[jboss-user] [MQ] - Is there a max. Message Queue size?

2009-11-06 Thread asander

I hope I have chosen the right forum ...

I have a MDB that receives data to process from an external application. 
Currently this works very well. In rare conditions there can be really a flood 
of messages, so there may be thousands of messages, waiting to be processed by 
the MDB.

My question now is: Is there a max size of the message queue? Is there a risk 
that messages might get lost, if there are much more messages than can be 
processed at the moment?

By the way: I am using JBoss 4.2

Thanks in advance for every answer


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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: EventListener questions

2009-11-06 Thread sebastian.s
I just tried it. I put a breakpoint and used the HSQL's DatabaseManager to have 
a look at the database. There is no task persisted yet.

However I could not find a statement INSERT INTO ..  for the task table in 
the Hibernate debug output before my query for the task. I put an additional 
breakpoint after the EventListener's notify()-method is completed and then the 
task is found in the database.

So it seems that when the EventListener is notified of the activity's start the 
task has not been created yet although the activity is already the active one 
in the execution.

Hibernate queries are hard to log in a readable way. I can still post them but 
if you need them you could easily reproduce them with the supplied unit test.

I've got 2 questions in mind:

How can I achieve the thing I'm aiming for? Should I change to the activity's 
end event? But then I would need to use a custom Hibernate Query since I have 
no criteria to be used for the HistoryTaskQuery.

And is this a bug or just a specific behaviour of jBPM? An unwanted or wanted 
one? If this is unwanted and the task should to be found already in the task 
could this behaviour be changed?

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Advice regarding complex proccess modeling

2009-11-06 Thread fabiomsouto

I've pointed out already some questions a few days ago, but our team decided to 
take it back to the drawing board, because we're a bit confused, so we were 
wondering if anyone more experienced could help.

We are currently trying to implement a document authorization and reviewing 
system, using jBPM. We are having some trouble defining the flow however.

What seems difficult to us is how to:

- Control the flow of the document through the organization. The document is 
read, forwarded to one or several people, then some of those people can forward 
the document too for further reading and commenting. We're having some trouble 
defining this flow.

- The document can be read by several people at the same time or an order can 
be defined, meaning that from a group of 3 people, for example, (X, Y and Z), 
only Y can read the document after X and Z can read after Y. How can we define 
this flow as well?

The main problem is that we can't tell in advance what people will be treating 
the document and if they will be doing it on a sequential or parallel way. what 
we now are the activities we want to perform on the document and in which 
sequence they occur.

Modeling all the different routes a document may take, combining all the 
activities we want to perform, doesn't seem like a good approach to the 
problem. This would result in a huge process definition or many process 
definitions creating a maintenance and usability problem.

Is there a design pattern to help solve this situation? Could someone more 
experienced give us some hints? 

Thank you very much.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging Users] - Is there a max. Message Queue size?

2009-11-06 Thread asander

I hope I have chosen the right forum ...
I would intend to regard this question as a MQ question but the MQ forum is 
closed and I have no idea where to put this question now...

I have a MDB that receives data to process from an external application. 
Currently this works very well. In rare conditions there can be really a flood 
of messages, so there may be thousands of messages, waiting to be processed by 
the MDB.

My question now is: Is there a max size of the message queue? Is there a risk 
that messages might get lost, if there are much more messages than can be 
processed at the moment?

By the way: I am using JBoss 4.2.2

Thanks in advance for every answer


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools Users] - Re: Please give this back to Hibernate or focus on the hiber

2009-11-06 Thread max.ander...@jboss.com
polliard wrote : The hibernate tools used to be difficult to get installed 
pre JBOSS but when you did get them installed.  It worked.  Now a days I have 
to rely on ant scripts to do all the work since the tools almost NEVER work.  
JBOSS please spend a little more time if your going to own the hibernate tools 
and eclipse plugin making sure that it works or else give the ownership back to 

Sorry you are having troubles but do realize that it is still in the hands of 
Hibernate, i.e. me ? 

If you got issues then just like everyone had to do in the past you have to 
report the issues with information about what goes wrong - i.e. the stack 
traces and what part of hibernate tools you are actually using when generating 
hbm.xml files ? Is it the code generation or the wizards ?

The new hbm.xml files wizards have been going through major new features and 
thus you might see issues if you are using the milestones and nightlies - if 
you want 100% stable then use the stable releases!

But please, give some more details and we will fix them.

i.e. I just tried with M4 and I could not trigger a stackoverflow error - so 
please give some more details.

anonymous wrote : 
  | Before some Fan Boys comment back.  Yes I have worked with Ganymede and the 
tools are just as broken after a base installation there using the STABLE 

Again, just as broken doesn't help neither you or me. What is broken ? I use 
the tools constantly and sure I know of some issues and I reported them all - 
but none where stopship issues. If you found some, please take the time to 
report the issues.

Note, i've been on vacation for 2 weeks so maybe you already did report them in 
jira - if yes, then please post the links here.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging Users] - Re: Is there a max. Message Queue size?

2009-11-06 Thread timfox
JBoss MQ forum is here.


Not sure what you mean by it's closed - can't you post messages?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging Users] - Re: Is there a max. Message Queue size?

2009-11-06 Thread asander
Thank you for the link.

I can post messages there but it is a subforum of closed and obviously not in 
use anymore. It seems the forum is not read anymore by anyone.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: Advice regarding complex proccess modeling

2009-11-06 Thread saraswati.santanu
  did you consider using Assignment handler? 

  If you implement Read Document as a task node and add an assignment handler 
to it, which can execute whatever business logic it needs to, to decide whether 
X, Y or Z or all of them or none of them can do Read task.

  | ...
  | task name=read 
  |   assignment-handler class=org.jbpm.examples.ReadAssignTask
  |   /assignment-handler
  |   transition to=decide /
  | /task
  | decision name=decide
  |   handler class=org.jbpm.examples.DecideWhatToDo /
  |   transition name=read again to=read /
  |   transition name=read done to=next node /
  | /decision
  | ...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging Users] - Re: Is there a max. Message Queue size?

2009-11-06 Thread timfox
asander wrote : Thank you for the link.
  | I can post messages there but it is a subforum of closed and obviously 
not in use anymore. It seems the forum is not read anymore by anyone.

That's a shame, but I don't think it will help you to post here, since no-one 
here knows much about JBoss MQ.

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[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - jBPM BeanShell: fail with osgi classpaths

2009-11-06 Thread Rasun
Good day,

Currently I'm working on a RCP project with jBPM 3. At this very moment I'm 
stuck while trying to execute a process. The processDefinition.xml starts 
executing and at a certain moment, when it reaches a part where a Script object 
is started, a DelegationException is thrown.
Prior to this exception, I noticed that BeanShell did not seem to be able to 
resolve the OSGi classpath I use where certain source/config files are located.

Debugging the code learns that the cause is located somewhere in the integrated 
BeanShell code (can't tell where exactly, as I don't have the source code 
available); it seems that BeanShell does not use proper classpaths (confirming 
OSGi standards), while my RCP based project does.
As far as I know, BeanShell does 'something' with the classpaths/classloaders 
which seemingly affects the process in a negative way.

Can anyone suggest a way to make jBPM/BeanShell understand how to use the 
proper classpaths or other, if the probable cause does not concern the 
classpaths/OSGi aspects, possibility?

Thanks for the effort! Hope that I provided enough info about the problem here, 
if not then just yell ;).

=== Environment ==
- jBPM Version: 3
- JDK: 1.6.0_17
- Configuration : Use the default jbpm.cfg.xml with jbpm.jar lib, no custom 
config file used.
- Libraries : using all default libraries from jBPM, no custom or changes made.

=== Stacktrace ==

  | action threw exception: script evaluation exception
  | org.jbpm.graph.def.DelegationException: script evaluation exception
  | at org.jbpm.graph.action.Script.eval(Script.java:139)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.action.Script.eval(Script.java:73)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.action.Script.execute(Script.java:62)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement.executeAction(GraphElement.java:264)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement.executeActions(GraphElement.java:220)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.GraphElement.fireEvent(GraphElement.java:174)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.def.Node.leave(Node.java:382)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.node.StartState.leave(StartState.java:70)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.signal(Token.java:195)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.Token.signal(Token.java:140)
  | at org.jbpm.graph.exe.ProcessInstance.signal(ProcessInstance.java:271)
  | at nl.mindef.c2sc.titaan.uni.UNI.run(Unknown Source)
  | at uni.gui.app.main.main.UniRunner.start(UniRunner.java:209)
  | at uni.gui.app.main.data.rbb.RbbDevice.start(RbbDevice.java:113)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.eclipse.core.commands.Command.executeWithChecks(Command.java:476)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:84)
  | at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:1003)
  | at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:3823)
  | at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:3422)
  | at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:2384)
  | at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:2348)
  | at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$4(Workbench.java:2200)
  | at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$5.run(Workbench.java:495)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:149)
  | at uni.gui.app.base.Application.start(Application.java:27)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | at 

[jboss-user] [jBPM Users] - Re: Running demo.setup.jboss Problems under MySQL

2009-11-06 Thread tangrui
I think there's something wrong with the build.xml.

When running ant -Ddatabase=mysql demo.setup.tomcat, during the ant target 
install.jbpm.to.tomcat, there's a task that set 
database.driver.destination.dir property, then run target internal copy 
database driver.

But when running demo.setup.tomcat, no such property is set, so the 
mysql-connector-java.jar is copied to the current directory where ant script 
running. This leads that no mysql driver is installed to JBoss server, so leads 
to ClassNotFoundException.

So is this a problem with the build.xml script?

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