[jboss-user] [Clustering] - Re: proper place for AUTH in jgroups-channelfactory-stacks.x

2009-10-06 Thread mcconnma
Thanks Brian!, confirmed, by adding the AUTH to those 2 additional stacks, the 
observed behavior is as expected.

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[jboss-user] [Clustering] - proper place for AUTH in jgroups-channelfactory-stacks.xml

2009-10-05 Thread mcconnma
I have a out-of-the-box (jboss-5.0.1.GA) 2 node cluster setup (using the 'all' 
config). I've added the following AUTH protocol to the UDP stack in 
jgroups-channel-factory-stacks.xml, with limited success:


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[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: Deployment of a RAR in an EAR with an EJB-JAR

2009-02-06 Thread mcconnma
Hi vickyk,

I should of mentioned that this problem is occurring on 5.0-GA.
I added jboss-app.xml to the ear META-INF, but I still have the same issue, the 
EJB-JAR is being deployed first:

  |   strict
  |   com.x:archive=my.ear 

The MDB in the ejb-jar is annotated as such:

  | @ResourceAdaptor("x.rar")

I've played around with making that:


but not sure if that would be needed, but didn't work either. Anything in the 
Deployer xml files for 5.0 I can take a look at? 


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[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Deployment of a RAR in an EAR with an EJB-JAR

2009-02-04 Thread mcconnma

I have an ear deployment as such:

  | x.rar
  | y.jar
  | META-INF/application.xml

I am having a problem deploying a RAR and and EJB-JAR in an EAR deployment. 
From above, if I deploy the RAR and EJB-JAR seperately, no problems ... the 
EJB-JAR is a message endpoint for the RAR, so I know this is set up properly. 
The problem is when all in an EAR, I get the following error when looking at 
JBoss logs:

(Caused by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: 
jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='x.rar' is not registered.)

Following the stack trace, it looks like the RAR is being deployed first, then 
the EJB-JAR is trying to be deployed. The funny or odd thing is that after that 
error is shown in the logs, I get a 'start' call on my Resource Adapter in the 
RAR. I think I read from the JCA 1.5 spec that a RAR isn't considered 
'deployed' until 'start' is successfully returned? So, my question is how do I 
make the EJB-JAR 'completely' dependent on the deployed RAR?

Here's my applicaiton.xml:

  |   whatever
  | x.rar
  | y.jar

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - deployment order/dependency of a rar and an ejb-jar in an ea

2009-02-03 Thread mcconnma
I have an ear as such:

  | x.rar
  | y.jar
  | META-INF/application.xml

The y.jar file is message endpoint for inbound x.rar.
When the jar and rar are deployed seperately, no problems.
But when packaged in an ear, the rar doesn't fully deploy prior to the jar.
How do I make sure the RA is fully deployed prior to the jar?
In my logs, I see that the RA 'start' method is called after an error (Caused 
by: javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: 
jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='x.rar' is not registered.) from the jar 
about my rar not being deployed. I annotate the jar with @ResourceAdaptor and 
the application.xml file is as such.

  |   whatever
  | x.rar
  | y.jar

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