[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to link to page using level of indirection

2007-03-26 Thread awheeler
You could use  with action parameter. The action event should return a 
view-id (JSF or otherwise). Using the SeamFaceletViewHandler you should be able 
to pass parameters to the action event e.g #{myBean.objectSelected(x)}

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to link to page using level of indirection

2007-03-27 Thread awheeler
Your selection action passes the object x. You may be able to return a string 
of the view such as "/myobjectview.seam?id=" + x.id. I haven't tried this.

Better still you could use the navigation rules in pages.xml as per the seam 
documentation (section


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Multi-role components

2007-03-27 Thread awheeler
I have a backing bean which is used in both the session and conversation 
context as follows:

  | @Name("searchCompany")
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | @Roles( [EMAIL PROTECTED](name="findCompany",scope=ScopeType.CONVERSATION)} 

In order for the outjected datamodel list to pick up the correct value on the 
page I have to use the page scope for the datamodel:

  | @DataModel(value="companyList",scope=ScopeType.PAGE)
  | public List getResultList() {
  | return super.getResultList();
  | }

If I do not limit the scope to page then if a I use the bean in a convesation 
and a previously instantiated session bean exists then the page (in a 
conversation) uses the session datamodel before a search has occured. Clicking 
on the list results in an error as the list was not generated by the 
conversation bean.

So it appears that I've solved my problem, but I can no longer use expressions 
such as the following in a dataTable:

  | #{company.companyName}

I guess this is because the datamodel doesn't have "sufficient" scope at the 
time of the action, or perhaps seam doesn't look in the page scope when doing 
action events.

This problem is different from datamodelselection, which works for page scoped 
datamodel that postback to the same bean as the datamodel.

Is this just a fact of life with seam, or is there a better way ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - JSF and TransactionalSeamPhaseListener

2007-02-26 Thread awheeler
This is more a question of design or understanding:

In order to avoid the lazy initialization exception I have followed the seam 
examples and used the TransactionalSeamPhaseListener and configured the 
components.xml correctly. The entity manager is now injected using the @In 
annotation. I can now retrieve my entities without problem however this raises 
an issue about JSF model updates which over-write the primary key of a 
ManyToOne entity.


  | EJB3:
  | @Entity
  | public class Person extends {
  | private Title title;
  | @ManyToOne(cascade = {}, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
  | @JoinColumn(name = "title_id", unique = false, nullable = true, 
insertable = true, updatable = true)
  | public Title getTitle() {
  | return this.title;
  | }
  | .
  | .
  | }
  | Backing Bean:
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION)
  | @Name("editPerson")
  | public class EditPerson {
  | @In
  | private EntityManager entityManager;
  | @Out
  | private Person person;
  | .
  | .
  | }
  | JSF:

The problem occurs when the title is changed in the selectOneMenu from say "Mr" 
to "Mrs". JSF applies its model changes to person.title.titleId which changes 
the primary key of the managed entity. Any calls to persist the person entity 
fail as two title objects exist with the same primary key This seems to be a 
general problem for JSF pages wanting to write directly to managed entities.

To avoid this problem I have reverted to the standard SeamPhaseListener and use 
the @PersistenceContext. The entity is now "disconnected" and calls to merge() 
no longer complain about the change in primary key they just perform the 
update. i.e update person set titleId=2 . . .

This solution means that I have to initialise every lazy collection manually 
before passing it to JSF.

A possible solution is to intercept the model update before it is applied and 
set the title on person to the changed title:

  | newTitleId = {Get model value for titleId}
  | newTitle = em.find(Title.class, newTitleId)
  | person.setTitle(newTitle)
  | {Stop model update of person.title.titleId}

Another solution is have all selectOneMenus writing their value back to a 
property on the backing bean instead of the entity. This however really curbs 
flexibility with reuse.

How should I do this? Is there a better way? Does anyone have a better design 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: JSF and TransactionalSeamPhaseListener

2007-02-27 Thread awheeler
Thank you for your help. I am now using Seam's EntityConvertor


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - pageflow annotation and pages.xml

2007-03-22 Thread awheeler
I am using seam 1.20. I have a problem starting a pageflow:

If I use the pageflow property of the @Begin annotation the pageflow will not 
start and subsequently will not move from the first page. e.g:

  | Pageflow
  | @Create  
  | public void create() {
  | }

However the following code does work when using the depreciated function:

  | @Create @Begin(flushMode=FlushModeType.MANUAL,pageflow="linkCorrespondence")
  | public void create() {
  | Conversation.instance().beginPageflow("linkCorrespondence");
  | }

The pageflow does work if I use  element in the pages.xml:

  | Link new correspondence

However the conversation must specify join="true". If it does not and the page 
refreshes or submits then a new conversation is started which produces an 
error. I also notice that if the conversation is started using 
 that the conversation description is not shown in the 
conversationList or on the debug.seam page. Is this a consequence of specifying 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: pageflow annotation and pages.xml

2007-03-22 Thread awheeler
The seam documentation states in section 7.2.2:

anonymous wrote : 
  | If we are beginning the pageflow during the RENDER_RESPONSE  phase?during a 
@Factory or @Create  method, for example?we consider ourselves to be already at 
the page being rendered, and use a  node as the first node in the 
pageflow, as in the example above.

I have annotated the @Create method which is called during the RENDER_RESPONSE 
phase. Is the documentation correct?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - convertEntity: mixing session and conversation data

2007-08-05 Thread awheeler
I am using Seam 1.2.1GA and I have problem with s:convertEntity such as:


The bean loggedInUser is a session bean. When the form submits JSF reports that 
the field is not valid. I have debugged the EntityConverter class and it 
returns the selected value correctly from the getAsObject function. This means 
(I assume) the validation error is occuring within JSF, in my case MyFaces.

The session bean function is:

  | public List getBranchList() {
  | return this.flattenedBranches;
  | }

To experiment I sourced the list from a bean in the current conversation. This 
function gets the list from the session bean and merges it (using 
entityManager) into a local list.

  | @In(value="loggedInUser", required=true)
  | private IUser user;
  | private List userBranchList;
  | public List getUserBranchList() {
  | if (this.userBranchList == null) {
  | this.userBranchList = new ArrayList();
  | Iterator itr = 
  | while (itr.hasNext()) {
  | Company branch = (Company)itr.next();
  | }
  | }
  | return this.userBranchList;
  | }

This works without JSF reporting any validation problems. 

I really don't understand why this does not work for session data as the 
EntityConverter class uses entityManager.find to look-up the data using the 
data's primary key. This means that the EntityConverter is returning a "merged" 
result using the current conversation's entityManager.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

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