[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Jasypt and JCA -ds.xml files

2007-11-29 Thread EvanSchnell
Has anyone integrated Jasypt (http://www.jasypt.org ) with -ds.xml files?  We 
use the method described at 
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=EncryptingDataSourcePasswords but this 
seems like it might be a simpler approach.

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[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Custom Caches Per Security Domain

2007-04-03 Thread EvanSchnell
I am looking for an example of how one might set different CachePolicies, or at 
least different timeouts, for different application-policies.  I am unable to 
find anything other than a brief mention of AuthenticationCacheJndiName in the 

My main application-policy governs web user access using a subclass of 
HttpServletRequestLoginModule.  At the same time I have an application-policy 
using SecureIdentityLoginModule to allow encrypted passwords for each of my 
datasources.  The user authentication policy needs to have a very short timeout 
so changes to user rights are reflected rather quickly.  However, the database 
passwords won't change outside a server restart so theoretically I should never 
expire them.  

Stress testing is showing problems with JaasSecurityManager.updateCache when 
the datasources are under load; even with the fix for 
http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBAS-3141  in place.   Tuning the caching 
seems like a good option. 

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[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Gobs of DelegatingClassLoader Objects in JBoss Profiler

2006-10-19 Thread EvanSchnell
JDK: 1.5.0_04
JBoss 4.0.3 GA w/ Tomcat
Hibernate 3.0.5
One ear containing two wars.  

No Hot Redeployments

My application does not do any hot deployments but I am seeing  the behavior 
often associated with classloaders not being garbage collected on hot deploy.   
(http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=492509messageID=2317057 ) 

Any HttpRequest, even the very first one after server startup, will 
consistently create at least 3 uncollectable DelegatingClassLoaders.  A single 
user was able to create 113 of these chewing up 49K of RAM in just a couple of 
minutes.  Are others seeing this?  I found it while looking into a massive 
memory leak that exists at some customers but not others.  

I investigated the relationship between the ClassNotFound issue fixed in 4.0.4 
(http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3041)and the behavior I am seeing.  I 
breakpointed ClassNotFoundException's constructors but this proved not useful 
due to extensive creation of these by BootstrapClassLoader.   Does anyone know 
if this bug above only occurs when the class is not found by any ClassLoader or 
if it can occur for any ClassNotFoundException?  I am unable to locate a case 
where my code silently catches ClassNotFoundException and I am not using a an 
MVC framework.

Any guidance would be much appreciated.  


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