I am using jbpm 3.1.2.

suppose there are two tasks.
Task-A with actor-A
Task-B with actor-B.
Transition t from task-A to Task-B.

i add an actionHandler in this transition t. 
At beginning, actor A has a task and triggers the transition t.

If there is no exception-handler defined and this actionhandler throws an 
exception, then actor-B receive no new task and actor-A lost this task.

so i add an default exception-handler which does nothing indeed. And now if the 
actionhandler throws exceptions, actor B will receive a new TaskInstance. TaskA 
of Actor A will be closed.

but what i really want is in case the actionhandler throws exception, the actor 
A should still hold the task, and Actor B by no means receives any new tasks. 

How can I achieve this?

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