[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: New Seam app in production - faulty behaviour

2008-02-05 Thread ffischer
This is an old bug within the facelets library bundled with seam 1.2. We have 
exchanged the jsf-facelets.jar with version 1.1.13a which fixes the bug. I 
think you can use facelets 1.1.14 (currently shipped with Seam 2.0.0).

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: 'sometimes' a nullpointer exception for #{identity.logge

2007-05-24 Thread ffischer
Sorry Daniel,

my comment about disableing ajax4jsf is really misleading. I was in the happy 
situation that I switched an old seam app (1.1.5) without any use of ajax4jsf 
over to 1.2.1.GA. 
I used seam-gen to build the project structure for seam 1.2.1 and moved all my 
classes/src and the necessary configurations over to the new project.
So ajax4jsf was enabled, but not used in my app - but the errors occured in 
spite of that.
After disableing the ajax4jsf filter, everything started to work again flawless.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: 'sometimes' a nullpointer exception for #{identity.logge

2007-05-21 Thread ffischer
Are you using seam 1.2.1 with richFaces/ajax4Jjsf enabled? I suffer from very 
similar problems. Randomly I get exceptions like your exception or exceptions 
like this one: Cannot get value for expression '#{org.jboss.seam.messages}' 

After I switched off ajax4jsf by commenting out the ajax4jsf filter and the  
ajax4jsf.VIEW_HANDLERS within web.xml and reactivating the view-handler within 
faces-config.xml the problem disapears.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: custom JSF component with facelets

2007-02-23 Thread ffischer
dgallego wrote : Thanks!

Did you ever find a solution for this problem? I have the exact same situation.



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: tomahawk extension filter and seam fileUpload

2007-02-10 Thread ffischer

can you be a bit more precise on the alternatives on using tomahawk? What are 
you guys using?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : And just to follow up, I strongly recommend that 
you look for some alternative to using tomahawk.  As a general rule, 
Seam/tomahawk compatibility is not a priority and there may be other issues in 
the future for which there will be no easy workaround.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: UPDATED: SelectItems (the one with the EntityConverter)

2006-11-19 Thread ffischer
Stephan, thanks a lot for your response. I already have had the 
jboss-cache-jdk50.jar within the right place in the ear. It doesn't work for 
me. But meanwhile I have learned a lot about converters and the selectItem 
stuff, so I wrote something that works for me.

Best regards,


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: UPDATED: SelectItems (the one with the EntityConverter)

2006-11-16 Thread ffischer
sbublava wrote : One minor glitch: SelectItemsComponentHandler imports 
org.jboss.cache.CacheException, which causes a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError 
exception when Facelets loads the tag library unless JBoss Cache is available.
  | Maybe could change the catch clauses to Exception or at least mention this 
requirement in the documentation.
  | Thanks,
  | Stephan

I have the exact same problem, but I can't make JBoss Cache available. How can 
I do this?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - TestNG and Seam Documentation 12.1. Unit testing Seam compon

2006-09-04 Thread ffischer
Is it possible that the unit test example in the seam documentation, Paragraph 
12.1 is out of date? 

1. I have to extend SeamTest to get it work at all
2. If I try to set up the entityManager within an method annotated with 
@Configuration(beforeTestClass=true), I get the following exception. What do I 

INFO  04-09 19:05:46,558 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Hibernate EntityManager 
INFO  04-09 19:05:46,584 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Hibernate Annotations 
INFO  04-09 19:05:46,603 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Hibernate 3.2 cr2
INFO  04-09 19:05:46,608 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -hibernate.properties not 
INFO  04-09 19:05:46,615 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bytecode provider name : 
INFO  04-09 19:05:46,622 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -using JDK 1.4 
java.sql.Timestamp handling
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,047 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,102 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,104 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,104 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,106 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,108 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,110 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,111 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,112 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,113 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
FATAL 04-09 19:05:47,114 (Log4JLogger.java:fatal:124)  
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,266 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Subject
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,300 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Subject on table subject
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,414 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.LegalPerson
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,417 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.LegalPerson on table legal_person
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,465 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.RegistrationProvider
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,469 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.RegistrationProvider on table reg_provider
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,470 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Person
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,471 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Person on table person
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,477 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.faktura.Article
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,480 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.faktura.Article on table article
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,494 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.product.Configuration
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,495 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.product.Configuration on table configuration
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,499 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Address
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,503 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.Address on table address
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,515 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.PostalAddress
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,519 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.PostalAddress on table postal_address
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,539 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.finance.BankingAccount
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,542 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.finance.BankingAccount on table banking_account
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,557 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.finance.FiscalData
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,560 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.finance.FiscalData on table fiscal_data
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,563 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.faktura.PurchaseOrderItem
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,564 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.faktura.PurchaseOrderItem on table purchase_order_item
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,570 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from 
annotated class: net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.User
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,572 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Bind entity 
net.ipcore.irp.model.cm.User on table user
INFO  04-09 19:05:47,650 (Log4JLogger.java:info:94)  -Binding entity from