[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Problem with EJB Injection in Servlet

2009-08-22 Thread sarabjit
Hey Jaikiran,

Thanks for your reply. I tried using the same annotation in JBoss 5.1 but it 
gives the same error. I've now used pitchfork to support annotations in my 
servlets and web modules.

One more quick question about shared libraries here. I've put my shared libs 
directly under ear. And the libs specific to war in WEB-INF/lib


Manifest.mf in mywar.war is 
Class-Path: myjar.jar mywarlib.war

My war is able to access files in myjar.jar but it gives a NoClassDefFound for 
all classes n mywarlib.war

Can you please tell me how i can specify relative paths in manifest?

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Problem with EJB Injection in Servlet

2009-08-22 Thread sarabjit
btw i already tried changing manifest to 

Class-Path: myjar.jar WEB-INF/lib/mywarlib.war 

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration DEPLOYMENT] - Configre DIGEST authentication

2009-08-22 Thread meme64310

I try to configure DIGEST authentication to protect a web app on JBoss 5.1 and 
5.0. This is how I configured login-config.xml:

  | application-policy name=MyApp
  | authentication
  | login-module 
  |   flag=required
  | module-option 
  | module-option 
  | module-option name=hashAlgorithmMD5/module-option
  | module-option name=hashEncodingrfc2617/module-option
  | module-option name=hashUserPasswordfalse/module-option
  | module-option name=hashStorePasswordtrue/module-option
  | module-option name=passwordIsA1Hashtrue/module-option
  | module-option name=storeDigestCallback
  | org.jboss.security.auth.spi.RFC2617Digest
  | /module-option
  | /login-module
  | /authentication
  | /application-policy

Now the problem is, that it simple does not work. I cannot authenticate and I 
have no idea why it fails. The only thing I can think of is that I have stored 
plain-text-passwords in users.properties.
The whole setup works perfectly when I switch to BASIC authentication.
Unfortunately I cannot create encrypted password hashes for users.properties. 
I've tried this command: 

  | java -cp server/default/lib/jbosssx.jar 
org.jboss.security.auth.spi.RFC2617Digest admin2 JBoss JMX Console admin2

It does not work: I get this error: Exception in thread main 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/security/auth/spi/RFC2617Digest

Does anybody have an idea what's wrong here?

Many thanks in advance,

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: JBM2 Beta5 with JBAS5.1 - Memory leak SessionContinuatio

2009-08-22 Thread timfox
Simon- you're absolutely right.

It's clear from looking at the code that it's highly inefficient to allocate a 
large buffer when perhaps as little as one byte is read from the stream.

I have refactored the code, so this is done more sensibly!

The fix will be in the next release (on Monday)

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[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Bug in connection validation code

2009-08-22 Thread bortx

We have a production environment with jboss 4.2.3. It has been working 
successfully until now, when we are experiencing network issues. TCP 
connections are broken very often. Also we noticed that a great number of tcp 
connections in a ESTABLISHED status were beginning to increase out of control. 
We have a pool of 9 max connections and we had 3 hundred of ESTABLISHED 
connections and rising. So we had a look at the code and noticed a bug in 
connection validation, in 
org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool class  
validateConnections method.

  | boolean destroyed = false;
  |  try
  |  {
  | while (true)
  | {
  |ConnectionListener cl = null;
  |synchronized (cls)
  |   if (cls.size() == 0)
  |   {
  |  break;
  |   }
  |   cl = removeForFrequencyCheck();
  |if (cl == null)
  |   break;
  |   Set candidateSet = 
  |   if (mcf instanceof ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory)
  |   {
  |  ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory vcf = 
(ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) mcf;
  |  candidateSet = vcf.getInvalidConnections(candidateSet);
  |  if (candidateSet != null  candidateSet.size()  0)
  |  {
  | if (cl.getState() != ConnectionListener.DESTROY)
  | {
  |destroyed = true;
  | }
  |  }
  |   }
  |   else
  |   {
  |  log.warn(warning: background validation was specified 
with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface.);
  |   }
  |   if(!destroyed)
  |   {
  |  synchronized (cls)
  |  {
  | returnForFrequencyCheck(cl);
  |  } 
  |   }
  | }
  |  }
  |  finally
  |  {
  | permits.release();
  | if (destroyed  shutdown.get() == false  poolParams.minSize 
  | {
  | }
  |  }

What happens when you have a set of 3 connections in the pool, and when you run 
this validation code, the fist one is not valid and the following 2 are valid? 
I will tell you. Those 2 valid connections remain established but they don't 
return to the pool, resulting that you have 2 established connections out of 
control. Besides, counters don't get updated and the resource adapter turns 
into an inconsistent status. All of this is because you don't update destroyed 
variable to false on every iteration. I think it is not necesary to explain 
this more in detail...

So I have developed the following simple solution to fix this issue:

  |  boolean anyDestroyed = false;
  |  try {
  | while (true) {
  |boolean destroyed = false;
  |ConnectionListener cl = null;
  |synchronized (cls) {
  |   if (cls.size() == 0) {
  |  break;
  |   }
  |   cl = removeForFrequencyCheck();
  |if (cl == null) {
  |   break;
  |try {
  |   Set candidateSet = 
  |   if (mcf instanceof ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) {
  |  ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory vcf = 
(ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) mcf;
  |  candidateSet = vcf.getInvalidConnections(candidateSet);
  |  if (candidateSet != null  candidateSet.size()  0) {
  | if (cl.getState() != ConnectionListener.DESTROY) {
  |destroyed = true;
  |anyDestroyed = true;
  | }
  |  }
  |   } else {
  |  log.warn(warning: background validation was specified 
with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface.);

[jboss-user] [jBPM] - How To close task from FreeMarker template?

2009-08-22 Thread pektop
  Assume that this is wide-spread question, but I cannot find the answer nether 
in documentation or in forum. The problem is that I cannot close the task to 
pass the transition workflow to the next task. I used taskFormExample and just 
added new task which uses some dummy form with only one button. Now when 
transition comes to this task from Start element it stops there and not going 
to verify_request task. 

  - What action/element should be used to close task and go to another task if 
.ftl template is used?

Thanks in advance,

Oleg Ladizhensky


  | html
  | body
  |   form action=${form.action} method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data
  |   input type=submit name=Done/
  | /form
  | /body
  | /html


  | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | process name=taskformExample_2 xmlns=http://jbpm.org/4.0/jpdl;
  | start form=be/jorambarrez/jbpm4/demo/taskform/request_vacation.ftl 
g=262,16,48,48 name=start
  |   transition  to=PressTheButton g=-94,-18/
  | /start
  |  task g=222,96,129,52 name=PressTheButton 
  |   transition name=to verify_request to=verify_request g=-89,-18/
  | task candidate-users=peter,mary 
form=be/jorambarrez/jbpm4/demo/taskform/verify_request.ftl g=223,180,126,52 
  |transition g=40,-14 name=accept to=Send acceptance e-mail/
  |   transition g=-44,-17 name=reject to=Send rejection e-mail/
  |   transition g=-18,-20 name=Empty to=Send Empty e-mail/
  | /task
  | mail g=16,264,157,40 name=Send rejection e-mail
  | to addresses=${employee_email}/
  | subjectYour vacation request has been rejected/subject
  | textYour vacation request for ${number_of_days} has been 
rejected. Reason: ${reason}/text
  |  transition to=vacation_rejected/
  | /mail
  | mail g=205,264,163,40 name=Send acceptance e-mail
  | to addresses=${employee_email}/
  | subjectYour vacation request has been accepted/subject
  | textSuccess: your vacation request for ${number_of_days} has 
been accepted./text
  |  transition to=vacation_accepted/
  | /mail
  | end g=70,336,48,48 name=vacation_rejected/
  | end g=262,336,48,48 name=vacation_accepted/
  | mail g=400,264,163,40 name=Send Empty e-mail
  | to addresses=${employee_email}/
  | subjectYour vacation request has been accepted/subject
  | textSuccess: your vacation request for ${number_of_days} has 
been accepted./text
  |  transition to=end1/
  | /mail
  |end g=457,336,48,48 name=end1/
  |task g=222,96,129,52 name=PressTheButton 
  |   transition name=to verify_request to=verify_request g=-89,-18/
  | /process

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[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: How To close task from FreeMarker template?

2009-08-22 Thread kukeltje
pektop wrote : Hello,pektop wrote : 
  | Hi
  | pektop wrote : 
  |   |   Assume that this is wide-spread question, but I cannot find the 
answer nether in documentation or in forum. 
  |   | 
  | Well, maybe it is not a widespread question like you think to be sure of it 
is ;-)
  | pektop wrote : 
  |   |   - What action/element should be used to close task and go to another 
task if .ftl template is used?
  |   | 
  | Have a look at the example forms

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[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Re: How To close task from FreeMarker template?

2009-08-22 Thread kukeltje
sorry for the wrong quoting

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Persistent Problem in JBM 2.0.0 BETA4

2009-08-22 Thread clebert.suco...@jboss.com
There was a bug on ID generations.. When you crashed the VM the data was stlil 
there, but because of that bug the Journal was duplicating IDs causing a few 

It will be available on Monday's release.

thanks again

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[jboss-user] [Apache Tomcat Users] - How to add http headers to ResteasyProviderFactory

2009-08-22 Thread elangovans
Hi all, I new to this forum... so dont know if this is right place to post this 
question... However... 

I have a problem but cant fine the solution, so I thought I would ask you. 

I am using ResteasyProviderFactory, ProxyFactory and ClientResponse to send  
receive my request to the server from my test code like as follows. 

ResteasyProviderFactory instance = ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance(); 
  | RegisterBuiltin.register(instance); 
  | client = ProxyFactory.create(ISomeInterface.class, 
  | ClientResponseResponseContent resp = (ClientResponse ResponseContent ) 
  | String authHeader = resp.getHeaders().get(Authorization); 

OK. I am getting the authorization header from the server and I am able to read 
this. How will send the auth header to my subsequent request to the server. 

Am I using the Client framework correctly? 
Is there a way to add the header to my next request? 

Please help. Greatly appreciate your help. 

Thanks in advance. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP Users] - Can somebody HELP ME to translate that into JBoss AOP?

2009-08-22 Thread milka
public interface Writer {
public void write(String s);

public class SystemOutPrinter {
public void printToSystemOut(String s) {

public aspect PrinterAdapter { 

declare parents: SystemOutPrinter implements Writer;
public void SystemOutPrinter.write(String s) {

public class Main { 
 * In this implementation, the Adaptee becomes its own
 * Adapter, so only one variable is needed. 
public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println(Creating Adaptee (which is its own 
adaptee = new SystemOutPrinter();

System.out.print  (Adapter and Adaptee are the same object: );
System.out.println(adaptee == adaptee);

System.out.println(Issuing the request() to the Adapter...);
adaptee.write(Test successful.);

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Re: Exception on ear deployment

2009-08-22 Thread gt384u
I think this post might prove useful. I didn't think of my case in the extreme, 
which is simply being able to deploy when the broker machine was down.


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