[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: iText (PDF) support in Seam

2008-02-16 Thread elponderador
I appreciate that since I did mention a jira issue, but the jira issue is a 
actually a feature addition based off code I am contributing, does that also 
fall under the need for a contributors agreement?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: iText (PDF) support in Seam

2008-02-14 Thread elponderador
I got the approval email for my contributor agreement. I have also put in some 
jars, an example war and source code attached to the jira issue. Let me know if 
you need anything else to begin reviewing and/or incorporating any of it.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: iText (PDF) support in Seam

2008-02-11 Thread elponderador
Hey, not sure really who to ask, but I guess I won't be able to much 
contributing till my agreement is approved, any idea how long that takes?

I put one in about 2 months ago, and another request like 2 weeks ago, and 
still no response... anyways.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: iText (PDF) support in Seam

2008-01-23 Thread elponderador
I agree with the templates idea, a case where you have forms provided to you or 
you create one and then need to fill it in, to save the user time.

I am not sure about overlays, but I have built a component set based off of the 
ITextComponent class that uses the PdfContentByte more extensivly. I have 
color, shape, line, style, text, column and image components all based off the 
ItextComponent but using direct content for everything, which comes in handy 
when you want more control over where and how things are displayed. I would 
like to commit the stuff I have and contribute it, but I have not yet gotten a 
response on my contributors agreement. Anyways I vote for such functionality if 
it has not been already started in the back ground and will be glad to 
contribute what I have once I can if norman.richards thinks its a good idea.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: iText (PDF) support in Seam

2008-01-23 Thread elponderador
Excuse my ignorance, but I don't appear to be able to add JIRA issues or simply 
do not know how. Maybe it relies on my contributors agreement being approved.

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Specifying what host to deploy a EJB3 web service using JSR-

2007-02-27 Thread elponderador
I have tried configuring something inside the web xml to point to the web 
service as mentioned in the examples:

  | servlet 
  | servlet-nameWsAPI/servlet-name 
  | servlet-classsome.package.WsAPIImpl/servlet-class
  | /servlet
  | servlet-mapping
  | servlet-nameWsAPI/servlet-name
  | url-pattern/SomeService/url-pattern
  | /servlet-mapping

But as I soon realized this only tries to instantiate WsAPIImpl, not access it 
as an EJB. Using the web.xml together with jboss-web.xml and the virtual-host 
tag was the only way I could figure out how to specify the host I want the 
webservice to be deployed or accessed on. As mentioned that does not work for 
EJB based web services.

Anyways, anyone have an idea of how to accomplish what I am mentioning?

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty mus

2006-10-04 Thread elponderador
Are you by any chance using the new Java SE 6.0 Beta?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Double processing on getter() outjection

2006-09-13 Thread elponderador
Whenever you have a method like this:

  | @Out(scope=ScopeType.EVENT) @Factory Boolean getSomeFlag () {
  |   return this.someMethod() != null;
  | }

which is useful for being able to generate a value for a particular scope
without having to manage a variable inside your bean.

If inside the someMethod() there is alot of processing, you probably only want 
that being called once per request, thus the EVENT scope.

In this scenario this snippit of code from the BijectionInterceptor is 

  |public Object bijectTargetComponent(InvocationContext invocation) throws 
  |   if (component.needsInjection()) //only needed to hush the log message
  |   {
  |  if ( log.isTraceEnabled() )
  |  {
  | log.trace(injecting dependencies of:  + component.getName());
  |  }
  |  component.inject(invocation.getTarget()/*, true*/);
  |   }
  |   Object result = invocation.proceed();
  |   if (component.needsOutjection()) //only needed to hush the log message
  |   {
  |  if ( log.isTraceEnabled() )
  |  {
  | log.trace(outjecting dependencies of:  + component.getName());
  |  }
  |  component.outject(invocation.getTarget());
  |   }
  |   return result;

Note that the result for this particular interceptor is already know and stored 
in the result Object. However since Seam also realizes that outjection is 
necesary it calls the component.outject(invocation.getTarget()) method whic 
results in that same method getting called again.

Would there be anyway for seam to pass down the result value with the name of 
the outjection to the component.outject() method that way as it loops through 
the different members to cause outjecting it can take advantage of the fact 
that it has already called the targeted factory?

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