[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JSF/Seam Binding and Nested Classes

2008-01-19 Thread aggtecnologia
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. I am never creating daughter, I have just a 
reference. My code should be:

  | @Entity
  | @Name("mother")
  | public class Mother {
  |private Daughter daughter = new Daughter();
  |... setters and getters
  | }

When poor old Seam tried to set the values for daugher it found no target 

Thank you very very much.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JSF/Seam Binding and Nested Classes

2008-01-19 Thread aggtecnologia
In the first code snippet please ignore the annotation @Stateful. It is just a 
typo (it s not in my code). My code is just:

  | @Entity
  | @Name("mother")
  | public class Mother {
  |private Daughter daughter;
  |... setters and getters
  | }

I found a workaround defining Daughter as a Seam component:

  | @Name("daughter")
  | public class Daughter {
  |  private String someprop;
  | ... setters and getters
  | }

and then using it as a separate component and asociating it with mother in Java:

I mean instad of using:


I use:


and then in the action bean:

  | @Stateful
  | public class ActionBean {
  |private Mother mother;
  |private Daughter daughter;
  |public void persistMother () {
  |   mother.setDaughter(daughter);
  |   em.persist (daughter);
  | }

It is not elegant but at least it works. 

Nevertheless I would like to know if there is any bug in the Expression 
Language interpreter or if I am doing something wrong. Accortding to JSF 
specification the first sintax I mention should work.

any comments?

Thanks in advnace.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JSF/Seam Binding and Nested Classes

2008-01-18 Thread aggtecnologia
Could you find the answer? I am stuck with the same problem.
Just in case the problem is not clear:

  | @Stateful
  | @Entity
  | @Name("mother")
  | public class Mother {
  |private Daughter daughter;
  |... setters and getters
  | }

and the nested class is:

  | public class Daughter {
  |  private String someprop;
  | ... setters and getters
  | }

When I try to put something in daughters property someprop


the contents of the html field are not transfered to someprop and any action 
invoked from the page is not even executed. It seems that the lifecycle ends 
when the framework tries to transfer values from the request to the properties 
inside the object inside the EJB.
I am using seam 1.2.1 and quite desperated.
Thaks in advance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: changes on @In injected properties with BUSINESS_PROCESS

2007-06-16 Thread aggtecnologia
Sorry for double posting (desperation superseded manners). I have been trying 
different approaches for thee days.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Business process variables duplicted when updated.

2007-06-16 Thread aggtecnologia
Thank you Gavin for your PROMPT (yes in capitals :-) ) response.

I would like to verify if I am interpreting the right way what´s going on. Here 
is a snippet from  my code:

public class verificarDatosBean implements verificarDatos {

@Out(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)

public String saveModifiedData() {
return "/home.seam";

@Remove @Destroy public void destroy(){}

public String getUnDato() { 
return unDato;

public void setUnDato(String unDato) {
this.unDato = unDato;


1. When seam finds:

private String unDato; 

injects the the BUSSINESS_PROCESS variable unDato. (The variable was already 
created elsewere with BUSSINESS_PROCESS scope AND I already called a method 
annotated with @StartTask, so I am inside a BUSSINESS_PROCESS)

2. As soon as any method inside the object is executed (I think in my case it 
is the getter because this EJB is acting as a Backing Bean) Seams finds:

private String unDato; 
@Out(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)

and creates the new variable with the same name (unDato) and scope (unDato) but 
with different Id.

3. When I execute:

public String saveModifiedData()

Seam sees that the task is completed and updates the original variable.

Forgive my verbosity but I want to be sure I am conceptually right. (So I learn 
once for good)


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: changes on @In injected properties with BUSINESS_PROCESS

2007-06-16 Thread aggtecnologia
Hi koenhandekyn

I noticed almost the same behavior but, in my case, the variable gets 
duplicated. What I mean is that after executing a method in the class I end up 
with TWO variables with the same name (in your case invoice), one containing 
the new value and the new one (also called invoice but with a higher Id) 
containing the same value of the original invoice.

Have you seen something like that?

Thanks in advance,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Business process variables duplicted when updated.

2007-06-16 Thread aggtecnologia
Hi all!
I am trying to update JBPM business process variables using Seam annotations.
I noticed the following behavior:

When I use:
private String unDato;

my class retrieves the variable but the modifications do not get persisted when 
I call the @EndTask annotated function (the last one before destroying the 

When I use:
@Out(scope=ScopeType.BUSINESS_PROCESS, required=false)
private String unDato;

my class also retrieves the variables but as soon as the class gets created a 
new variable with the same name (unDato) and value is created in the database 
(jbpm_variableinstance). When I leave the class and finish the task, The old 
variable is updated correctly but the new "ghost" variable remains in the DB 
(with the original value).

I found a workaround by updating variables "by hand": instead of using @Out I 

Contexts.getBusinessProcessContext().set("unDato", unDato);

This way I do what I need: just modify the content of the original value.

Im I doing something wrong in the way I am trying to use annotations?

Thanks in advance,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam Registration Example - trouble with Hibernate Valid

2007-02-26 Thread aggtecnologia
Just in case somebody finds the same problem: following chopin and Gavin King´s 
suggestions I tried version 1.1.6 and everything works fine.

There are a couple differences between Registration versions (a couple  tags 
missing and declaring Log as static) that are not related with the validation 
problem. The main problem is that jboss-seam-registration.war generated by 
version 1.1.0 does not contain jboss-seam-ui.jar in WEB-INF directoy.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Validation issue in adapted Registration example

2007-02-26 Thread aggtecnologia
Following your comments I made a few more tests using the same JBoss 
installation and Seam 1.1.6: Everything workd fine.

There are a couple differences between Registration versions (a couple  tags 
missing and declaring Log as static) that are not related with the validation 
problem. The main problem is that jboss-seam-registration.war generated by 
version 1.1.0 does not contain jboss-seam-ui.jar in WEB-INF directoy.

Thanks a lot gentlemen!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Validation issue in adapted Registration example

2007-02-24 Thread aggtecnologia
Do validations work in the original example? I hava a rather similar problem: 
if data is OK it´s made persistent without problems. I data is invalid (for 
Hibernate Validators rules), instad of getting error messages the application 
throws an exception (wich is sent to the client).

I`ve tried version 1.1.0 with JBoss installed by means of  JEMS installer 

Tomorrow I´ll try 1.1.6 but I´m not very comfident because source codes are 
almost identical.

Best regards.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam Registration Example - trouble with Hibernate Validator

2007-02-24 Thread aggtecnologia
Hi all, I?m trying to learn Seam by following the tutorial. I followed 
installation instructions 
(http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossseam/gettingstarted) thoroughly and 
everything went on seamlessly (pun intended :-)).
Registration example is working OK, EXCEPT when data don?t pass Hibernate 
Validator validation. If I don?t misunderstand it is supposed to redisplay the 
original page. Instead of that I?m getting an ugly:

HTTP Status 500 - 
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from 
fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: Error calling action method of component with 
id _idJsp0:_idJsp4

root cause 
javax.faces.FacesException: Error calling action method of component with id 




note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/5.5.20 logs.

Validators ARE exacuted but I guess somebody (¿Seam?) is not catching the 
exception and directing JSF to the previous page to show the error messages. 
Instead of that the exception is being sent back to the client (b!!!)
I know there are more interesting examples but I would like to understand what 
am I doing wrong.
I´ve been googling the whole afternoon but nobody seems to have noticed such 
behavior. Any clues will be VERY wellcome. Thanks in advance,

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