[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: The Tree died

2006-11-03 Thread japplicoon

did you solve this problem? 
PLEASE, tell me if you did!!
I'm struggling with that tree for days now. Even the simplest test with a 
Backing bean defined in faces-config does not work, it might not have to do 
with your sfsb.
After having subclassed the ChildPropertyModel to add some debugging output I 
guess that after the constructor, nothing else happens on the 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Step-by-Step Seam Getting Started Guide

2006-10-28 Thread japplicoon
Who was the guy that planned to write a build.xml for the WTP-structure? That 
would be the nicest way for me,  since I really don't want to refactor the 
whole project back to the "seam-structure" ... 
While upgrading Jboss I seem to have secured the jmx console such that the 
shutdown script needs username and password ... hmm, how to teach eclipse to 
use stop arguments? WTP IS confusing !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - FaceletViewHandler with trinidad and ajax4jsf

2006-10-27 Thread japplicoon
Where do I correctly reference which FaceletViewHandler if I want to use 
trinidad and ajax4jsf?
I already have 

  | org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.ALTERNATE_VIEW_HANDLER
  | com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler

For ajax4jsf in the example, a special ViewHandler is configured as 

  | org.ajax4jsf.VIEW_HANDLERS
  | org.jboss.seam.ui.facelet.SeamFaceletViewHandler

May I combine both params?
With Seam 1.0.1 I manually added the ajax4jsf Filter and did not specify the 
FaceletViewHandler there - it worked. Now I'm just upgrading to Seam 1.1.0-BETA.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam application with tree on left and editor for select

2006-10-26 Thread japplicoon
Ah, perfect clarification! My mistaking was to think things somehow get 
"copied" from the persistence context onto the objects and then staying there, 
but I see 
anonymous wrote : 
  | Read this: http://www.manning.com/bauer2 
I watch my (german) book seller all the time for your book to be listed as 
available ;-)

One more big, big "THANK YOU!"

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam application with tree on left and editor for select

2006-10-26 Thread japplicoon
Christian, sorry, but I have another question about your example, now it is a 
persistence/memory issue:

A category has a List of child categories and a list of items. You lazily init 
these when a category is selected ... inside a Seam conversation - that is your 
design, isn't it? 
Then if the user successively views the itemslists of each category, do you 
step-by-step save the whole catalog data in the conversation? 

So if there are many items and much data in each of them, would it be necessary 
to dismiss the children and items Lists on the category, fetching child 
categories and items manually?

I hope you are not too bored by my beginner questions ...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam application with tree on left and editor for select

2006-10-22 Thread japplicoon
Thank you, Christian, for the very detailed instructions! 
Now I'll have a look at  DataBinder.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-21 Thread japplicoon

Now I've also tried the jMaki approach. The very same results. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-21 Thread japplicoon
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | Or, if you want to use Seam remoting, you don't need a JSF tag library, why 
not just use scriptaculous or dojo with Seam remoting?

My current problem is getting an HTML Editor setting one of my entity 
I just throw away my  tags in favour of using the dojoInitializer 
(ok, once again a sandbox component ...)  following the instructions in 

The editor displays and the editing works fine, but the bean's value isn't 
updated and the action command is never executed (which works fine if I replace 
the dojo-ized textarea with an ).  I also use Facelets (indeed, 
the textarea sits inside a facelets-tag xhtml), Trinidad and have the ajax4jsf 
Filter installed (but no ajax4jsf tags around on that particular page)

Do I have to dive into Dojo and set my entity bean property via Remoting? 
Or is there another approach without Dojo  (and without t:inputHtml)?

Thanks again!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam application with tree on left and editor for select

2006-10-18 Thread japplicoon
Great, Christian! I plan a similar application. I'm also awaiting your example! 
But may I ask you three short questions about your code now?

a) I don't see any @DataModelSelection tag on your "currentCategory" variable, 
you seem to use another Bean for selection.  Is there a reason you chose to not 
use it or just a taste question? I had some problems with DataModelSelection 
immediately triggering the next list of categories, but that might have been a 
scope issue.

b) Will editing the selected item  (or doing whatever with it) start a nested 
conversation or will some code call closeCatalog() when starting the editing 

Thanks a lot!!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - ajax4jsf Tomahawk Question

2006-10-15 Thread japplicoon
Sorry, this is no Seam topic:

I have my problems with the ajax4jsf documentation ... 
Is there a way to plug ajax4jsf into a  to rerender only the 
dataTable when scrolling?  I don't know where I could place any  
tag or thelike ?

Thank you!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Step-by-Step Seam Getting Started Guide

2006-10-13 Thread japplicoon
You don't need to. The file shown there is the build.properties file in 
seam-gen, only used to create your project and, afterwards, actions etc. I was 
mislead by the open file, too.

The build.xml AND build.properties in your wtp-project will not be used and it 
cannot be used, because it is the build.xml for the "normal" project structure 
without wtp (with "view", "resources" , ... directories). There is not (yet) a 
build file for the WTP project structure, you have to rely on eclipse building 
and publishing your project.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Step-by-Step Seam Getting Started Guide

2006-10-13 Thread japplicoon
Hi, shundavid!

I just removed the entries for jboss-seam.jar and jbpm-xxx.jar from 

Make sure the two jar files appear in your EarContent directory (for some 
reason they first did not in my project).

There is also a configuration option in "properties (context menu)" --> "J2EE 
Module Dependencies" where you can remove the two.
Just play around with these two options, after some trials, I had success.
 Good luck!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-12 Thread japplicoon
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : I was going to do it, but I decided to lobby the 
JBossIDE guys to include seam-gen in a real eclipse plugin, so that it could be 
pointy-clicky the right way.
Yes, that would be the best way. 
Is the plugin-version described in the seam-getting-started in the end 
equivalent to the jbossIDE bundle one can download?

"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : 
  | Having said that, if you feel there's value in deploy tasks with the WTP 
structure and you want to script it, I'll add it to seam-gen. If not, I may 
write it anyway, but it'll be awhile.
Guess I first need a really good tutorial on all that WTP-stuff. Now that I 
successfully converted my project to the wtp structure, I first have to figure 
out the cool things I can do with it  - hoping to find any ;-)
But it would be great if some day you would provide a custom build file!

Thank you again and


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-12 Thread japplicoon
But another question on that:
I do not really look behind the structure and the build inside eclipse, so has 
anyone written a build.xml that honors the wtp-project structure?
 I'm just used to deploy, undeploy, clean, ... in the shell, and such build.xml 
would also be a great help for me to understand what is going on there in 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-12 Thread japplicoon
You are right, the two jars were somehow missing in the EarContent directory, 
but if I now create a "new-wtp-project", they get copied to EarContent (and 
therefore in the ear file). I  don't know what I could have changed in the 
meantime (I slightly customized the files in seam-gen), but it is up and 
running now!
Uff - thank you. 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-12 Thread japplicoon
It is eclipse 3.2 with all plugins from the tutorial.
The only difference could be that jboss-seam and seam-gen is not inside my 
I inspected the build file the publishing process seems to use and copied 
jboss-seam into nearly every reasonable directory to see when it will be picked 
up, but it never did ... 
Do you all have jboss-seam.jar in the .ear file? 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-11 Thread japplicoon
Hi, Andreas!

No, it doesn't work for me, since jboss-seam.jar is nowhere in the classpath if 
it is not included in the sample.ear - now I get the NoClassDefFound Errors for 
SeamListener and so on.
May the reason be that Seam itself (and seam-gen inside) on my system is not 
located inside the workspace and you published it automatically through eclipse?
Would it be a good idea to put jboss-seam.jar somewhere in /server/default/lib? 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-11 Thread japplicoon
I now started the n-th trial (I'm quite quick now ;-) with jboss-seam.jar in 
server/default/lib. "sample" did not work because parse errors with processflow 
config files, but I got the "blank" app deployed successfully.
The start page came up, ok. But I had to again add the Module-dependency on 
jboss-seam.jar (the one you suggested to remove) to get the Seam Component 
(MySfsb in the example) be resolved properly.

But I still don't understand why the publishing process does not pick up 
jboss-seam jar (and jbpm-xxx.jar) into the ear file while it is present in 
nearly every directory ...

Since I don't like to be tied to eclipse to build my project anyway, I wonder 
whether I could feed the "publish" process with a custom buid.xml I may use 
outside eclipse as well? Unfortunately, seam-gen only packages a build.xml for 
the "non-wtp"-Structure. Perhaps someone has already done something like that?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Creating a blank project via seam-gen

2006-10-11 Thread japplicoon
Hi, Andreas!
Thanks for pointing me to this thread
No, it doesn't work for me, since jboss-seam.jar is nowhere in the classpath if 
it is not included in the sample.ear - now I get the NoClassDefFound Errors for 
SeamListener and so on. 
May the reason be that Seam itself (and seam-gen inside) on my system is not 
located inside the workspace  and you published it automatically through 
Would it be a good idea to put jboss-seam.jar somewhere in /server/default/lib?


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Eclipse Getting Started Guide

2006-10-10 Thread japplicoon
Because the sticky thread about the Getting-Started Guide doesn't pop to the 
front ... Could someone please give me a hint where i am wrong if 
jboss-seam.jar is not included in the samle.ear / blank.ear after publishing?
Please see the Getting-Started-Guide thread!

Thanks a lot!!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Step-by-Step Seam Getting Started Guide

2006-10-10 Thread japplicoon
"karakal" wrote : 
  | 11:45:08,510 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not initialise deployment: 
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Failed to find module file: 

I got the same error. There is no jboss-seam.jar included in sample.ear, but in 
the project I see it in sample/lib and sample's build.xml should include it in 
the ear.
BTW, in the screenshots after running seam-gen for the scaffold project, the 
generated build.properties is shown in eclipse. Where do I find it? My sample's 
build.properties looks as before, with just the jboss.home set.

Thank you for a hint!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-06 Thread japplicoon
are there some seam-specific jsf-components available that use Seam Remoting? 
Something like special ajax-input components similar to the ones in the myfaces 
sandbox or in trinidad? 

I don't know how "in trinidad" the ajax components work, but I guess it would 
be much simpler to use Remoting than to build Renderkits, Handlers and so on? 
Are there any efforts?

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-05 Thread japplicoon
... but no Ajax  :-( ...

When I try  I get the exception also described here:


Reading Gavin King's answer ... Is there no way to use the ajax-related Tags 
from the sandbox with Seam (and Facelets) ?
I put the "InputSuggestAjaxComponentHandler" inside a jar ending up in 
WEB-INF/lib of the war file, just besides the sandbox jar.

Who did get the inputSuggestAjax running with Seam? 

Thanks in advance!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-05 Thread japplicoon
Sorry - Don't waste time - I got it ! The extra classes referenced in the 
taglib were missing ...

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Any experiences with the Tomahawk components?

2006-10-05 Thread japplicoon
"bfo81" wrote : Sorry, but if you use JSP this might be correct. But for 
Facelets you do defintely need an extra *.taglib.xml file plus an entry in the 
web.xml referencing that file.

Hi, bfo81!
Did you get your sandbox components running with facelets and seam? I have 
tomahawk up and running, but if I do the very same thing with the sandbox 
libraries (SNAPSHOT-1.1.5, just like tomahawk), facelets ignores any  
tag, that is, prints it out as is. In the logs I see that the faces-config in 
the sandbox jar is read, but the libariy doesn't seem to be loaded 
The sandbox-SNAPSHOT.jar is in place, the sandbox.taglib.xml too, it is 
referenced in web.xml, the namespace is mapped in the xhtml file.
Too keep the first test simple, I tried the  tag, without Ajax 
or thelike.

Any idea?
Which version of the sandbox do you use with which taglib.xml? Perhaps 

Thank you : )


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