[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: jboss-ds_1_5.dtd Validation problems

2008-04-07 Thread dlmiles
This issue got fixed by breaking the "http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4142028#4142028

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-04-06 Thread dlmiles
Ah yes the first time I wrong the last reply I explained what I did not install.

I have Eclipse 3.3.2 + WTP 2.0.2 + JBoss Tools 2.0.0 GA

I installed the nightly: JBossAS-Tools-200803280018-nightly.zip

I then manually removed the features and plugins of the 2.0.0.GA release of 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-04-06 Thread dlmiles
I wrote you out a nice reply to this, first time around and this darn bulletin 
board and its 30 second times out with a redirect back to the jboss homepage 
ed it up.  Here is my 2nd attempt at reply.

  | !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2008-04-06 10:26:47.479
  | !MESSAGE An error occurred while automatically activating bundle 
org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core (1086).
  | !STACK 0
  | org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in 
org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core.JBossServerCorePlugin.start() of bundle 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | SNIP
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
  | at 
  | .SNIP
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | at 
  | ... 52 more
  | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251)
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319)
  | ... 71 more
  | Root exception:
  | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
  | at 
  | SNIP
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251)
  | at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319)
  | ... 71 more
  | !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2008-04-06 10:26:47.584
  | !MESSAGE An unexpected runtime error has occurred.
  | !STACK 0
  | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - jboss-ds_1_5.dtd Validation problems

2008-04-06 Thread dlmiles
First of all the URL: http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-ds_1_5.dtd does not 
return the correct document.

Second JBoss 5.0.0 Beta 4  DTD resolver for jboss-jca.jar does not seen to be 
able to locate the local copy of jboss-ds_1_5.dtd .

Third if I extract the jboss-ds_1_5.dtd from jboss-jca.jar and put it up on my 
own website and edit my deploy/foobar-ds.xml to point to my URL it downloads 
the copy of my website.  But that verbatim copy also has problems:

Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: A ')' is required in the declaration 
of element type "local-tx-datasource".

I presume it is talking about this section, but it all looks good to me:


So my real question is how do you turn off the XML validation ?

Is there something wrong with my setup ?  Surely at least one unit test must 
have failed before JBoss 5.0.0 Beta4 shipped ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-28 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : anonymous wrote : I agree with the issue on the 
other error being due to not using the rest of the nightly build, I did not 
download and take apart the nightly build to see why it did not gel.  Also why 
does Content Assist require access to IJBossRuntime (when I've not runtimes 
setup) and also why does Type Hierachy fail to work at all when IJBossRuntime 
class is apparently missing!  So what!
  |   | 
  | You need to explain that to me a bit better ;)
  | What kind of content assist is failing ?

All kinds, in all contexts I tried, on all artifacts I tried.  Simply unzip 
JBossTools-AS-*-nightly over your GA installation and bootup and try to do some 
Java work.

I really would not be so concerned about it, I'm pretty sure the issue is not 
with JBoss Tools but the way in which Eclipse hunts/looks/finds things.

anonymous wrote : anonymous wrote : < rant > Gee it would be really good when 
you booted eclipse and it detected a change in plugins if it diagnosed problems 
an tell you which things were new and which things have become 
disconnected/disabled < / rant >
  | start eclipse with -debug and you get the disconnected/disabled info in the 
Error Log view.

G-r-e-a-t   A-d-v-i-c-e   T-h-a-n-k   Y-o-u!

< sarcasm >Hey with that content assist problem (if you really wanna knock 
yourself out on that bug), try attaching GDB to the process and looking a look 
at the disassemble view.< /sarcasm >


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-28 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Dlmiles you are more than welcome to point me to 
how I could fix the versioning issuewithout messing up plugin and feature 
manifest/descriptors ;)
  | GA in the version string is how we have always done it.
  | btw. your other error is probably caused by other weird mixing of nightly 
builds ...I recommend you use a clean eclipse install and use link files to 
make sure you only point to a consistent set of plugins.
  | If the problem still persist then ping us again.

I remember now there was a problem with Hibernate's Eclipse plugin at one point 
in the past.

Well first you have to choose if a user can be expected to do what I tried.  
That is use the entire GA suite but also install the nightly for just the AS.  
You may consider this to be unsupported and incorrect use, as each release 
stream might be considered a different domain to each other (nightly, beta, GA).

I didn't want to install the entire nightly suite as I didn't want to introduce 
known bugs.

If you decide that it should be possible to do what I tried (all be it, the 
user really is on their own, just like they are on their own when they install 
any or all nightly builds anyway).  There is no major problem with the 
descriptors this time as many of the version constraint simply are not used and 
those that are seem to be setting the lower bound only.  You'll hear no gripes 
from this direction on that policy it sounds good to me.

The issue is simply with the release naming strategy of the GA builds.  The 
letter "G" comes after the number "2".  The version comparison is pretty well 
set in stone for how the eclipse platform works.  So if you want it to work 
then my best/easiest offer is to start using "1.0.0.MMDDHHMM-GA"  format 
for GA releases, and "1.0.0.MMDDHHMM-Beta99" for Beta releases, etc..  you 
can do what the hell you like after the date part. 

Bear in mind that you will need to go to version "1.0.1.MMDDHHMM-GA" for 
the next GA (i.e. at least a patch level bump) from that point on you should 
find nightly components will at least mix/run with GA components.

I agree with the issue on the other error being due to not using the rest of 
the nightly build, I did not download and take apart the nightly build to see 
why it did not gel.  Also why does Content Assist require access to 
IJBossRuntime (when I've not runtimes setup) and also why does Type Hierachy 
fail to work at all when IJBossRuntime class is apparently missing!  So what!

< rant > Gee it would be really good when you booted eclipse and it detected a 
change in plugins if it diagnosed problems an tell you which things were new 
and which things have become disconnected/disabled < / rant >

I look forward to the next GA release so that JBoss 5 can be used.  I'm sure 
when the AS is finally released that rolling a new release of JBossTool-AS will 
get done.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-27 Thread dlmiles
"dlmiles" wrote : But the JBoss 5 adaptor is now listed but I am now able to 
advance past

But the JBoss 5 adaptor is now listed but I am NOT able to advance past.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-27 Thread dlmiles
It was necessary to:

rm -rf ./features/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.feature_1.0.0.GA \
  | ./plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.classpath.ui_1.0.0.GA.jar \ 
  | ./plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.ui_1.0.0.GA \
  | ./plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.ui.mbeans_1.0.0.GA.jar \
  | ./plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.classpath.core_1.0.0.GA.jar \
  | ./plugins/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.as.core_1.0.0.GA


Not again another case of Eclipse plugins getting the concepts of versioning 
wrong, by putting "GA" in the version="1.0.0.GA" string.

Technically the nightly build is a later version than the GA build, it could 
have been far more correct to use "1.0.0.MMDDHHMM-GA"

One thing the Eclipse versioning system does not do is make a distinction 
between alpha, beta, gamma, release, etc... domains.  Then is might be possible 
to switch off all non-release quality plugins and/or understand that multiple 
online update sites maybe available.

I now also get an error:

An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling".
  | org/jboss/ide/eclipse/as/core/server/IJBossServerRuntime

On startup, but I can clearly see it inside: 

# jar -tvf 
  | grep JBoss
  |568 Fri Mar 28 00:44:48 GMT 2008 
  |657 Fri Mar 28 00:44:48 GMT 2008 
  |729 Fri Mar 28 00:44:48 GMT 2008 

But the JBoss 5 adaptor is now listed but I am now able to advance past the 
selection of the JBoss 5 driver screen, the next button does nothing, the 
installed runtimes does not light up, I am not able go to workspace properties 
and create a new runtime of any version (i.e. neither 4.2 or 5 work).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-27 Thread dlmiles
Where are they available from ?  I just installed 
JBossAS-Tools-200803280018-nightly.zip over the top of the last GA release but 
there is no option to add a JBoss 5 server (except for the one provided by WTP 

I downloaded from 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - JBoss Tools AS 1.0.0.GA update for JBoss 5 AS ?

2008-03-10 Thread dlmiles
Will there be an update soon to "JBossTools-AS" to include a JBoss 5 deployment 
adapter from the JBoss Server View ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-03-01 Thread dlmiles
See also http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMETA-5 (which I believe to be the 
correct channel for updates to jboss-metadata.jar).  The XSD validation is 
picking up the information contained in that JAR.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-03-01 Thread dlmiles
"alesj" wrote : "dlmiles" wrote : 
  |   | Surely there is some other qualifying requirement too.  For example the 
*.deployer file name as well as requiring a META-INF/spring-deployers-beans.xml 
with  outer element ?
  |   | 
  | The file has to be in metadata path, recognized by StructureDeployers.
  | I don't know what you mean by *.deployers file name and requiring 
  | To require exact outer element, it means it would always have to parse the 
file, to see what is the first element.
  | I think the name + suffix are good enough to distinct deployment types.
  | And with the new aspectized deployers, it's easy to swap out the behavior / 
add additional constraints.

The point I was getting at, is that no deployer should mindlessly attempt to 
deploy all files it finds at any nesting depth ending in *-beans.xml.  This is 
mindless madness.

But I would be happy for it to have a look at all files and then attempt to 
parse the file as a JBoss specific deployment descriptor.  Now during this 
process it should immediately see that my file has an XML Schema that belongs 
to Spring Framework.  Upon seeing this the deployer should stop considering 
that file as a JBoss deployment descriptor and no exception should be thrown.

This is the point of having XSDs to ensure an application that is not meant to 
process some data, does not attempt to process it!

The JBoss deployer does not own all the files ending in *-beans.xml that the 
JBoss VFS can find, it only own those files that also match the DTD/XSD schemes 
that JBoss understands.

Of course it has to parse the file, its bl**dy well doing that now is not it!  
The error I reported is due to a deployment failure because the contents of the 
XML appeared to be garbage to the MBean deployer when it attempted deployment.

Renaming my file in my WAR from /WEB-INF/spring-beans.xml to 
/WEB-INF/spring-context.xml did the trick.

"dlmiles" wrote : I'm pretty sure this has been fixed in the Servlet web.xml 
DTD/XSD for a few years now, don't you just love validating parsers.  Yes the 
plus character "+" is valid in a MIME type.

I have researched this issue and Tomcat 5.5.x has an updated web-app_2_4.xsd  
in servlet-api.jar but Tomcat 6.0.14 (the version I checked and the version 
shipped with JBoss AS 5.0.x) has not been updated.  The Bugzilla ticket is at 
https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=44517 "web-app_2_4.xsd not 
up-to-date in TC6 servlet-api.jar"

For now I shall manually fix 
servlet-api.jar!javax/servlet/resources/web-app_2_4.xsd in my JBoss 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-03-01 Thread dlmiles
Thank you for your replies again.

Picks up ?  Ah I see the error is from the deployer trying to deploy something 
as a JBoss service which is actually contained inside my EAR which has a WAR 
and in my /WEB-INF/spring.beans.xml.  I'm surprised it could find it, none of 
my containment files are exploded.

Surely there is some other qualifying requirement too.  For example the 
*.deployer file name as well as requiring a META-INF/spring-deployers-beans.xml 
with  outer element ?

I'm thinking that just having the name should never be enough but being the 
correct name and having a well formed data inside qualifies it for being picked 
up and special treatment.  Anything not matching all of the requirements should 
elicit a warning and then be put back down (and ignored for further pickups 
until its timestamp changes again).  The warning would be along the lines of 
foobar-bean.xml file does not contain  outer element, ignoring file and 

Also if there is a clearly DTD or XSD described in the *-beans.xml for which 
the deployer does not understand then no warning should be emitted for INFO log 
level.  But possible to see the attempted pickup at DEBUG level.

Now the next thing in the saga (not really spring related) :

vfsfile:/data/opt/jboss-5.0.0.Beta4/server/default/deploy/Service.ear -> 
org.xml.sax.SAXException: cvc-pattern-valid: Value 'application/xhtml+xml' is 
not facet-valid with respect to pattern '
  | [\p{L}\-\p{Nd}]+/[\p{L}\-\p{Nd}\.]+' for type 'null'. @ 
  | I'm pretty sure this has been fixed in the Servlet web.xml DTD/XSD for a 
few years now, don't you just love validating parsers.  Yes the plus character 
"+" is valid in a MIME type.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-03-01 Thread dlmiles
"dlmiles" wrote : Caused by: org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBException: Failed to 
parse source: Failed to parse schema for nsURI=, baseURI=null, 

I converted all my spring-beans.dtd to XSD (both in the web-app itself and all 
its included JARs from WEB-INF/lib, what a pain!).  My guess on the problem 
here is that the XML parser is configured by JBoss (as it owns the XML parser 
and its configuration and supplies it to the JBoss Spring Deployer / Spring 
Framework).  So I am thinking that either the JBoss Spring Deployer should 
supply a DTD resolver to the JBoss XML Parser that can locate the DTD from 
within the spring-beans.jar when necessary or Spring Framework is making 
presumptions about how the XML parser is already configured before it uses it.

Anyway now moving onto my next problem.

Are all the schemes that spring usually has setup (when running as a web-app in 
plain Tomcat; not Tomcat under JBoss), are they enabled and functional with 
respect to JBoss ? In particular the scheme handler for "classpath:"  I have a:

  | classpath:config/application.properties

But I'm getting the error:

DEBUG [org.jboss.deployers.vfs.deployer.kernel.BeanDeployer] Parsed file: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Foobar.war/WEB-INF/spring-beans.xml 
 to: classpath:/config/application.properties
  | DEBUG [org.jboss.deployers.vfs.deployer.kernel.BeanDeployer] Error during 
  | org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: Error creating managed object 
  | at 
  | SNIP
  | Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException
  | at java.lang.Class.cast(Class.java:2951)
  | at 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-02-29 Thread dlmiles
That fragment for jboss-log4j.xml was mean to come out like:


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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - Re: JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-02-29 Thread dlmiles
Thank for your prompt reply.

I was able to turn on logging to see SpringParserDeployer and 
ApplicationContextDeployer being picked up by editing */conf/jboss-log4j.xml 
and adding:


Also for interest with those reading this thread (as of this time) Spring 2.0 
is shipped with JBoss Spring Deployer 3.0.  This saves you from downloading 
every version of Spring framework and comparing JARs until you find a match.

I disagree you are not modifying the file by changing the filename by appending 
the version number like spring-core-2.0.8.jar but would support you stance if I 
was asking for the content to be modified (which I am not).

I can also see that the MANIFEST of jboss-spring.deployer itself does not 
include its own version number and would also like to see jboss-spring.jar from 
inside the *.deployer file renamed to jboss-spring-3.0.jar (as well as version 
in the manifest).  Both would be ideal and would save you documenting a README 
file about which version you built with this week.

My next problem is that one or more Spring bean descriptors does not use 
XSD/Namespaces but DTD, is that allowed ?

Caused by: org.jboss.xb.binding.JBossXBException: Failed to parse source: 
Failed to parse schema for nsURI=, baseURI=null, 

Now my remaining concern: I have a WAR in my EAR which currently has 
spring*.jar's inside (/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar) what is the correct way the package 
those ?

If the JBoss deployer version (of Spring Framework) and the WAR version (of 
Spring Framework) were different, would there ever be a problem, I am thinking 
that the WAR container encapsulaltion will still work fine, since I would need 
to go to JNDI to obtain access to an ApplicationContext for any components 
deployed via JBoss Spring Deployer.  Is my understanding correct on this ?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss/Spring Integration] - JBOSS5 + Spring Deployer version confusion

2008-02-29 Thread dlmiles
I see there is: Spring Deployer 2.1 (in 2.5/2.5.x and 2.0.8 forms) this is a 
JAR and contains no implementation of Spring and no JBOSS5 style 

I am correct in thinking the above version is for JBoss AS 4.2.x and older ?  
But should not be used wit JBoss AS 5 ?

I see there is: Spring Deployer 3.0  (which includes a jboss-spring.deployer 
JAR file, which appears to be in JBOSS5 deployers format, it does not include 
an implementation of Spring that appears to be older than spring 2.0.7 from 
filesizes and timestamps).  When this file is dropped into the JBoss5 deployers 
directory I see no log entry indicating startup of the deployer.  Should 
something appear in the JBossAS console log ?

I am correct in thinking this should be used with JBoss AS 5 and newer ?

Now if I wanted to upgrade to 2.0.7 or 2.0.8 is a recompile necessary or can I 
replace the spring-*.jar files inside the jboss-spring.deployer file ?

Could I also suggest that all dependent JARs what are bundled please use the 
file name that includes the version of said file like "spring-core-2.0.99.jar" 
not just the plain "spring-core.jar" so its really clear to audit.

This could also extend to the deployer archive itself, 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-15 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Ok - we'll look into reproducing fixing this.
  | With respect to the bugids did you report those about buffer size not being 
good enough etc. ?
  | Would be good to have the bugids ?
  | And yes, the adapter needs to do exploded deployment to trigger this error.


I have never lodged bugids about either buffer size or threading issues, I 
never cared for them enough, more concerned with creating bugids for things 
that actually affect me rather than a thorny code review.


I would guess a windows developer mistakenly thought that using a large buffer 
64kb will mean that file writes will handle 64Kb atomically, since most files 
being published are < 64Kb and this skips over most problems of the runtime 
being a part built file, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!.  I can 
only guess this is the illogical reason for this large size.  I use the term 
"windows developer" in the derogatory sense, I hope I offend, ROFL :)

The threading issue I commented in another comment to a different bugid, 
knowing the maintainer for that file may read it.  For all I know all server 
publish actions are serialized and since server drivers are the only things 
expected to use PublishUtil class there maybe no real problem here, even if I 
think I see one.  It would also be very rare occurrence needing concurrent 
usage of PublishUtil to trigger, which presumes the user has 2 active runtimes 
at once, all these factors somewhat reduce its importance to "can't be bothered 
to write a bug entry for it" status.

On the subject of size; I care more that the buffer is shared by all users (is 
'static') than about the fact its 64kb, but if you start instancing that class 
then making it 1Kb should get you within 97% performance, and 4Kb within 99% 
performance of 64Kb (if you ever through there was a performance issue in the 
first place) or just allocate a byte[] on demand.  Those white papers indicate 
you get diminishing returns for performance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-15 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Ok - my df shows me this:
  | so I don't think this could be tested easily on my setup; well I guess I 
could mount a usb disk and deploy to that ;)
  | Have you reported these issues against bugs.eclipse.org ? If not I suggest 
you to do so and let me know about the bugid and I'll add whatever we do to fix 
this to that bug.

If you don't want to use USB, dig out my post dated "Posted: Tue Oct 9, 2007 
01:43 AM" and execute the commands to create yourself a 160Mb loopback file 
system.  This is where Linux mounts a file as a fileing system.  The file can 
exist on your "/" file system as /tmp/bigfile.ext2

Yes I reported the issues for the Tomcat driver with it too did not consider 
the different file system problems.  This was over a year ago and these things 
were mostly fixed during WTP 0.7/1.0 time frame.

But I'm not sure there is a bug with the Eclipse WTP provided JBoss driver, 
since it publishes to the "tmp0/" directory in exploded format (without using 
the .ear directory extension), once that pass is complete it then creates an 
EAR file in the JBoss runtime deployment directory (out of the contents it just 
put into the "tmp0/" directory).  So in effect converting from exploded format 
to single file EAR format implicitly means Eclipse ends up doing a file copy.  
I am completely guessing this is what it does from my observations.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-14 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I just can't reproduce this error and thus I'm 
asking you if
  | a) this occurs with other deployers too
  | b) did you see leftover artifacts when using our jboss deployer
  | If a and b then this is most likely limited only to possible issues in 
jstpublisher, if a and not b or not and b then it is some issue specific to our 

a) I can't comment on 'a' since I don't have any other deployers setup, just 
Tomcat and JBoss.  As I understand the limitations with Java/JVM and Unix 
system semantics I'm happy to claim that all users of WST PublishUtil are 
affected while the "File tempDir" member has a hardwired value.  It's important 
to phrase the question 'b' correctly "this occurs with other deployers that 
deploy to runtimes outside of the workspace filesystem that also use 
PublishUtil class provided by WST in WTP to place the files into the deployment 
directory".  Maybe you can pick a deployer and container you'd like to me to 
spare a minute to test it with ?

b) Yes I do.  Here are the left over files (from 
$HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/ to my example 
EAREclipseManager.ear project from deploying a moment ago:

tmp40855.xml  tmp40856.MF  tmp40857.xml  tmp40858.class  tmp40859.class  
tmp40860.class  tmp40861.class

The modification to the JBoss runtime deploy directory has all the directories 
created that I'd expect to see for the project, but the 7 missing files are the 
MANIFEST.MF, the ejb-jar.xml, the application.xml and 4 x Implementation .class 
files.  Examining the contents of those 7 tmpX. files clearly indicate 
they are those files, left over from failed renameTo() calls.

I'd like to help you observe the issue, this would be best on a linux system 
(as that is what I use day-to-day).  Please confirm your file system layout 
from 'df', the absolute location of your workspace, the absolute location of 
your project, the absolute location of your jboss runtime.

I can then confirm if I believe your configuration should be able to observe 
the problem and provide steps.

anonymous wrote : And we can't perform that change since it won't be ready in a 
WTP release in time; so we probably need to fork PublishUtil to make it work.

There is always the option of listing the (cross filesystem boundary) as a 
known issue for the CR1 release.  Since it is not that difficult to work around 
for a developer to ensure his runtime is on the same file system as his 
workspace.  Open an API request ASAP and creating a backwards compatible 
implementation of the static PublishUtil and a new instancable delegate.

But... I do think the lack of UI feedback over publish failure is a MUST FIX 
item for any major release.  When the renameTo fails the user must know (no 
silent failures).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-13 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I can see the temp creation, but we can't use any 
changerequest to WTP 2.x at this point since that won't be out until a few 
months. (we can of course report it)
  | But before that we need to figure out if we actually *have* an issue 
herebut if we have an issue all other deployers should have this issue

I don't really understand the point you're making or what you are asking (did 
you read or understand my other comments in this thread ?)

The purpose of this thread was to query the problem with users of JBossTool-AS.

I think sufficient detail has been given in the thread so far to easily allow a 
3rd party to re-create the issue.  Its been cited a few times that you've been 
unable to observe the issue or are unable to see any temporary files in use.  
I've tried to be helpful and establish what maybe different by asking questions 
about your observation methods and configuration but got given vague answers.  
Unfortunately you've not provided sufficient detail to allow me to assist you 
to observe the problem (if you are still unable to see it).

On the subject are other things broken, probably who cares about them ?  I'm 
not trying to save the world here.   I'm not in a position to be able to make 
any claims for all WTP deployers, but I have already reported in this thread 
that the WTP provided JBoss deployer appears (to me) to deploy into the "tmp0/" 
directory using a single file .EAR from what I have observed.  That's all I can 
provide you with.

anonymous wrote : "Darryl - are you saying all WTP deployers that can deploy to 
servers deploy dir are broken when it deploys across filesystems ?"

Which servers deploy dir ?  Across what file systems where ?

There are 3 filesystems in play here, the file system your workspace is in, the 
file system your project is in (thats right, your project does not have to be 
inside your workspace tree) and the file system your runtime is in.

All 3 file systems can be different.  When you publish using a WTP runtime 
driver to Tomcat (for example) the following scenario occurs:

* You save a change to a .java file, this gets saved in your project area lets 
say this was JavaSource/domain/MyClass.java
* Eclipse this auto-compiles the class for this, and this ends inside your 
project areas lets say as bin/domain/MyClass.class
* Eclipse has an active runtime with auto-publish enabled, so events fire off 
due to the .class change.
* The runtime driver processes the resource change event and if it uses the WST 
PublishUtil class for doing the work it creates an empty temporary file in your 
workspace area as .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp12345.tmp
* Then a file copy is performed from project area file bin/domain/MyClass.class 
into workspace area file 
* Then the tmp12345.tmp file is closed, and the modification stamp fixed up (to 
whatever you want it to be)
* Then the file tmp12345.tmp is renamed to another location still within the 
workspace area but also in the deployment area of the runtime (operating from 
within the workspace) lets call this path 

As you can see according to my rules there is nothing wrong with this, a file 
copy was performed between project build area and workspace runtime instance 
deployment area and the only rename that occured stayed inside the same area 
(that being the workspace area).

Now the problem occurs when you use an external runtime area and that external 
directory is not on the same filesystem as the workspace area.  This is because 
if you use PublishUtil from WTP it will still perform the file copy into the 
workspace tmp12345.tmp file.

So my suggestion is to allow the temporary directory where that file copy is 
performed to be a configurable thing, this way JBossTools-AS can still use 
PublishUtil class and can instruct it to use a directory like 
/opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/tmp/jbosstools-as/ this making the temporary 
path ./opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/tmp/jbosstools-as/tmp12345.tmp in the 
above hypothetical situation.

When this happens maybe tone down the 64Kb static buffer from PublishUtil to 
something >= 512 and <= 8192 there are plenty of white papers detailing write 
performance va write size.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-12 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I stepped through the code of jstpublisher andi 
don't see any temp file copying being performed when we use our adapter...I do 
realize that tomcat and jboss adapter does this of different reasons (tomcat - 
has it as a "deploy" location and jboss wtp as a tmp storage before zipping it 
  | I'm not saying we don't have issues across disk boundaries; i'm just saying 
i'm not seeing any temporary files being created...

My comment earlier was that I guess you delegate the task of the actual file 
copy to PublishUtil and as it stands this API provided by WTP is only good if 
you intend to use the ".../tmp1/" publishing area (due to this cross file 
system concern).  This is why I think you need to open an API change request 
with WTP (or at least have them knock you back and fork your own implementation 
of PublishUtil).  I can see any reason why you can't have the API improved as 
it should be possible to maintain 100% backward compatibility.

The copy of PublishUtil I have from 1.5 still has the bug that is uses a static 
variable for the file copy buffer and this class is shared by many drivers, and 
as far as I know having two runtimes active at the same time is allowed and 
updates maybe done concurrently.  So instancing this class with a private 
'byte[] buffer' and a configurable 'File tempDir' makes sense to me.

Anyway to spot the temp file usage try something like this:

Set a breakpoint in this class org.eclipse.jst.server.core.PublishUtil for all 
methods, or rather org.eclipse.wst.server.core.PublishUtil (since it appears to 
have moved between 1.5.x and 2.0).  I only have WTP 1.5 tree checked out, I 
don't know if there is a viewcvs HTTP resource to cite more information so I 
can't see what the current WTP 2.0 PublishUtil looks like.

Set a breakpoint for java.io.File#createTempFile(String, File), modify a .jave 
file and save, do a publish with th JbossTools-AS driver.

If you open the source to the PublishUtil class and look for "temp".

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-12 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : Thanks for all your help in this. I really wish I 
could have dedicated more to it before you did, but hey, thats hte benefit of 
community right? 
  | >> What does this idiom "copied = copied &&" do ? 
  | That's my attempt to make sure *all* files were copied correctly. If any 
single file is not copied, the end value of copied would be false.

Yes sure on the community comment.

I still don't understand the "copied = copied &&" I can't see how it works 
(even if you presume an optimizing JVM does not remove the operation due to 
redundancy).  Its a single "=" character, if it were a compare operator then 
that would fail fast (as oppose to try to copy everything with best effort) 
even though copied is not set to anything other than 'true' AFAIS.

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I never seen anything in that tmp file location you 
mention - it just contains a profile.dat file which I think just represents the 
last list of resources that have been copied ?

Can you be more specific?  Are you windows or linux ?

Have you ever create a Tomcat runtime and WAR/DWP deployed to it ?  Have you 
even created JBoss runtime using WTP driver and deployed to it ?  If no and no 
then I wouldn't expect to see much in the directory if you've never had a 
publish failure.

What is the specific path on your computer you are looking at ?

Can you confirm the absolute path to your JBoss runtime, I have not verified if 
the problem I see is re-creatable on windows by having JBoss runtime on a 
different drive letter.  I'm not sure if windows has rename magic (which turns 
out to  be a file copy) if you rename a file across drive letters.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-11 Thread dlmiles
It looks like you are leaving the work of the actual copy to WTP's PublishUtil 

My understand of how this works inside WTP is that it does a file copy of each 
file to the directory 
and then does a rename to the final deployment location (which WTP is expecting 
to be in a directory like 

If you check your directory 
$HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/ both before and 
after your a publish with JBossTools-AS where your runtime is on another file 
system you should see left over files appear and the number of files in the 
directory grow.  It does not seem WTP deletes the old temporary after the 
renameTo() failed.

This works great for Tomcat and other such containers that can treat the "tmp1" 
directory above as a deployment directory but not do useful if the runtime it 
somewhere else.

Since all the built in WTP runtime tools I have seen use the "tmp1/" directory 
in the workspace area as the deployment area you can't expect these tools to 
work for deployment outside of the workspace area.

My suggestion would be for JBoss to open up an API request with the server 
tooling to allow the PublishUtil tool to be instanced and configured an exact 
path to be used as the temporary location to copy to.

File tmpDir = new File("/opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/tmp/jbosside-as");
  | if(!tmpDir.getParent().exist() == false)
  |   throw new RuntimeException("Directory " + 
tmpDir.getParent().getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist");
  | tmpDir.mkdirs();
  | PublishUtil publishUtilInstance = new PublishUtil(tmpDir);
  | // Then in your code instead of using the static methods use the instanced 
  | publishUtilInstance.callSomeMethod(someArgs);

So it looks like to me you need a way to pass down a temporary path that WTP 
standard methods can use as the temporary directory to perform the initial copy 
from the "project build area".  This is runtime specific.  Its also concerning 
that the rename must have failed and that no error is indicated in the UI so 
there is another area to look at in that.

What does this idiom "copied = copied &&" do ?

  | #fileSafeCopy(File src, File dest, IFileUtilListener listener) {
  | copied = copied && fileSafeCopy(subFiles, 
newDest, listener);
  | }
  | // I would think that propagation of an error would but more correct here :
  | if(fileSafeCopy(subFiles, newDest, listener) == false) {
  |  copied = false;
  | }

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-08 Thread dlmiles

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-08 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : i'm still unable to reproduce the problems you 
mentioned at the beginning of the thread. 

Thanks for the feedback that it works with your setups (Max/Rob), so I have 
investigated some more.  I have confirmed I am running beta4 (just to be sure).

My conclusion is that there is indeed a problem when the JBoss runtime is not 
on the same file system as the "project build area".  As I setup another 
runtime in my home directory and that published with the JBossTools-AS fine.

I then moved this same runtime instance to another file system, and manually 
cleaned the servers/default/deploy/MyEAR.ear/ directory from it and proceeded 
to setup a new runtime in this location too (I could not edit the runtime home 
on the existing instance it would not let me).  When I published I got the 
directory tree created and the MyJAR.jar (a Utility JAR for the EAR classpath) 
but none of the other files were created.

So I would guess that you too are not doing a file copy but a rename, just to 
be clear its only the final step of making the file visible to the runtime that 
interests me and indeed is what this thread concerns, you can use whatever 
method/algorithm you like in preparation for that final setup.

I shall find or open a new JIRA now, I don't think its difficult to recreate, 
type 'df' from linux to understand your filesystem layout and then use 'df 
/home/myuser/workspace' and 'df /somewhere/jboss-4.2.1.GA' to verify the two 
locations are on different file system.

If you don't have a big enough alternative filesystem with your linux install, 
then create a loopback one:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/bigfile.ext2 bs=1k count=163840
  | /sbin/mke2fs /tmp/bigfile.ext2
  | # Say Yes to proceed
  | mkdir /mnt/loop
  | su
  | # Enter root password
  | /bin/mount  -o loop -t ext2 /tmp/bigfile.ext2 /mnt/loop
  | df /mnt/loop
  | cd /mnt/loop
  | unzip jboss-4.2.1.GA.zip
  | # To tear it down as root
  | /bin/umount /mnt/loop
  | rm /tmp/bigfile.ext2 

I can't speak for Windows, but I would have expected using different drive 
letters would have the same effect.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-08 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : No - we don't use renameTo(), we use copy. What we 
do in case of updates I'll need to check in code - or maybe even get rob to 
chime in.

Do you copy in situation ?  This is what tomcat driver used to do in WTP0.7 
thru WTP1.0 or so.  Copy in situation means to me you take the existing file, 
truncate it, then write blocks of data repeatably to it, then close the file.

The file instance is the same after the copy as it was before the copy.  This 
can cause the JVM to crash when applied to JARs which change.  I would get 
between 5 JVM crashes a day on Linux when developing for Tomcat, this is always 
because I had a contributing J2EE Utility project which I was also developing 
in parallel to the web-app.

The problem is that the JVM holds an open descriptor to the file and possibly 
has a mmap() in place for the contents and continues to access it, expecting 
the old contents to be there.  You can't change contents from under the JVM, 
you need to make a new file instance and replace (on unix, on windows file 
locking becomes an issue and was the reason for the broken methodology in the 
TC driver in the first place)

anonymous wrote : And I've never bumped into these issues and I run both on 
Linux and Windows...maybe my machine is just too fast ...

True the window of time problem can be made visible with a slower machine.  
Getting a faster machine can cover up the problem but none the less there is a 
design issue.

anonymous wrote : The descriptor is not updated before the user actually 
updates it, but I can see how it might be relevant when doing a full update.

Okay another beef I have here is that tools like XDoclet which modify 
descriptor don't do a replace-if-modified check after they build the new 
descriptor file.  This means the timestamps on descriptors can keep 
incrementing when the contents were computed to be the same as the previous 
version.  So there are cases where the user may not have actually modified a 
descriptor but the system did it for them (or rather the system modified a 
dependency which causes a rebuild of the descriptor but it turns out no change 
to the descriptor resulted)..  This is very annoying and non productive to a 

The tooling uses incremental updates anyway for the large parts everything I'm 
saying relates to that.

anonymous wrote : With respect to the deployer ignoring updates if a certain 
file is present that is something I always thought about doing but is it really 
an issue in day-to-day dev ? 
  | I think you raise some valid issues, I'll point Rob to this thread; but I 
would also really like to have concrete examples of things actually failing 
because of these things (your missing files is not one of them as far as i can 
see - they might be a cause of something else which we definitly needs fixing)

Its too soon for me to say if IMHO its a issue in day-to-day, certainly in 
tomcat the develop-run-test cycle is faster especially in relation to JSPs.  So 
it did make a difference there.

This is early days for me using JBossTools-AS the large part of this comment is 
really clarifying the issues I found with TC which has now been fixed in WTP so 
I'm happy to provide the heads up and make you think in this realm about these 

But sure I don't have any concrete examples of bad things with JBossTools-AS at 
this moment because I've not gotten past the basic functionality of deploying 
an app. :)

"[EMAIL PROTECTED] from another post" wrote : Another thought is that a ant 
build file doing incremental updates would have the exact same issues

My thoughts here are I don't care as I always considered such ant tasks broken 
by design and have done deployment by copying a file to 
"default/deploy/MyEAR.tmp" and then renaming the file to 
"default/deploy/MyEAR.ear" to make it visible to the deployer with a trivial 

One problem here is that Windows really doesn't have a transactional file 
system, it does not allow files that are open by another process to be deleted 
or renamed (not in Win2000 and Win98SE etc..) the concept was an after thought 
to the windows API added to WinXP.  It does not allow a transactional rename, 
i.e. because the target of the rename has to be deleted first, and it can only 
be deleted if no other process has it open, so there is a window of time when 
another process will see no file exists.

Unix on the other hand does have a transactional file system the semantics of 
which are mandated by POSIX.  It does allow a file than is open by another 
process to be deleted and/or renamed.  It does have a rename() call which will 
replace the existing target atomically.

Unix has had very specific semantics for dealing with updating files atomically 
for many years, take the example of updating /etc/passwd to add a new account, 
what horrors would result if the /etc/passwd file for just a moment didn't 
exist, because another process deleted it before doing a re

[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-08 Thread dlmiles
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I haven't had time to reproduce your scenario, but 
if WTP default adapters does not work with it then something else is missing.
  | Check out the prjoects beta4 of jbosstools (announcing later today, but 
already available for download) generates for Seam EAR ...it is just using 
normal WTP funcitonallity.

WTP is working (after I cleaned by deploy/ dir manually of the exploded EAR) 
and WTPs default mechanism is to deploy to a EAR file (not exploded).

FYI: I am already using beta4 (as per the thread subject :-) ).

anonymous wrote : Yes - apparently default WTP adapter does not check if the 
project is already deployed (and possibly exploded)
  | Yes - that is the most efficient way of deploying/developing so that is 
what we do by default.

All Agreed.

anonymous wrote : * Does it matter that my workspace and my JBoss runtime 
location are on different file system (different drives), since its not 
possible to rename files between my workspace and the JBoss runtime location.  
The IDE must perform a file copy.
  | anonymous wrote : I don't understand the question.
  |   | 
  |   | Renames/Deletes/Creations in your workspace will automatically be 
reflected on to the deployment location incrementally.
  |   | 
  |   | why should that be affected by them being on different drives ?

The Java operation that is "java.io.File#renameTo()" does not work across 
filesystems (or Drive letters I expect with windows).  The only way to move a 
file from one filesystem to another  is with a file copy.

With Eclipse you can never assume the workspace filesystem, the project 
filesystem are the same.  In the case with server tooling you can also never 
assume the filesystem your JBoss runtime is located on is the same as either of 
the above.  For example:

Workspace => C:\workspace
Project => D:\project
JBoss Runtime => E:\JBoss-4.2.1.GA\

So this is why its necessary to copy a file from your project build area into a 
temporary location in the JBoss Runtime first and then move it (via a rename) 
to the deploy subdir.

* Copy file D:\project\bin\domain\MyClass.class to 
* Fix modification stamp on E:\JBoss-4.2.1.GA\server\default\tmp\MyClass.tmp
* Rename E:\JBoss-4.2.1.GA\server\default\tmp\MyClass.tmp to 

So as you can see if the implementation of server tooling does not follow the 
strict methods outline above bad things can happen.

For example:
 * If you try to rename directly from workspace/project into jboss runtime 
tree, then that wont work and _SHOULD_ indicate error from the #renameTo() 
call, you are checking all the error returns aren't you ?  (another issue some 
people think it Throws an exception, which it can but most run of mill errors 
are indicated in the boolean return value).
 * If you try to fix modification stamp after you make the file visible to the 
runtime (by putting it into deploy/ subtree) then its possible the runtime will 
see the old timestamp first.
 * If you try to copy files directly from workspace/project tree directly into 
the final destination path then its possible to the runtime will see the 
partially built file and act upon it.  This is one reason why modifications to 
descriptor should always be done last, like WEB-INF/web.xml is always the last 
update (reorder it if necessary).
 * If you try to copy files directly into workspace (by way of file truncation 
followed by file writes) you will get random crashes when you do this with jars 
on unix, since the active JVM the container is using cached information from 
the ZIP header or something but you just modified the contents, so its seeks to 
the wrong place, decodes something and crashes due to seemly corrupt data, yeah 
sure the JVMs ZIP implementation needs to be more robust but you cause the 
problem when you changed the file contents.
 * Any errors on file manipulation must always be shown to the IDE user, ensure 
you check the return values correctly.
 * Ideally when an IDE is making modifications to the a container runtime that 
is live it needs to do this in co-operation with that container.  Basically you 
need to inhibit the deployer from acting now, even if it sees a timestamp 
change, while the IDE is will modifying, easiest way to do this is to have the 
IDE create a file like WEB-INF/deploy-ide-update.properties, which its mere 
existance makes the container busy loop after the moment it detects a change 
but before it performs a deployment action because of the detected change; 
until the file is removed by the IDE.  Discussion on one this is best left for 
another time.

The original Tomcat server tooling between WTP 0.7 and WTP 1.5.x was making 
many of these errors.  Some of the reasons were due to a windows way of 
thinking about the world as opposed to a unix one (a transactional one).

anonymous wrote : * When the files a

[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Re: WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing corre

2007-10-08 Thread dlmiles
Hi Max thanks for the reply.

Okay this is what I can tell you about things:

I have an "EAR Project" called "EAREclipseManager", this has 2 artifacts added 
to it.  These are 1 x "J2EE Utility project" called "TheLibrary" and 1 x "EJB 
Project" called "TheEJB".

If I do a project properties on the "EAR Project" under "J2EE Dependancies" I 
has a tick for both of the other two projects set.  The EAR Project has the 
Project Facet "EAR" set to "5.0", Project References also has a tick for both 
of the other two projects set, Seam Support is disabled (no tick in box), 
Targetted Runtime is : JBoss AS 4.2.

Is is the encapsulating EAR project I am trying to publish.  I don't think I 
need to do anything special with the project settings of the 2 contributing 
projects do I ?

The deployment appears to be attempted in:

  | /opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EAREclipseManager.ear/META-INF/
  | /opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EAREclipseManager.ear/TheEJB.jar/

Hmm... when I run a "clean" function from the server tooling with the WTP 
provider driver I get an error:

[jar] Building jar: 
  |  [move] Moving 1 file to /opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy
 Failed to copy 
 to /opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EAREclipseManager.ear due to 
/opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EAREclipseManager.ear (Is a directory)

Is it possible to confirm 2 things:

* Which method of deployment does JBossTool-AS use, does it create an exploded 
EAR ?  When it created that exploded EAR does it create a directory with a 
".ear" extension in the deploy directory ?   Does an exploded EAR need to have 
a .ear extension so its treated correctly by the correct deployer ?

* Does it matter that my workspace and my JBoss runtime location are on 
different file system (different drives), since its not possible to rename 
files between my workspace and the JBoss runtime location.  The IDE must 
perform a file copy.

* When the files are copied are they copied atomically, i.e. each file is 
copied into tmp/filename.tmp first, then its last modified time is fixed to 
whatever it needs to be, then its renamed (i.e. moved) to the 

There are other such things which should take place when updating a working 
runtime but maybe more on that once I have the basic thing ticking along.

Okay I have manually cleaned the JBoss deploy directory of my project and let 
the WTP JBoss driver do its stuff and it create an .ear file in the correct 
directory and when JBoss starts it finds both application.xml and my TheEJB.jar 

I cleaned things again and tried with the JBossTool-AS driver and it created a 
directory with .ear extension, the tree is just like I put in the CODE block 
above, with AREclipseManager.ear/TheLibrary.jar being the only file and the 
application.xml and the .class files are all missing.  So the problem for me 
appears to be with the JBossTool-AS driver (which is my preferred choice).

Would there be any call to allow JBoss to take a command line property to 
configure a 2nd and alternative deployment directory ?  The purpose of this 
would be to allow for a Tomcat like situation where the workspace area could be 
used for the deployment, when you just alter the driver to contribute the 
property to the launch configuration when it sets things up.  Okay it would not 
be 100% compatible with tomcat since the work, tmp, log, etc.. directories 
would also need to be picked up based on the alternative path too.  Just a 
thought, since it would seem difficult for "clean" to mean clean if the deploy 
directory was not empty to start with.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - WTP2.0.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4 not publishing correctly

2007-10-07 Thread dlmiles
When I publish an EAR project from my workspace into JBoss 4.2.1 it does not 
publish correctly.  I have tried both the WTP supplied 4.2 driver and the 
JBossAS-Tools supplied 4.2 driver.

My JBoss runtime is at /opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA this directory tree is writable by 
my userid, also exists is 
$HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp2 which is 
also being published too as well as.

After a successful publish operation (successful from looking at the GUI, but 
unsuccessful from looking at the JBoss log) the following things happen:

The JBoss runtime home 
(/opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/data/opt/jboss-4.2.1.GA/server/default/deploy/) ends up 
with an exploded EAR directory (this is the name of my project with the .ear 
extension but its a directory not a file), inside this directory is all the 
other subdirectories that make up the tree, but the only file in there is that 
of a Utility JAR.  There was no META-INF/application.xml and there is no EJB 
implementation JAR.

In the workspace server plugin temporary area for this server instance 
($HOME/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp2) I find an 
EAR file (which internally has my META-INF/application.xml, my Utility JAR and 
my EJB JAR).  It also has a directory (same name as EAR but without the .ear 
extension) this has all 3 files I'd expect to see in an exploded EAR tree.

When looking at the launch configuration for JBoss I can't see where the 
workspace deployment location is specified in the configuration, so I can only 
presume that what JBoss sees is only the file copied into the runtime home.  
Unlike Tomcat which can have a read-only runtime home but a read-write instance 
tree allowing for the sharing of the container by multiple instances in server 

What copies the files during deployment into the JBoss runtime tree ?

Is there anyone who is actually using the server tools successfully in this way 
?  If so what versions of things to you have installed ?

I'm using: Eclipse 3.3.1, WTP 2.0.1, JBoss 4.2.1, JBossAS-Tools-1.0.0.beta4

Thanks, Darryl

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