[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jbpm-jpdl-suite-3.2.1 Source Code

2007-08-01 Thread cahimoped
Yes they could (and should) do that.

CVS is locked here too so I had to make an archive from home using ssh (using 
port 443 because default ssh port is locked too). Then I downloaded it using 
http. And this was way easier than asking the admin to open this port for me...

I kind of like stupid solutions but this time I remember I [EMAIL PROTECTED] a 
lot :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Bypass Form Validation For Certain Operations?

2007-08-01 Thread cahimoped
Can you see the transition from the validator? That's the only (bad) solution I 
found right now.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: jbpm-jpdl-suite-3.2.1 Source Code

2007-08-01 Thread cahimoped
OK... 4 times the same subject in a week... maybe a sticky thread will help... 
even if the answer is already in the wiki and pretty obvious...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Troubles about integrating a jBPM on an existing JBoss A

2007-07-30 Thread cahimoped
Those are "normal" errors (they are in the 3.2.1 quite version too and they 
don't prevent the console from running).

I think you need to look the users configuration in the database for your 
"login failed".

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: how can i show a graph of the instance that i specify ?

2007-07-26 Thread cahimoped
Look the GetDiagramInfoActionListener.java file from the CVS... The method to 
get the information seems different.. maybe it will help...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Some questions on Process Instance.

2007-07-20 Thread cahimoped
I think what I would try to do is get the id of the taskInstance the user is 
doing and directly have it in your method...

In all cases I think you need something more to find the right taskInstance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Some questions on Process Instance.

2007-07-20 Thread cahimoped
If you are in actions you can use the ExecutionContext : 
executionContext.getToken and executionContext.getTaskInstance...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Assigning a task to->{group, rolebased, ...}

2007-07-04 Thread cahimoped
All this is classic Eclipse plugins crap. Unzip your GPD archive and point the 
Ecplise plugin for new local site. And you need to have some others plugins 
installed before GPD can work.

To begin with jbpm 3.2.1 I suggest you take the suite version from sourceforge. 
It contains everything. All you need to do is unzip it somewhere, launch the 
server with the start.bat or start.sh and it should work directly.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to set Token name?

2007-07-04 Thread cahimoped
You can always get the root token. So it doesn't need a name.
For all other tokens you may create the name can be set in the constructor.

I think a setname method would be pretty useless...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Problem with Deployment (FileUploadException)

2007-07-04 Thread cahimoped
Your servlet get something but apparently the content isn't multipart.

How do you use it? From the web-console? the GPD?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Testing lengthy process: is it possible to snapshot a pr

2007-06-29 Thread cahimoped
You can easily do unit test for each step : you create the workflow 
programatically, you set the variables manually with code too, you execute what 
you want and test the result... Pretty classic.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: beginner question...

2007-06-22 Thread cahimoped
Maybe you can create a "modification task" for the submitter and cancel it when 
the approval task ends.

If you put both approval task and modification task in a fork and only let the 
save button in the modification form (so it is never validated from the 
form)... I think it should do the trick.

Never done that though... it's just an idea. I'm pretty sure there are some 
other (better?) solutions.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Stupid timezone problem...

2007-06-13 Thread cahimoped
kukeltje> Ok... ok... sounds like a serious problem IN THE CONSOLE ;-)

david> JIRA request done.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Stupid timezone problem...

2007-06-13 Thread cahimoped
Thanks kukeltje... you answered while I was typing.

This choice is very strange...  the new admin-console is unusable without 
editing lots of jsf date tags... sounds like a serious problem to me.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Stupid timezone problem...

2007-06-13 Thread cahimoped
The more I search the less the problem appears to be stupid and the more it 
looks like a possible bug.

I'm in GMT+1 but currently in "summer time" so it explains the 2 hours 
difference with GMT.

Now I will take an example : 
- I launch a process at 14:00 with my system in "GMT+1 summer time"
- I launch a second process at 12:00 with my system at GMT

I got in the console :
with my system in GMT+1 : 12:00 12:00
with my system in GMT : 14:00 12:00

What I want is the exact contrary : I want the 14 to be 12 in GMT (cause it was 
launch at 14 GMT+1/12GMT) and the two 12 in GMT+1 to be 14...

I don't know how date are stored in DB but from what I see there might be a 

And I just found many "f:convertDateTime" in the admin-console/web-console so 
it might be a unmentionned setting to set or a bug in the 

I'll investigate... but if you have answers...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Stupid timezone problem...

2007-06-13 Thread cahimoped
More info : the time in jBoss is correct. My user.timezone is correct.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Stupid timezone problem...

2007-06-13 Thread cahimoped

I'm in GMT+1 on my system and the webconsole shows me GMT-1 hours : if I launch 
a process at 10, it displays that I start it at 8. When I schedule a task for 
the 15th of June the due date indicated in the console is the 14th of June 
10:00PM... etc.

If I change my system timezone to GMT-1 I got the same hours in my pc and in 
the console. If I change to GMT+4 I got 5 hours of difference... etc. So I 
think there is a timezone set to GMT-1 somewhere... but ... where?

I searched in jBoss but it seems like it uses system time... I searched in jBPM 
and the webconsole but didn't find any clue...

I feel kind of newbee now :/

Do you know how to change that?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Date questions

2007-06-12 Thread cahimoped

Just for info :
My action is launching multiple instances of another process configured by a 
xml file. So this action uses jBPM.

My action is in a task-node and repeated until the manager validate his task 
from the console (the transition goes to end-node).
It avoids intervention of an administrator for that (and to restart it too)... 
but maybe that's not really needed... I'll think about it.

Because of these two choices I tought it should be more convenient to use jBPM 
to repeat my actions. Finally I don't really know :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Date questions

2007-06-12 Thread cahimoped

I want to have an action launched the 15th and the last day of each month : 
15/02, 28/02, 15/03, 31/03... etc. So it repeats after 13, 15, 16... days 
depending on the month.

I tried lots of things and I don't see how to do it.
First I tried with the calendar but it seems like it doesn't allow me to do 
these sort of things... am I wrong?

I tried to create a new timer each time for the next date but failed somewhere 
in changing duedates (I'll try again today though).

Do you see a better way I'm missing?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: problem accessing jbpm-console (jbpm 3.2.1 GA) on weblog

2007-06-11 Thread cahimoped
Sorry I'm totally out topic but... Is 3.2.1 GA out? Where can I see if it is 
out or not? How can I get it?

I see the 3.2 GA release on SourceForge because I went there before looking 
here... If I didn't I would have been stuck with 3.1.4 since it appears to be 
the last usable release from here...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-06-05 Thread cahimoped

I just come to add precisions on my previous solution (it can eventualy help).

Finally there is a big problem with the previous solution : you can't control 
the result of the servlet and the task is always validated. It didn't matter 
for me so far... but now I need it.

So I came back to the old solution and I'm now validating my task and 
everything in the servlet with the taskInstance ID I get in EL like that : 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to get process jpg and gpd

2007-05-31 Thread cahimoped
Found it in the old webapp code : 

And you can get the ProcessDefinition from GraphSession.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to implement a timer/scheduler

2007-05-30 Thread cahimoped
Oups... I forgot the code tags.

I was saying : "Just put a 

in the right place with the right arguments and it should work."

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to implement a timer/scheduler

2007-05-30 Thread cahimoped
Part 13.1 of the documentation.
Just put a  in the right place with the right arguments and it should work.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-30 Thread cahimoped
I just solved my problem. I was trying to get my taskInstance to be signaled 
with code when I thought about another solution :

I don't put a dataform inside my form but the form inside my dataform. This way 
the default transition button can still work and I just have to put some 
javascript on it like that : 

  |   Envoyer un fichier local 
  | Selectionnez le fichier a envoyer :

It works well, my task is validated, the next task is created, my servlet is 
called and my file saved... I'm happy but I'm feeling very stupid to think 
about that so late. I knew this should be easy :)

Btw I think a little more documentation must be written on EL (some examples 
would be great) and since jBPM JSF tags are still here in the new admin console 
and usable from jBPM and JSF users, I think they deserve a little Javadoc like 
the official JSF one : 
That's absolutly not a urgent task... but it would help...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
I doesn't work better with id at the end or/and with task in the begining.
My field remains empty (and empty in the browser too if not hidden).
I tried idParameter instead of id only too (I see that in a jbpm:bind... just 
in case...) and it doesn't work better.

Right now I'm trying to add the processInstance ID to the context variables 
with an action. That way I'm sure I'll get it in my servlet. It doesn't work 
yet but it will... I hope it will :)
Too bad I have to add code and use a process variable for that though...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
I forget to say it again : I know I may I misunderstood the documentation. I 
d'ont say it's a bug... but in case I read well it can be... I just don't know 
and I'm curious about it. 

What I want now is another solution to get my process instance, token or 
whatever so I can signal my task in my servlet. I'm sure there's an easy one 
somewhere but I just don't imagine it yet...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-29 Thread cahimoped
Ok I post you some code and informations... It will not say more that I already 
said... but ok let's go.

Here is my task :


Here is my association in the forms.xml :

Here is my bilanCP.xhtml (displaying well) :
  | http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
  |   xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets";
  |   xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core";
  |   xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html";
  |   xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core";
  |   xmlns:tf="http://jbpm.org/jsf/tf";
  |   xmlns:jbpm="http://jbpm.org/jsf";>
  |   Envoyer un fichier local 
  | Selectionnez le fichier a envoyer :
  |   Envoyer  

and here is my servlet :

import java.io.File;
  | import java.io.IOException;
  | import java.io.PrintWriter;
  | import java.util.Iterator;
  | import java.util.List;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  | import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
  | import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
  | public class UploadSuivi extends HttpServlet {
  | private static final long serialVersionUID = -7214369336993351418L;
  | private FileItem fichier;
  | private String nomProjet;
  | private String tokenId;
  | public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse 
response) throws IOException {
  | if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {   

  | throw new RuntimeException("Not a multipart request");
  | }
  | try {
  | // Create a factory for disk-based file items
  | FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
  | // Create a new file upload handler
  | ServletFileUpload upload = new 
  | // Parse the request
  | List list = upload.parseRequest(request);
  | // Process the uploaded items
  | for (int i=0; ihttp://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4049208#4049208

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-28 Thread cahimoped
Just some precisions :
- I spent lot of time trying everything (taskInstance, processIntance and not 
only token) in my expressions and I never get any answer. I don't know why 
since it works well with any simple variable (with "#{var['myvar']}").
- This input code is in a modified form file created by the GPD. I need to have 
2 solutions here : the first is a normal transition link and the second the 
file upload. They lead to the same unique transition to the next node.

I searched the documentation and I understand that the way I do it should 
work.. is it a bug? (I'm not know EL enough to figure myself)
I searched in all the test cases and I didn't find any example of that... did I 
miss one?

I lost nearly a day on that so if you have any little idea... even if it may 
seem stupid... I'll take it and test it.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: administrating BPEL from code

2007-05-28 Thread cahimoped
What I would probably do here is :
- study the steps in the eclipse plugin getting started guide and the steps in 
the userguide thinking how it could be done with code
- see if there are functions that permits to load new processDefinition in jBPM 
BPEL like in jPDL version and if they exists look at the test cases for how to 
use it
- maybe see what exactly does "ant deploy-definition" 
- maybe see what does the processUploadServlet in jBPM jPDL 
lots of paths to explore.

I can't answer more precisely because I don't use the BPEL version at all.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: administrating BPEL from code

2007-05-28 Thread cahimoped
Try to read the documentation (User Guide and Wiki) and more generally to use 
jBPM BPEL yourself. I think that's the only way to get your answers.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Signal a task on a html form submit

2007-05-28 Thread cahimoped

I want to end a task on a file upload. So I made a form in the xhtml form file 
with a file input. On the server side I deploy a servlet to get the file... and 
signal the token.

I tried to pass the tokenId from the form to the servlet by doing that in the 

and that in the servlet:

... but I get an empty answer.

Do you see something wrong here? Maybe an expression mistake?

I search for other ways to get my task or token or processInstance in the 
servlet but I failed too : I got potentially a lot of the same 
processDefinition at the same task with either different or same 
actors/variables so I didn't find any way to get the one I want.

Do you know another way to signal my task on the form submit button that I 
could have missed?

PS: sorry if my english is too bad :/

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Java Content Repository and jBPM integration

2007-05-18 Thread cahimoped
I'm interested in doing something like that too. If you found something please 
give an answer here :)

Personnaly I'll check that later but from what I've seen on the JCR 
documentation it doesn't seem really difficult to change the access mode if you 
want to share it with another application (note that I didn't look how jBPM use 
it... maybe there is no change to make).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: how list processes?

2007-05-09 Thread cahimoped
Too much code to read I would say. jBPM is really poorly documented and NO : 
code isn't documentation!

Yesterday I spend the day making some scenario to work. I would have spend only 
half an hour if there was some good documentation and less code reading.

I'm currently trying to find a good workflow solution and jBPM seems to be 
great... but ... I don't think I will go for it because of documentation.

I'm still an intern here and I'm not sure if I'll stay here for a long time... 
so I got 2 choice right now : 
- spend a lot of time writing a documentation,
- take another well-documented solution and spend my time really using it.

In the first place I tried jBPM because of the community that seemed to be 
great but in fact there is something like... only kukeltje in here (thanks btw 
;) Yes he helps A LOT but he can't solve everybody's problems.

Hey developpers! I know coding is fun and writing documentation is boring but 
since you want to get people to use your product you don't have the choice...

PS : sorry for my english and for the thread deviation

PPS : I wonder if some developer will ever have the time to read that :/

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: eclipse 3.2.2 and GPD 3.x not compatible?

2007-04-24 Thread cahimoped
Ouch sorry I'm still slepping this morning... I wanted to edit my post and... 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: eclipse 3.2.2 and GPD 3.x not compatible?

2007-04-24 Thread cahimoped
"cahimoped" wrote : 3.0.13 for me... I followed the link in the dowload 
  | I didn't try really hard with Eclipse 3.2.2 since I already got 3 different 
versions of Eclipse here : it was easier to change Eclipse version (and tools 
version with it) instead of searching if the error was caused by some strange 
dependency problem, a GPD bug or something else...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: eclipse 3.2.2 and GPD 3.x not compatible?

2007-04-24 Thread cahimoped
3.0.13 for me... I followed the link in the dowload section...

I didn't try really hard with Eclipse 3.2.2 since I already got 3 different 
versions of Eclipse here : it was easier to change Eclipse instead of searching 
if the error was caused by some strange dependency problem, a GPD bug or 
something else...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: eclipse 3.2.2 and GPD 3.x not compatible?

2007-04-24 Thread cahimoped
I failed to have it working with 3.2.2 too so I installed it on 3.3 and it 
works fine for me.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: What can be done with jBPM?

2007-04-16 Thread cahimoped
My question was typically one of those I usualy don't answer... so I understand 
why I had no answers :)

I said "2 minutes" to show I didn't wanted to take too much time to people here 
with so bad questions... but if some of you have much time to spend on this 
they can, I'm not strict about it :p

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: What can be done with jBPM?

2007-04-16 Thread cahimoped
Hum... no answers... thanks guys. Let's say you're too busy... I'll continue 
investigate on my own.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - What can be done with jBPM?

2007-04-13 Thread cahimoped

I'm currently watching different workflow engines trying to understand what 
sort of things can be done with them.

I think I got the whole picture now but I'm looking for some details, some 
things I may have missed, some none visible or maybe still badly documented 
features... etc.

So if you have 2 minutes, help me :
What do you do with your jBPM? :) 

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