[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: charset encoding problem with the jsr181pojo sample : ec

2007-07-04 Thread floefliep
Who else has encountered this problem? Since it affects all non-ASCII UTF-8 
characters, it should be basically everybody who's not using English in their 
webservice app ...

Note my patch for 1.2.1GA (comes with JBoss 4.2.0GA) in the post above.

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: charset encoding problem with the jsr181pojo sample : ec

2007-06-22 Thread floefliep
I've been debugging for hours on this one and eventually tracked the problem 
down, which I posted on the JIRA:


A workaround UTF-8 fix can be downloaded there for version 1.2.1GA of JBossWS.

Setting the system property file.encoding may not work when you have an 
application which relies on platform-default file encoding.

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-14 Thread floefliep
Sorry for my late reply, been too busy yesterday.

anonymous wrote : So I am missing something. You mean to tell me that 
TreeCache.remove() *fails* if the node does not exist even when you explicitly 
specify "fail silently"? I needed the "protection check" in 
OptimisitcTreeCache.remove() because there I cannot explcitly set the 
fail-silectly mode... 
Yes, that I is what I mean. Actually, ironically, I didn't pay attention to why 
you wrote that there, I just read it didn't work well, so I thought you were 
referring to a known bug and I used the "protected" remove call and it worked. 
FYI, the stack:

System Thread [RMI TCP Connection(9)-] (Suspended (exception 
OptimisticNodeInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 68
line: 68
OptimisticCreateIfNotExistsInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 69
OptimisticValidatorInterceptor(Interceptor).invoke(MethodCall) line: 68
OptimisticValidatorInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 75
OptimisticLockingInterceptor(Interceptor).invoke(MethodCall) line: 68
OptimisticLockingInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 122
TxInterceptor(Interceptor).invoke(MethodCall) line: 68
TxInterceptor.handleNonTxMethod(MethodCall) line: 345
TxInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 156
CacheMgmtInterceptor(Interceptor).invoke(MethodCall) line: 68
CacheMgmtInterceptor.invoke(MethodCall) line: 183
TreeCache.invokeMethod(MethodCall) line: 5517
TreeCache.remove(Fqn, Object) line: 3741
TreeCache.remove(Fqn, Object, Option) line: 3296
OptimisticTreeCache.writeLoad(Object, Object, Object) line: 77
TransactionalCache.put(Object, Object, long, Object, Comparator, 
boolean) line: 55
TwoPhaseLoad.initializeEntity(Object, boolean, SessionImplementor, 
PreLoadEvent, PostLoadEvent) line: 156
CriteriaLoader(Loader).initializeEntitiesAndCollections(List, Object, 
SessionImplementor, boolean) line: 842
CriteriaLoader(Loader).doQuery(SessionImplementor, QueryParameters, 
boolean) line: 717

 QueryParameters, boolean) line: 224
CriteriaLoader(Loader).doList(SessionImplementor, QueryParameters) 
line: 2145
QueryParameters, Set, Type[]) line: 2061
CriteriaLoader(Loader).list(SessionImplementor, QueryParameters, Set, 
Type[]) line: 2021
CriteriaLoader.list(SessionImplementor) line: 95
SessionImpl.list(CriteriaImpl) line: 1562
CriteriaImpl.list() line: 283

anonymous wrote : anonymous wrote : Exceptions all over the place Other than 
whats discussed above? What are they?
I was only silently hoping for an exception-free first run with the new 
OptmisticTreeCache, but then I again got exceptions. Admittedly, it's no big 
deal, but hence my "oh-no-not-again" feeling and I figured it was time to swap 
the debugger for a drink ;)
Well, you have the exception above, and the CacheException I now get once in a 
while, as mentioned above. It seems there is a problem with unexpected version 
increases/checks on the parent nodes, but I still haven't had the time to look 
into this. I think it must have to do something with the same parent nodes 
being touched originating from different child accesses; FYI the stack (I 
replaced package/object names I'm not allowed to disclose):

Caused by: org.jboss.cache.CacheException: DataNode [/com/myapp/hibernate] 
version [EMAIL PROTECTED] [current=16, previous=16, 
src=SingleTableEntityPersister(com.myapp.hibernate.ObjectB)] is newer than 
workspace node [EMAIL PROTECTED] [current=1, previous=1, 
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:68)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:68)
... 73 more

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-13 Thread floefliep
Exceptions all over the place, must be my lucky day!;) (today is the 
13th after all...)

Fortunately for one part it seems a simple beauty fixup, I replaced in your 
latest OptimisticTreeCache:

  | public void writeLoad(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion) {
  | try {
  | Option option = new Option();
  | option.setFailSilently( true );
  | option.setDataVersion( NonLockingDataVersion.INSTANCE );
  | cache.remove( new Fqn( regionFqn, key ), "ITEM", option 


  | public void writeLoad(Object key, Object value, Object currentVersion) {
  | try {
  | this.remove(key);

for the same reasons you mention in remove().

The bad part: now I get once in a while get a CacheException thrown where it 
shouldn't. At some point, TreeCache seems to detect parent nodes with higher 
versions than in the transaction's workspace. I'm still debugging into these. 
Oddily enough, my quick 'n dirty fix I posted above didn't do that. I'll post 
as soon as I have a result.

As for your comments:
- The insert warning: it no longer occurs since writeLoad() no longer passes in 
a previousVersion=null, so now we have the behaviour of the warning which 
corresponds to the idea. I got confused by the combination of the bug and the 
text of the warning, never mind.
- The query-cache-0.6-second gap and the CMT edge case you suspect: could you 
tell where that happens in the code? I'm very interested in looking up these 
issues since my app is highly concurrent.
- Weird validated node in next transaction: now that is strange. Could you 
perhaps post a code snippet where it occurs? However, I refer to my earlier 
post, TreeCache does seem to validate all nodes your transaction has accessed - 
modified or not. To me this sounds perfectly okay since you effectively 
read/write lock this way using the benefit of version control. Perhaps you're 
seeing this?

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-12 Thread floefliep
Just checked out the latest Hibernate source from  
http://anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com/trunk/Hibernate3, but I can't find a method 
testNoVersioningProvided() in there ... where should this be included?

Anyway, my guess is still remains: TreeCache doesn't work fine if you mix 
non-versioning and versioning calls in the same transaction. So either one 
could fix TreeCache such that DefaultDataVersion.ZERO is again correctly 
assigned to WorkSpaceNodeImpl when using a non-versioning call, either you pass 
in via OptimisticTreeCache a DefaultDataVersion.ZERO, as I tried.

Same way, problem nr 2 can be fixed by adding to writeUpdate() and writeLoad():

   if ( source != null ) {
  |   ...
  | } else
  |   option.setDataVersion(DefaultDataVersion.ZERO);

and modifying :

public boolean newerThan(DataVersion dataVersion) {
  |if ( previousVersion == null ) {
  |   log.warn( "Unexpected optimistic lock check on inserted data" );
  |   return false;
  |  ...

Replacing the null parameter in writeLoad to currentVersion may have the same 

But I'm still confused by the warning issued by the code above. Why shouldn't 
there be an optimistic lock check on inserted data? Based on what I read in the 
TreeCache documentation and from what I saw in the code, everything accessed by 
a transaction is put into it's workspace (both read/write, it seems). At commit 
time, everything in the workspace is being checked for newer versions against 
the cache (see 
which, as I understand it, boils down to obtaining both optimistic read and 
write locks, which is neat and exactly what I want.

Being non-familiar with the JBoss code, I may be totally wrong or looking at 
the wrong root cause, but this is the only explanation IMHO I'm able to see.

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-11 Thread floefliep
More news:

It seems it is happening with the query cache enabled, since at the location of 
the exception the toString() of workspaceNode is:

WorkNode fqn=/org/hibernate/cache/StandardQueryCache dirty ver=null

When I disable the query cache, I get another similar exception:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:68)
at org.jboss.cache.interceptors.Interceptor.invoke(Interceptor.java:68)
... 73 more

Now in order to force it to proceed, I tried to patch 
by adding  if (x == null) return -1;

This seems to make it work, but I get:
WARN  [OptimisticTreeCache] Unexpected optimistic lock check on inserted data

It seems that the core of the problem is that 
org.hibernate.cache.OptimisticTreeCache$DataVersionAdapter.previousVersion is 
null in some cases, probably set by 
org.hibernate.cache.OptimisticTreeCache.writeLoad(), but I have no clue as to 
why these lock checks occur, or whether these instances with a version or 
previousversion set to null are ok.

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-11 Thread floefliep
Well, no luck. I replaced OptimisticTreeCache with the latest version from CVS, 
which, as I understood from reading HHH-1796 at least, should fix the problem 
using a new Fqn.

I've been debugging and browsing code for hours now trying to figure out what 
is going on and I think problem is twofold, and both are related. It seems at 
some point instances of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNodeImpl, which by 
default appear to have their version set to DefaultDataVersion.ZERO, are 
altered via a call setVersion() with null as an argument.

1/ Now the first part of the problem seems exactly what you mention, i.e. "no 
way Hibernate would apply a DataVersion to a query cache thus we set null".

But looking at these lines from 

DataVersion version = null;
  | if (ctx.getOptionOverrides() != null && 
ctx.getOptionOverrides().getDataVersion() != null)
  | {
  | version = ctx.getOptionOverrides().getDataVersion();
  | workspace.setVersioningImplicit( false );
  | }

it seems the transaction workspace's versioning mode is set to explicit 
versioning when we pass in an Option which sets a DataVersion, for example when 
calling OptimisticTreeCache.writeLoad(). But then, somewhat further in the same 
method, we have:

   if (!workspace.isVersioningImplicit()) 

If now this method gets called again by Hibernate's StandardQueryCache for 
example, via OptimisticTreeCache.put(), then the workspace versioningImplicit 
still remains false. Since a put call like this one doesn't contain a set 
dataversion, the above method call will effectively reset the default 
DefaultDataVersion.ZERO of org.jboss.cache.optimistic.WorkspaceNodeImpl to null.

Since I do not have intimate knowledge of the JBoss and Hibernate code, I may 
be totally wrong, but adding the line below to OptimisticTreeCache.put() sure 
does fix the problem. This might not be the ideal fix since I assumed only 
StandardQueryCache directly calls OptimisticTreeCache.put():


2/ The second part of the problem seems similar, but it appears to be caused by 
a call to writeLoad() where source==null. This also ultimately boils down to 
passing in an Option with a dataversion null. In the stack this happens when 
loading a one to many collection. But I'm still trying to find out what is 
happening there.

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-11 Thread floefliep
I'll dig into this further tomorrow.

But just by quickly looking at the test case you mention, and according to what 
I saw TreeCache doing today, that test may pass since it only seems to deal 
with non-versioning stuff within a transaction. But that might not be the case 
when running for real, since you'll have mixed non-versioning (query cache) 
calls and versioning (regular versioned data cache) calls within the *same 
transaction*. But as it seems, as pointed out before, TreeCache's transaction 
workspace is set to explicit user versioning as soon as you pass in a 
DataVersion via an Option (e.g. using write, writeLoad, ...). Hence subsequent 
non-versioning calls seem to be ought versioning calls, which, according to 
what I saw, fails. So your test may fail once you add a regular versioning call 
in between there.

As for your reply to point 2, yes, then that is likely to be the reason, since 
once source==null, you effectively pass in an Option with dataversion=null 
(=non-versioning), which fails in the aforementioned situation, i.e. when mixed 
in the same transaction with a versioning call.

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[jboss-user] [JBossCache] - Re: TreeCache/Hibernate/JBossAS optimistic locking problem

2006-07-11 Thread floefliep
Clarification to my previous post:
As for point 2, yes, I confirm, source==null happened in a case where a cached 
collection was loading (or being put into; don't remember) from its collection 

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