[jboss-user] [JBoss Remoting] - Re: JBoss Remoting and compression

2010-09-09 Thread Doychin Bondzhev
Doychin Bondzhev [http://community.jboss.org/people/doychin] created the 

"Re: JBoss Remoting and compression"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/560353#560353

Looks like compression is not good for RMI especially when you have fast 
network. Even the smallest call to the server takes to much time to complete.
Application looks slow. After removing compression it is now like a rocket ;-)

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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Socket invocator and long transactions

2009-03-09 Thread doychin
All these new things in Remoting 3 are great but at least in my case it is all 
up to the integration code that is provided on top of remoting by Application 
server client library. I'm not sure how this is going to work with these 
asynchronous calls.

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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Socket invocator and long transactions

2009-03-03 Thread doychin
Hi Ron,

As you know there is timeout parameter which is used to wait on the socket 
read/write operation. This timeout if is less then the user transaction timeout 
on the client side and for some reason execution at the server takes more time 
then this timeout it will crash execution again.

Client side will exit read and will try to send same command to the server. It 
will write some parts of invocation it and will start waiting again for second 
round on the timeout.

This data will stay in the socket and probably will create some problems when 
the server side tries to read data from socket later.

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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Socket invocator and long transactions

2009-03-03 Thread doychin
Hi Ron,

Are there any plans to make change in remoting so that it can talk with 
transactions code and respect user transaction timeout?

What are the possibilities for this?

Is this a problem that has to be solved from Application Server developers or 
it is a problem for Remoting guys?

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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Socket invocator and long transactions

2009-02-20 Thread doychin
Here is what I found until now.

I'm using JBoss App Server 4.2.3 GA with it's original version of jboss 

One specific change I did to the remoting configuration was to add idleTimeout 
parameter with value 120 seconds.

So from here start my problems.

Without this timeout all will be fine. When it is specified the IdleTimer will 
close sockets for all inactive ServerThread instances including those that 
current are busy processing some request. (In SocketServerInvoker.java the 
problem comes from calls like this:  svrThread.unblock();)

When such socket is closed on the sever the client side sends another instance 
of the same request(invocation) and as result I get an exception for the second 
request (Application Error: no concurrent calls on stateful beans). In the 
initial thread I get exception that Transaction status is ABORTING.

All these findings are valid for all versions of JBoss Remoting 2.2.2.

For 2.4 I see that all calls to shutdown and unblock method are commented and 
replaced just with call to shutdown later in the code.

Regarding UserTransaction timeouts there is still problem.

At least I can't find anything in the code that will respect the value for user 
transaction timeout. They will work only if their timeout is less then the 
timeout value specified in jboss-service.xml.


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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Socket invocator and long transactions

2009-02-19 Thread doychin
Looks like there is some problem with long running transactions when used with 
socket invocation.

I found that no matter what I will specify for transaction time out I get 
exception from server for trying to call statefull bean second time after 6 
minutes. I'm sure there is no second call and that second call comes from the 
same thread that created the first call so it is not in my code but instead 
something internally in client side remoting code.

>From what I see it looks like jboss remoting client code does not respect the 
>availability of UserTransaction and it's timeout.

Is there a solution for this problem or and updated version of remoting that 
supports user transactions?

Is the only solution is now to increase the timeout for invocation?

If I increase it to much isn't that a source for more problems later?


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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - How to put EJB 2.1 Entity + EJB 3 session in signle JAR

2009-01-28 Thread doychin
I have one large project that consists of few EJB 2.x modules each of them 
containing some Session and Entity beans.

What I want to do is to migrate all Session beans to use EJB 3 annotations but 
still use the EJB2.x entity beans and moving them slowly to JPA.

Is this possible with JBoss and if it is how I have to package these?

If you can provide some tips or examples it will be great.


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Transaction timeout

2009-01-27 Thread doychin
In such cases I usually prefer to use User transaction. 

This way you can control transaction timeout from within your code.


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[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Can I mix EJB2.1 Entity beans with EJB 3 Session/Message bea

2009-01-27 Thread doychin
I tried this before with JBoss 4.2.3 but looks like EJB 3 deployer does not 
process the deployment descriptors for EJB 2.x entity beans.

So can I do this with JBoss 5?

Is this going to be supported by JBoss AS?

I found JIRA reports about this but there was only mention that this might 
happen some time in the future.


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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Using remoting for RMI for EJB 2 with scoket connector a

2009-01-15 Thread doychin
I think my problem is releated to this JIRA 



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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: JBoss Remoting and compression

2009-01-03 Thread doychin
You can find the source code of compression invoker marshaller/unmarshaller  as 
attachments in the JIRA report.


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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: Using remoting for RMI for EJB 2 with scoket connector a

2009-01-03 Thread doychin
Thanks for the tip. It did the trick. Now I reverted to original option values 
and added that extra option. 


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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Re: JBoss Remoting and compression

2009-01-03 Thread doychin
In order to allow compression to work with EJB 2.x invocations I created my own 
Compression marshaller and unmarshaller which descend from original classes. 

The default constructor for both classes now call the constructor that takes 
one parameter of type Marshaller/UnMarshaller with new 

I also did new versions of read/write methods which I use to test different 
variants for calling GZip streams.

>From my experiments I can tell that switching 

 oos.flush(); and gzos.finish();

does not help. 

I'm still getting exceptions for incorrect version in the stream. But I also 
found a solution which is in the code below.

In order to workaround the other problem with OutOfMemory exception I created 
new GZip input/output stream classes that descend from the original Java 

in my Output stream I added new finish method

 public void finish() throws IOException
  | {
  | super.finish();
  | def.end(); // This will release all resources used by zlib 
  | }
  | }

in the input stream I added new method

 public void end() throws IOException
  | {
  | while (available() > 0) { // This tell the gzip input stream to 
read the extra trailer put by finish method in output stream. This all removes 
the need to use buffered stream like in 2.x branch
  | read();
  | }
  | inf.end();
  | }

and I call this new method at the end of read method.

this way I can use original java GZip classes without having to relay on 
external libraries.

- inf and def are protected fields in Java 1.5 and 1.6

If you want I can provide you with full source code so you can use it to create 
the necessary updates in 2.x and 2.2 branches.


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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - Using remoting for RMI for EJB 2 with scoket connector and c

2008-12-29 Thread doychin
Here is the configuration of my application which I'll use to describe my 
problems, findings and solutions

- JBoss App server 4.2.3 with EJB 2.x application
- JBoss remoting 2.2.2. SP8
- Swing client application that uses JBoss remoting to talk to the app server
- Using jboss serialization over the wire.

My problem lies in the way my client application works with application server. 
I'm using in some cases multiple threads to load different kinds of data from 
application server.

In that case I end up with many socket connections open from one client to the 
server. These connections remain open while that client is still active no 
matter are they used or not. In my case usually these are around 30.

In case there are many active clients at the same time this creates big 
problem. The system works OK up to the point where maxPoolSize number of server 
threads is reached and from there starts the problem.

Because that limit is reached server now tries to free some ServerThread  
instance but it can't until it's timeout is reached. This leads to a situation 
where client application freezes for some time and this could be very long time.

This of course leaves the end user with feeling that the application freezes 
and the usually restart the client after few minutes of waiting.

In order to fix this problem I had to make changes to some of the settings for 
socket connection in jboss-service.xml

What I changed was to set clientMaxPoolSize to 5 (it was 50 by default). This 
will allow up to 5 simulations connection open to the server from a single 
client application. Another change I did was to add continueAfterTimeout 
parameter and to set it to false. It's default value of true prevents the 
server from closing unused connections after the timeout has expired.

Now with these settings my app server can handle up to 60 active clients and 
even more if the maximum amount of allowed client connections is not used by 
all of them.

Doychin Bondzhev

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[jboss-user] [Remoting] - JBoss Remoting and compression

2008-12-29 Thread doychin
I've spent some time digging into compression and I managed to make it work 
with JBoss 4.2.3 and Remoting 2.2.2SP8.

The problem I found was with an error previously described in another post.

The problem comes from some extra bytes put in the output stream from 
compression and not read from decompression.

These extra bytes still there after unmarshalling is completed. Next time when 
unmarshaller reads version from the input stream it reads these extra bytes and 
generates the error for incorrect version.

In most recent versions I see that BufferedInputStream is used to workaround 
this problem but I'm not sure this will work always.

There is always a small chance that the serialized compressed data that 
contains these extra bytes is just a few bytes longer then the size of the 
buffer in the buffered input stream. So after unmarshalling is complete they 
will still in the socket input stream and lead again to same version error. Of 
course the use of BufferedInputStream reduces the chance for this error but it 
is still exists.

What I did to make sure it will never happen was to put the size of of the 
compressed data before it in the output stream and during the unmarshaling to 
read that size and then read the specified amount of bytes from the input 

Also another problem I found with current solution is that it leaks lots of 
memory when it is used to transfer big amounts of data for short period of 
time. The reason is that GZip streams depend on some native code routines in 
JVM and to release the resources used by these routines streams depend on the 
garbage collector to call their finalize methods.

Another way to release that method is to call close method on the GZip output 
stream but this will also close the underlying stream(in this case it is the 
buffered stream which will close the socket output stream).

In order to avoid that I used instead ByteArrayOutputStream on the marshaling 
side and ByteArrayInputStream on the unmarshaling side to store the compressed 
data to byte array and then to write that byte array to the socket output 
stream/read from input stream to byte array and then pass that byte array to 
GZip input stream.

Now when I have separated the socket streams from GZip streams I can call close 
on these in order to release the memory used during the compress/decompress 

I hope these comments will help other people to avoid the same problems I faced 

Doychin Bondzhev

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