[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Trinidad 1.2/Facelets incompatibility fixed

2007-08-15 Thread marcopan
If you are experiencing problems using Trinidad 1.2 with Facelets/Seam, please 
consider that an important issue has been solved.


I just downloaded from CVS the facelets source, build a new jsf-facelets.jar 
and some (I have not yet tried everything) of my issues disappered. 

Marco Pancotti

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Trinidad table binding

2007-08-13 Thread marcopan
Thanks for the answer. 

I'll avoid the binding, as you suggest, but it is not without a loss of 
elegance in the code. 

If you select many rows and use a listener you do a roundtrip for every 
selection (to save the keys of the selected rows somewhere) , while you 
actually need only the last one, when you activate the command (in instance, 
when you click the delete button after having selected the delatable rows).

But the real question is:

Is this problem in the binding of the trinidad table something concerning this 
specific components or is it something that affects other components and/or the 
whole seam/trinidad cohabitation? The binding problem would affect even a 
standard h:dataTable or the rich:dataTable components (even if you do not need 
to bind a standard datatable as you do not have any information to collect)?

Thanks a lot


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Strange behavior of jar file loading

2007-08-13 Thread marcopan
I had more or less the same problem in my application. I needed some not 
standard jars that must be available in the backing beans and I did not find a 
place where to put them in order to have them correctly deployed by the 
standard build.xml.

After many tries, I put them manually in the default/lib directory. A very ugly 
solution, I understand, so I'm looking for a better understanding of the 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Trinidad table binding

2007-08-12 Thread marcopan
I'm writing an application using a mix of Trinidad and RichFaces controls. I 
used the SeamDisc example in CVS for the setup and it's working. 

I'm using a tr:table with the following header:
tr:table id=partyTypeList 
  | var=partyType 
rowBandingInterval=1 rows=10
  | rowSelection=multiple 

The binding does not work, I get a
javax.el.ELException: /party/partyTypes.xhtml @31,68 
binding=#{partyTypesManager.table}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
argument type mismatch.

As you can imagine I carefully used the example in the TRinidad web site and 
double.checked the code of the bean, that is:

  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | public class PartyTypesManager {
  | public void performDelete(ActionEvent action){
  | UIXTable table = getTable();
  | Iterator selection = table.getSelectedRowKeys().iterator();
  | Object oldKey = table.getRowKey();
  | while(selection.hasNext()){
  | Object rowKey = selection.next();
  | table.setRowKey(rowKey);
  | PartyType pt = (PartyType) table.getRowData();
  | System.out.println(PartyType +pt.getId()+ marked for 
  | }
  | table.setRowKey(oldKey);
  | }
  | private UIXTable _table;
  | public UIXTable getTable() {
  | return _table;
  | }
  | public void setTable(UIXTable table) {
  | this._table = table;
  | }
  | }

I red an old post that said to not try to use a binding of a trinidad table in 
Seam. Is it still true? The SeamDisc example did not bind any table to a 
backing bean, so i do not have any hint. 

The binding is necessary to use the multirow selection feature, one of the many 
differences between the Trinidad table and the RichFaces table.


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