  | private List theIds;
  | public IdCriteriaSO() {
  | super(SortType.ASCENDING);
  | this.theKeywordAnalysisIds = new ArrayList();
  | }
  | @XmlElementWrapper(name = "Ids", nillable=false, required=true)
  | @XmlElement(name = "Id", required = true, nillable = false)
  | public List getIds() {
  | return theIds;
  | }
  | public void setIds(List aIds) {
  | theIds = aIds;
  | }
  | }
  | @XmlRootElement(name="UserIdCriteria")
  | @XmlType(propOrder = {"userIds"})
  | public class UserIdCriteriaSO extends CriteriaSO {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 20090430001L;
  | private List theUserIds;
  | public UserIdCriteriaSO() {
  | super(KeywordAnalysisSortType.ASCENDING);
  | this.theUserIds = new ArrayList();
  | }
  | @XmlElementWrapper(name = "userIds", nillable=false, required=true)
  | @XmlElement(name = "userId", required = true, nillable = false)
  | public List getUserIds() {
  | return theUserIds;
  | }
  | public void setUserIds(List anUserIds) {
  | theUserIds = anUserIds;
  | }
  | }

I then created a List wrapper to contain the CriteriaSO object instances like 
so ::

  | @XmlRootElement(name="CriteriaList")
  | @XmlSeeAlso({IdCriteriaSO.class, UserIdCriteriaSO.class})
  | public class CriteriaListSO {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = 20090424001L;
  | private List theCriteria;
  | public CriteriaListSO() {
  | super();
  | this.theCriteria = new ArrayList();
  | }
  | @XmlMixed
  | @XmlElementRefs( {
  | @XmlElementRef(name = "IdCriteria", type = IdCriteriaSO.class),
  | @XmlElementRef(name = "UserIdCriteria", type = UserIdCriteriaSO.class) })
  | public List getCriteria() {
  | return theCriteria;
  | }
  | public void setCriteria(List anCriteria) {
  | theCriteria = anCriteria;
  | }
  | }

I have a web service method that takes a CriteriaListSO object as a parameter.

  | @WebService(name="testService", serviceName="testService")
  | @SOAPBinding(style=SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use=SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, 
  | public class TestService {
  | @WebMethod(operationName = "echoCriteria")
  | @WebResult(name = "CriteriaList")
  | @RequestWrapper(localName="echoCriteriaRequest")
  | @ResponseWrapper(localName="echoCriteriaResponse")
  | public CriteriaListSO echoCriteria(@WebParam(name = 
"CriteriaList")CriteriaListSO criteriaListSO) throws RemoteException {
  | return criteriaListSO;
  | }
  | }

My issue is everytime I send a web service request to the echoCriteria web 
method with some CriteriaSO objects it doesn't set them in the CriteriaList 
What I do see is one of the CriteriaList - ArrayList element's is being set to 
an object of type java.lang.String. And the contents of the String is the 
"\n" For each CriteriaSO object I add to the SOAP request it will add an 
additional \n to the string contents.

I am using JBoss 4.2.1

Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I have spent a few hours now on 
diffrent annotation configurations trying to figure this out.


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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: jboss on freebsd

2009-05-03 Thread dimm
"PeterJ" wrote : I notice that you have JBoss ASA in /usr/local. How did you 
install it? (You said "install jboss 5 from freebsd ports collection", does 
this mean you used the freebsd package manager to install it?) Does the file 
/usr/local/jboss5/common/lib/jboss-bindingservice.jar exist? Are you running as 
  | I still suspect a permissions issue.
  | I recommend that you download the zip file from the JBoss AS download site, 
unzip it into a directory (mine is at /opt/jboss/jboss-5.0.1.GA) and run it 
from there.
missing files issue,
yes, i try to download zip and unpack
but i just copied missing files, and start freeze at
anonymous wrote : 21:57:49,068 INFO  [WebService] Using RMI server codebase:
  | 21:58:31,925 INFO  [NativeServerConfig] JBoss Web Services - Stack Native 
  | 21:58:31,926 INFO  [NativeServerConfig] 3.0.4.SP1

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: jboss on freebsd

2009-05-03 Thread dimm
and i have one small problem more

21:57:41,939 ERROR [ServerInfo] Error looking up local hostname
java.net.UnknownHostException: QWERTY1: QWERTY1

i must keep hostname="QWERTY1" in my rc.conf, because internet provider dhcp 
working with it

my file /etc/hosts looks like localhostlocahost.localdomian   mypc

but he bind on, me need on external ip, how to fix it?

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: jboss on freebsd

2009-05-03 Thread dimm
i'm not clear errors ,but command like

/usr/local/jboss5/bin/run.sh -b -default 
1>/usr/local/jboss5/log/stdout.log 2>/usr/local/jboss5/log/stderr.log &

work, and i got AS binded on my external ip address
thx for help

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Porting WLS8.1 to JBoss5 - JNDI lookup for XA factory re

2009-05-03 Thread lwalter
Perhaps I should ask a different question - where's a good place to find doco 
that might help out here? I'm not a J2EE expert either (in case it wasn't 
obvious!) so perhaps I need to learn some more general stuff about that to 
solve these kind of problems.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBDS: Visual and Source editors orientation can be chang

2009-05-03 Thread StormTAG
I really wish I could edit my posts. Then it wouldn't be forever recorded that 
I don't read the stickies. Durr hurr hurr... Installing from nightly.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How to get started?? Which jars for needed for simple po

2009-05-03 Thread PeterJ
Sounds like your JSP is attempting to make use of a variable name 
portletSession, but such a variable was never declared. Could you post the JSP? 
When posting the JSP, enclose it in 'code' tags. To do this, select the JSP 
text and click the Code button above the forum's editor window, And use the 
Preview button to check the formatting before submitting.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache: Core Edition] - Re: 2PC question

2009-05-03 Thread girishadat
Are these limitations overcame in the latest version of JBC?

I am using JBoss Cache 3 with JBoss TS 4.6. I tried using jts version of JBoss 
Transactions and put an implementation of TransactionManagerLookup to pass it 
to JBC. When used with PESSIMISTIC locking, with REPEATABLE_READ isolation 
level (as per my knowledge, PESSIMISTIC does not consider the isolation 
level...???). I am able to get lock on the proxy of same objects in cache on 
two different nodes simultaneously, which is not required/expected. And on 
commit, both the transactions moves to deadlock, and the first one, which is 
timed out first, fails and the second one succeeds...! It was OK, if the first 
one succeeds... But what I expect is, the second transaction locks at get 
object itself, if T1 is not ended, since this is pessimistic locking...

Is there any solution for this problem(?)?

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[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - jboss5.0.1 multiple XA datasources: autocommit?

2009-05-03 Thread javatwo
We have application working well in JBOSS 4.0.5GA. After moving to jboss 
5.0.1GA, we have to use XA datasources. We setup three mysql XA datasources in 
our application using hiberhate.

Each datasource has the following:

set autocommit=1

My question is: set automcommit=1, for performing a number of entity updates, 
are they in one transaction?  

for autocommit, mysql will commit each update immediately.

If set autocommit=1
is removed from datasource configuration, we will get the following error:

MysqlXAException: XAER_OUTSIDE: Some work is done outside global transaction

Thanks for help.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: getPreferences with JSF portlet

2009-05-03 Thread fribeiro1
Can something be done to improve that syntax in a later release, Wesley? Looks 
awkward to me, don't know if the standard sheds any good light there.

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - 5.0.1GA warning! applicable interceptors is non-existent

2009-05-03 Thread javatwo
After upgrading jboss 4.0.5 to 5.0.1GA, we got the following warnings:

applicable interceptors is non-existent for public Student  

how to get ride of this warning?

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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Help with Transaction Timeouts on Container Manager Tran

2009-05-03 Thread jhalliday
1) yes
2) It's the default setting for connections outside a managed tx, per the JDBC 
3) no
4) You can't, the AS connection management code needs to be fixed fixed so it 
invalidates the connection. https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-5080
5) You're crazy, but you can use a CheckedAction if you really want to 

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Using StubExt.PROPERTY_CLIENT_TIMEOUT to control timeout of

2009-05-03 Thread jamesjoh
I'm using the native jbossws jax-ws 2.0 implementation.  I want to control the 
timeout on a request I am making to a customer's web service.  After searching 
I found out about setting the property 


on the request context, which I get from my Dispatch object.  I set the timeout 
to 120 seconds (12 milliseconds).  Though my request timed out much quicker 
than the default timeout, it actually took about 5 minutes for it to time out.  
The exception thrown said it timed out after "12ms" but the log entries for 
the request start & timeout exception are 5 minutes apart.  I dropped it down 
to 90 seconds and it took roughly 4 minutes to time out.  Is there something 
magic about this property that the desired timeout is not being honored?  
Clearly the property is being used in SOME capacity to control the timeout, it 
just isn't actually timing out at the desired time.  Does anyone have any 
insight into why this is?  Thank you in advance for your time.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: Can't do anyting - please help

2009-05-03 Thread max.ander...@jboss.com
"doesn't works" means what ?

Got a screenshot of working/non-working ?

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[jboss-user] Mandragora framework provides 100 Business methods in a well done J2ee infrastructure

2009-05-03 Thread Alessandro Colantoni
The open source framework Mandragora (http://mandragora.sourceforge.net/)
provides a pre-built infrastructure for every kind of java application, with
more than 100 methods ready to use, from the most simple and common ones as
findByprimaryKey to the most complex of tree manipulation, that will let you
save between the 50 and 60% of your team development time.

Mandragora is a generic business layer highly configurable and easily
extensible, suitable for distributed applications as well, that come with
more than 100 generic business methods , and that allows you to reuse the
methods you write, keeping the infrastructure that implements the J2ee
patterns. It has been fully tested for JBOSS and Tomcat, and it can be
considered a component of the middleware.

If you use a MVC pattern in the application that you have to design and
implement,  Mandragora provides you the infrastructure for the Model.
Typically, with MVC, the controller has to update or query the model, and
the view can query the model as well. The model should be decoupled from
controller or view by a business delegate layer. So all access to the model
should pass trough the BD.
Mandragora provides more than one hundred of business methods, that your
controller for example, has just to call, without worrying about their
implementation (IoC). So How such methods call service facade,  application
services ,and DAO methods, is not about your care. Just do
bd.findByPrimarykey() or bd. storePathsCascade(...) and much more, to
execute very complex operations and queries such storing or modifying very
complex objects in the DB. Then you can extend the service facade,
application services and Dao implementation very easily, to better fit your
requirements, as Mandragora porvides a very easy to use IoC mechanism, to
allow you to choose which implementation of BD, ApplicationService, Service
FAcade or DAO interface to use, even at runtime.
You should spend some minutes downloading and trying it, to see, how much
time you can save, having yet ready to use the most common operations (many
crud methods and much more complex business methods), so in your work you
have just to focus on the particular Business Intelligence of your concrete
project, as all such bothering operations that you have to repeat project
after project, are already done, once for ever, and if you improve them,
such work is done for all your projects. Moreover all of that is implemented
using a well done infrastructure using the J2ee patterns, so extending
Mandragora  (http://mandragora.sourceforge.net/) for the business method
that you have to implement because you don't find in the  provided ones, you
are guaranteed to implement a well done architecture.
If you wish to write new BD methods, you can do in terms of the already
existing Servcice Facade methods, or mixing with new SF methods written by
your own, that in turn ca be implemented in terms of existing Application
Service or DAO methods, or in terms of new ones that you write. All this is
very easy to use.  Download and spend 30 minutes. You will save week of

I hope you will appreciate this work , and come with new idea and methods to
make it grow up. Any kind of critic is of course welcome.

Best regards

Alessandro Colantoni

jboss-user mailing list

[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: where is the launch configuration

2009-05-03 Thread Elhanan
i didn't understand, is it a bug or not? i still can't see any menu option of 
editing launch configs for jboss.

also is there any reason why launching jboss drinks ip 100% CPU??

this didn't happen in previous releases.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How to get started?? Which jars for needed for simple po

2009-05-03 Thread nadley
Well, you're right - I never declared that variable because I thought it should 
be available for every portlet. Isn't it possible to include a certain jar so 
that I can access "portletSession"? I've seen "portletSession" in various 
sample codes... 

Here is my JSP: 

  | <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet"; prefix="portlet" %>
  | <%! 
  | java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random(); 
  | int toGuess; 
  | int guessedNumber;
  | long start;
  | long end; 
  | long minuten;
  | long sekunden;
  | %>
  | <%  
  | String value = renderRequest.getParameter("guessedNumber"); 
  | java.util.List  list = (java.util.List 
  | if (portletSession.getAttribute("toGuess")!=null){
  | toGuess = (Integer) portletSession.getAttribute("toGuess"); 
  | }else {
  | toGuess = random.nextInt(1000);
  | }
  | if (value != null){
  | if (value.equals("neustart")){
  | list = new java.util.ArrayList  (); 
  | guessedNumber = -1;
  | toGuess = random.nextInt(1000);
  | }
  | else {
  | if (list == null){
  | list = new java.util.ArrayList();  
  | }
  | list.add(value); 
  | try {
  | guessedNumber = Integer.parseInt(value);
  | }catch (Exception e){
  | out.print("Fehler beim Lesen der eingegebenen 
  | }
  | }
  | }
  | portletSession.setAttribute("bereitsGeraten",list); 
  | portletSession.setAttribute("toGuess",toGuess); 
  | %> 
  | " method="POST">
  | <%  if (guessedNumber == toGuess){ 
  | end = new java.util.Date().getTime();
  | minuten = (end-start)/(60*1000);
  | sekunden = ((end-start)%(60*1000))/ 1000;
  | %>
  | Super! Das war die gesuchte Zahl!!! 
  | Sie haben das Ergebnis in <%=minuten%> Minuten und <%=sekunden%>
  | Sekunden beim <%= list.size()%>. Versuch gefunden! 
  | <%  }else {
  | if ((value == null)||(value.equals("neustart"))) { 
  | start = new java.util.Date().getTime();%>
  | Hallo!  Bitte eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 1000 erraten!
  | <%  } else if (guessedNumber > toGuess) { %>
  | Die zu erratende Zahl ist kleiner! Noch ein Versuch:
  | <%  } else if (guessedNumber < toGuess) { %>
  | Die zu erratende Zahl ist größer! Noch ein Versuch: 
  | <%  } %>
  | Bereits geratene Zahlen: <%=list %>
  | <%} %>

It's a little game to guess a random number and it worked fine as a jsp-only 

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: How do I add the richfaces library to eclipse? (experien

2009-05-03 Thread Meghiddo
well icefaces gave me the same problem, but I have this problem fixed for 
richfaces at least.

first I had to manually add each JAR to my project.  Then restart eclipse.  
Then start tomcat.  However all the JARs still were not being exported to 
tomcat/wtpwebapps/project/WEB-INF/lib, so I ahd to then copy and paste the 
actual JARs into that folder.  Then I restarted tomcat and the page showed up 
just fine.  This works for now, but every time I make a change and want to see 
it at local host I have to go through this process.  time consuming but better 
than that damn 404 error.

I liked IceFaces betetr honestly, but I seem to be having teh same issue, and 
have yet to figure out how to work around it

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Is there a tag for creating simple line charts with data poi

2009-05-03 Thread Meghiddo
I'm needing to generate a line chart over time using a collection of data 

Ideally the data points will appear as dots along the line that you can hover 
over and see the values of.  But that will be in the enhanced phase, for now I 
just want to get a line chart to show up after feeding in some data points.

Does richfaces have a tag that i should look into for something like this?  Or 
any other tips would be appreciated.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Cannot login in jbpm-cosole administration

2009-05-03 Thread freak182

Im trying to login in http://localhost:8181/jbpm-console/app/processes.jsf to 
administer/test my deployed processdefination but when i try to enter the 
username/password specified error occured. i already inspect the web.xml but 
there nothing much to say about users.

Thanks a lot.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Will JBoss/Spring deployer fix my problem?

2009-05-03 Thread genomeprjct
I posted this on the spring website, as you can probably guess it's gotten no 
responses.  Basically, i have this open source system we're trying to bring up 
on a few environments so that the admin side can pick which they want to 
support.  The jboss piece has this weird issue w/ bean resolving errors.

See link:  http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?t=71235


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Porting WLS8.1 to JBoss5 - JNDI lookup for XA factory re

2009-05-03 Thread gaohoward
Have you downloaded and read the AS documents from jboss.org? It should be a 
good thing to start with.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: Can't get JBoss AS to start using Jboss Tools

2009-05-03 Thread rob.stry...@jboss.com
If your server is secured and JMX is not exposed then you must use a different 
poller than the JMX poller. You'll need to open the server editor and change 
which poller is being used. 

Also, if the server does not have JMX exposed, then the tooling can not add the 
deployment location to the server. Currently the deployment location should be 
somewhere in the workspace metadata 

If the tooling is told to deploy there (as is the default) and your server is 
not JMX-exposed, then that deployment location cannot be added to the server 
and it will not pick up your deployment.

I am willing to bet your server does not have JMX unlocked. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: package archiover and dependency

2009-05-03 Thread rob.stry...@jboss.com

The builder only gets called once when a file is changed, not twice. That one 
time, I find out fileX changed. I adjust x.jar to include the newly modified 
fileX. However, at no point in this call do I (the archives builder) check if 
the OUTPUT file is further included in other archives. 

Additionally, it seems when a refresh is called on changed resources after a 
build, a new builder does *not* get called. I haven't found the documentation 
on this, but I believe any files changed DURING the build operation BY a 
builder are *not* considered changed on the next build (whether you use 
resource API or file API, doesn't matter). 

Using the resource API actually wouldn't fix anything. Even if you change a raw 
java.io.File, but *REFRESH* the resource, the behaviour should be exactly the 

A quick test has just proved to me that at no point does the first Jar ever get 
passed in to any builder as a changed item. 

For a while a long time ago marshall and I had come up with a way to make 
references between one output jar and another. This way if jarX changes as a 
result of fileX changing,   and jarY *should* change as a result of jarX 
changing, we can accurately model this in the xml configuration.

This happened, though, as he was passing the product off to me and I was making 
substantial changes to its underlying infrastructure. I'd say that feature was 
never complete and so never made it into a successful build. In the end it was 
removed out of concerns over stack overflows and the lack of a proper 

There are huge amounts of problems in getting this to work. Basically if I 
wanted to try to do this, I'd need to keep a list of files changed during my 
portion of the build. The current API doesn't really support returning which 
files were changed (I'm  already  using the return types  to return success / 
failure so a full out API change would be required). If it were only able to do 
zipped deployment it'd be a lot easier but the nature of using truezip to 
abstract away folder vs archive makes it even MORE difficult for me to get a 
list of what files change.

To remind you, the reason I'd need this list is to then see if any of these 
changed / updated output files are in fact included in any OTHER archive's 

In short, it was decided long ago that this would not be a supported use-case 
as-is. To do it via references would require changes to the xml descriptor (to 
allow for references), the UI (to create these reference types) and the builder 
(to check for these references). To do it solely in the builder without any 
additional UI or "reference" concept would require changes to the truezip / 
archives bridge layer and on a coding level would be much more prone to errors 
and breakages. 

The proper way to use archives for this usecase (for now) is simply to nest the 
archives together in one configuration. What the user is asking for is not and 
has not been a supported usecase throughout the entire life of the plugin. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache: Core Edition] - Re: Clustering Mixed with 32-bit and 64-bit servers

2009-05-03 Thread MalcolmShen
Thank you all.  We are testing on the clustered environment.  I will keep you 
posted if any progress.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: package archiover and dependency

2009-05-03 Thread xmedeko
Hi Rob and Max,

from my point of view this is not a much desired feature though. I do not need 
the EAR to be up to date all the time. Clicking the "Build Archive" before the 
redeploy is not much bothering.

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: 5.0.1GA warning! applicable interceptors is non-existent

2009-05-03 Thread jaikiran
It's taken care of in later versions starting 5.1.0 Beta1 

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: EJB3: org.hibernate.type.SerializationException: could n

2009-05-03 Thread D6L

I have the same opinion like you know. I must change the PK in DB to get it run.
I have already changed it and works fine!

Thanks a lot for your time, Wolfgang

Best Regards 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: Will JBoss/Spring deployer fix my problem?

2009-05-03 Thread alesj
It could be this: http://jira.springframework.org/browse/SPR-5120

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Integrate LDAP (opends) with jboss portal 2.7.0

2009-05-03 Thread pooja.ambre
Hi friends,

I am using jboss portal 2.7.0 on linux(fedora 10) platform
I want to integrate LDAP with the portal so I followed the steps on the link
but after I run d portal click on the login link and enter the username and 
passwd as admin
It gets redirected to 
this page and again asks for usename and passwd this keeps on repeating...
plz help me out

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