[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Save conversation state in client

2007-09-05 Thread atleprange
Thank you for the reply, i realize that my question was unclear at best. What i 
 want is to store the onversation context at the client, so if the user clicks 
a link the conversation continues, but if the user clicks a link and opens the 
response in a new window, the new window has its own conversation context and 
the old window still has its conversation context stored.

That way the user can start a new conversation by opening a new window.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Save conversation state in client

2007-09-05 Thread atleprange
Yes, the server will not be able to detect if the view is rendered to a new 
window. But if the conversation context is stored in the client, the server 
does not need to know.

If a user opens a view in a new window the context is sendt to the server along 
with the request, the request is handled, new data is set in the context and 
the view is rendered to the new browser tab. If the old tab sends a different 
request (for example without opening a new tab), the server handles the old 
context without knowing that it was the same as the previous context. The 
context data is just set during the application phase, and the response is 
sendt back to the browser. In effect that means that we have split one 
conversation in two...

I thought i could accomplish this with client side conversations (core:init 
client-side-conversations=true), but i suspect the conversation id parameter 
that always is appended somehow makes seam set the different conversation 
contexts as part of the same conversation (which is of course the expected 
behavior) Maybe one could turn the conversation id parameter off?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Save conversation state in client

2007-09-05 Thread atleprange
How stupid of me. The s:link produces a GET request with parameters, which 
means that the conversation context cannot posted to the server. If i use 
normal JSF postback, i can't open in new tab. I have to think of another 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Made it, but...

2007-09-05 Thread atleprange
I managed to make the application behave like i wanted. I replaced all the 
s:link components with the normal h:commandLink component. But i am pretty sure 
it's not a very good idea to send the whole state back and forth all the time. 
The conversation contexts state is a lot larger than i first thought of (of 
course). All objects my action classes are referencing must be sent back to the 
browser. If i reduce the state to the minimum, the benefits of actually having 
a conversation are vanishing.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Save conversation state in client

2007-09-04 Thread atleprange
I would like one conversation per open browser window. If the user opens a link 
in a new tab, i would like the new tab run in a new conversation, and the old 
tab to continue running in the old conversation. 

I believe that this could be achieved by saving the conversation state in the 
client, but is this sufficient? I have tried this by setting the appropriate 
parameter in components.xml on the init component, but it seems to me that the 
state is still stored on the server side. 

Are there any other ways of achieving the functionality i am after? Could i 
save some conversation id in the page context and manually assign a 
conversation to a browser window?

any suggestions would be appreciated.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: [OT] Trinidad 1.0.0-incubating

2007-04-19 Thread atleprange
Yes, i replace all text that looks like [:param_1;...;param_n] into 
wiki:include name= factory=wiki.('param_1',...,'param_n')/

The text is then compiled by the facelet compiler and finally rendered.

I'll try to understand your approach a bit better, it seems more elegant :), 
and then see if i can combine them somehow...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: End conversation and redirect problem

2007-04-19 Thread atleprange
I don't think its possible to end and start a new conversation in a single 
request (yet). I am not 100% sure of the seam lifecycle, but i believe i have 
read in this forum that its not possible, but might be implemented in some 
future version. Why not start the conversation when you click the link to 

If the table of entries must be part of a conversation try to nest the 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: End conversation and redirect problem

2007-04-19 Thread atleprange
Or you could just try to redirect the page? (In pages.xml) It might do the 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam Conversation Should Be Flexible but NOT

2007-04-18 Thread atleprange
If you set the conversation id manually, you can control the number of 
conversations created. (The side effect is that you might rejoin the 
conversation even if you don't want to.)

You could also be sure to end conversations whenever a new treenode or tab is 
clicked. That way you only have one conversation running at a time, giving you 
the option to have a long timeout period.
If the user enters a tab with a form, and the exits the form by clicking 
another tab, the conversation will be closed again.

And if the user opens a new window, the users could fill out two forms 
concurrently (which is one of the big benefits of the conversation)

Alas its not possible to restart a conversation with one action (correct me 
if i am wrong here), so you would have to redesign parts of the tabbing

Of course it all depends on your requirements

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam Conversation Should Be Flexible but NOT

2007-04-18 Thread atleprange
Just a short comment: i had the similar issues you mentioned, as I also was 
risking an huge growth of un-ended conversations. (But my application requires 
multiple parallell windows.)
I was overwhelmed by the possibilites that the conversation context gave me 
that i started to see almost every user interaction as a candidate for a 
conversation. In the end i solved by just having one conversation, possibly 
nesting if needed. (The users just love really long conversations ;)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: [OT] Trinidad 1.0.0-incubating

2007-04-18 Thread atleprange
Pete: I read your blogpost about facelets-plugins which seems very interesting. 
 But i cant seem to locate the Seam Wiki you refer to. (I tried the CVS ROOT of 
( I have just made a small site with wiki functionality using seam and 
facelets, following the first strategy you mention. But I realize that whatever 
I do which i think might be smart, you guys are making it faster and better 
than me. Maybe i should just lean back and wait a bit longer. Chances are that 
you build the while application i am developing before me ;) - keep up the good 
work )

Any hints on where we can find the Seam Wiki?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Yeah!

2007-04-18 Thread atleprange
This looks excellent!

I used a different approach. I modified the seam antlr grammer so it would 
recognize the macros, and replaced it with a home made injection tag 
(wiki:inject name=macroname factory=wiki.macroname('param1','param2') /)

I then run the facelet compiler over the content, leaving it to create the 
components. The inject tag works just as a normal UI:include: It includes a 
facelet with the same name as the macro, but it additionaly calls a factory 
method on a seam component named 'wiki.', which creates a java bean that is 
then passed to the included facelet. That way i can have a different bean for 
each macro, based on the params the user supplies. (The params are supplied to 
the factory as strings)

My approach has several obvious downsides:
Compiling the text every time is time consuming
No form submits, since the components disappear after they have been rendered 
(i think)

The pros: I can back every macro with a bean, which is created based on macro 

Next i am thinking of implementing markers, that can give text some semantic 
meaning that is a bit more advanced than the normal tags.

The beauty of seam is that it just makes it so easy to implement!

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