[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - jboss 5 versus 4.x

2008-11-06 Thread maggu
I had started looking at JBoss 4.2.2GA a few months back. The basic scneario is:
a. I deploy multiple applications in multiple instances of JBoss running on the 
same machine.
b. Use JBoss security model for authenticating users and have a custom class 
which extends the JBoss databaseLoginModule class to do the authentication 
mentioned above.

Since JBoss 5 is a shift (from the current architecture) I was wondering what 
impact this would have(if any) on the list above? Do things need to be done 
differently , esp. for the security model in JBoss 5 or will I be able to 
continue using my custom Jar which extends the databaseLoginModule class of 

Any insight into this would be appreciated. Thanks.

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[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - web server?

2008-10-09 Thread maggu
Please excuse the naive questions, but what web server does Jboss use? I 
understand it uses Tomcat as it's servlet engine, but how does it serve static 
contents like HTML, and images. If I wanted SSL encryption / decryption just 
like in Apache, is that supported (without having to plug into Apache)?
Thanks a lot for ure feedback.

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: configuring jboss logs

2008-09-03 Thread maggu
Thanks. I was able to go through the documentation and work with twiddle.

Is there a way to get information on individual thread breakdown and their 
characteristics (eg: idle time), either through twiddle / web console or other 
Jboss tools?

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: connector configuration

2008-09-02 Thread maggu
Thanks for the info guys. I also understand from the WIKI that mod_proxy allows 
to use https between Apache httpd and JBoss Web

The next question was is it possible to set configuration of the jBoss web 
server and Apache connection seperately/ independently (mat threads, time outs, 
ports etc)?

erasmomarciano did mention the port number, but I was looking to se if at all 
there is aplace where I can set an independent connector config much like the 

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: connector configuration

2008-08-29 Thread maggu
Thanks for your answers erasmomarciano. But I am not sure I am following 
everything. Could you please detail this a bit more since I am new to this.

Your understanding is correct. I am trying to communicate between JBoss and 
Apache or IIS etc.

My Jboss version is 4.2.2GA

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: connector configuration

2008-08-29 Thread maggu
Hi Peter, sorry for being unclear as I am trying to figure my way here too.

Here is the breakdown:
I am looking at JRun and trying to find parallels or at least work arounds in 
JBoss. In JRun, two services are defined:
1) For the built in WebServer (webservice).
2) For communicating with a native web server like Apache or IIS etc 
Both are seperately configurable (ports, max threads etc)

While, jboss-web.deployer/server.xml lets us define the first service, is there 
a parallel way to define the second service?
Where would one define any configuration if connecting to a webs erver like 

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: configuring jboss logs

2008-08-28 Thread maggu
I went through the web console> full status and see memory and thread stats. 
This should essentially be the same info correct?

Would twiddle show me the same kind of info (I have never used twiddle)?


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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - connector configuration

2008-08-28 Thread maggu
While I understand that to configure port, thread connections etc for the web 
server in Jboss, one has to do it in jboss-web.deployer/server.xml (is this 

Is there a way to configure the communication between webserver and Jboss (much 
alike the server.xml's connector) ? 


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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - configuring jboss logs

2008-08-27 Thread maggu
Sorry if this the incorrect place for this, but could not find a specific topic 
for JBoss logs.

Apart from the standard log configuration defined in the wiki:

What else is configurable in jBoss logs? I am particularly looking at how to 
configure the logs to contain some metrics at certain intervals. E.g.: Every X 
minutes, it should give me the threads in use, total threads available, free 
memory available etc.
Is there a way to configure this?

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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: AbstractServerLogin module.logout and cached principals

2008-08-20 Thread maggu
ragavgomatam, if I do programatic flushing via JMX in my custom login module, 
wouldn't that be equivalent? do you see any dis advantage of doing this? 
I am looking at these options because I wanted to remove the subject from the 
cache only based on some condition and not everytime the user closes the 
let me know your thoughts


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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: some questions on authentication

2008-08-20 Thread maggu
Thanks ragavgomatam. That helps a lot.
Do you know of any resources/examples for the SWING authentication?

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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - some questions on authentication

2008-08-19 Thread maggu
Hi All,
Apologize if these questions have been asked before or if they are naive, but I 
am writing after doing some search on the web and the forum. Do point me out to 
any tutorial / web resource if you think they can answer my questions.

I am relatively new to JBoss/JAAS authentication, and have successfully 
implemented a sample web application which uses the form based authentication 
method. On the server side, I have a custom class which extends the 
DataBaseLoginModule. My questions were the following:

1) Does one have to use form with 'j_security_check' to initialize the security 
2) How could I extend this if I needed to have the username password in my HTTP 
3) It seems like once JBoss authenticates the user, a HTTP session is 
maintained until the JBoss cache expires. Is this true? Meaning once logged 
into a web application, and if the subsequent JSP / Servlet calls fall inside 
the security restrictions defined in a web.xml, a session is maintained and 
there is no need for extra authentication on each step.
4) I understand jboss 'webauthentication' is similar but is mostly for 
programmatic login. Can it be used from a JSP / Swing/ .NET client?? If so how, 
is there any useful web resource / tutorial you could point me to?

Thanks and hoping fro some feedback from the forum.

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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: AbstractServerLogin module.logout and cached principals

2008-08-18 Thread maggu
I seebut is there no way to directly get at a subject from my previous 
login, inside my customloginmodule? 

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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: AbstractServerLogin module.logout and cached principals

2008-08-18 Thread maggu
thanks for the reply ragavgomatam. but the problem I am trying to look at is 
removal of the successful login from the cache. From my example above. Lets say:
1) My DefaultCacheTimeout in jboss-service.xml is set to default (30 mins).
2)I log in as john successfully (username:john, password 1234). Principal john 
gets cached.
3) I close my browser in 2 minutes. I open my browser after 10 mins. I am 
prompted with a login screen.
4) I log in, but *incorrectly*. username:john, password . The error page I 
have defined in my web.xml kicks in.
*At this point, I also want to remove from the cache, the successful login from 
step 2.*
5) So, now, if john goes back to the login page and logs in correctly, I want 
to authenticate against my database instead of the cache.

For this I needed a way to go through the subjects, catch the correct subject, 
get the correct principal and remove it from the correct principal set, yes? 
That is where I am a bit stuck in, how does one get to all the subjects? I can 
see the principal being set in the commit method, but in logout, the Set is 
blank. I believe this is because on my second login attempt, the subject is 
different that the previous one (successful attempt at step 2).

Another question is: If we cannot call the logout, how do I log out of my web 
application? Would I need to try session invalidation? I am confused as to how 
this will remove the principal from JBoss cache.


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[jboss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - AbstractServerLogin module.logout and cached principals

2008-08-18 Thread maggu
Hi all,
I am implementing a very simple web application and adding a custom class 
extending from the DatabaseLoginModule. All it does is extend initialize() by 
adding a few more variables, and extend login() by adding some checking logic 
before and after a call to super.login(). So, I have not modifed login() in any 
other way. 

One thing I am doing is: 1) I log in with proper credentials (eg: john/1234), 
the credentials get stored in cache.
2) I login without proper password (eg: john/qq), the login method throws a 
3) During this failed login exception, I am trying to remove the previously 
authenticated entry from the cache. I was calling AbstactServerLogin's logout() 
method, thinking this should do the trick, but realize that the principals Set 
the method looks up is different (?) from the one used in commit method.

How then , can I get back to the cached principal and remove it from the cache? 

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[jboss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Re: document / pointers on doing an RMI client server implem

2008-07-24 Thread maggu
so, if looks like I can use RMi via JNDI in JBoss.  Here is what I have tried 
so far, and it is not working. Do let me know what I am missing:
1) defined a client / server / interface / iterface impl according to how it's 
done in RMI
2) packaged with other classes in my simple JBoss app.
3)in a servlet I am invoking the initialization methods for Server first, and 
then Client.
4) I am using InitialContext to bind and connect in the server / client (see 
sample below).
5) What am I missing? 
6) Do I need an rmi policy file? any security permissions?
I keep getting the following exception:

Server exception thrown: javax.naming.CommunicationException: Could not obtain 
connection to any of these urls: and discovery failed with 
error: javax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out [Root exception 
is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out]...
[Root exception is javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: Failed to connect 
to server [Root exception is java.net.ConnectException: 
Connection refused: connect]]]

a snippet of my code is:
MyClassImpl obj = new MyClassImpl();
MyClass stub = (MyClass) UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(obj, 0);

Properties env = new Properties();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://");
Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
ctx.bind("MyString", stub);

the exception is thrown when binding, I have tried rebind also. I have similar 
code snippet for looking up the stub in client side too.

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[jboss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - Re: document / pointers on doing an RMI client server implem

2008-07-24 Thread maggu
could anyone please point me to a resource/ share thoughts?

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[jboss-user] [JNDI/Naming/Network] - document / pointers on doing an RMI client server implementa

2008-07-23 Thread maggu
Is there any documentation for the above? I want to do is a client / server RMI 
implementation and deploy in JBoss. How does one substitute the rmiregistry 

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[jboss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - document / pointers on doing an RMI client server implementa

2008-07-23 Thread maggu
Is there any documentation for the above? I want to do is a client / server RMI 
implementation and deploy in JBoss. How does one substitute the rmiregistry 

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