[jboss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: C++ and JMS

2006-09-19 Thread ncapito
I am very interested in some throughput numbers.  It seems that i keep getting 
the run around.  Can someone please tell me, or point me to some results, of 
testing that has been done.  I am trying to architect a system and i need to 
know if JMS can handle 100,000+ messages a second.  And if it can i need to 
know how beefy of a system i am going to need to pull it off.  

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss and C++

2006-09-19 Thread ncapito
Give me the numbers.  Can you please send me the results, point me in the 
direction, of benchmark/performance tests that have been done.  I am trying to 
gauge the type of throughput the AS can handle 

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[jboss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: C++ and JMS

2006-09-14 Thread ncapito
I did.  I posted a seperate topic on the JbossWS message board(Link is below) . 
 I figured the JMS question post should go here.  

1)  Is JMS quicker than WS calls
2)  Prefered way to interact in a Linux/C++/G++ environment


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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss and C++

2006-09-14 Thread ncapito
The 250,000 per second is the number of messages i could create.  In a perfect 
world my WS could process 250,000.  I have also exposed two WS operations to 
mark Start, and End Time.  Unfortunatly i am doing sequential processing right 
now so the send and receive time will be the same  Do you have any idea on 
how fast you are able to interact with a WS using SOAP?   

I guess my underlying fear is that I am not choosing the optimal C++ libraries 
to interact with the Java Webservice and that is why i am only able to 
process 50 per second

Thanks for the post.  

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: JBoss and C++

2006-09-14 Thread ncapito
Any of the 100,000's via C++(Client) to Java(WS) you think that is 

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[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - JBoss and C++

2006-09-13 Thread ncapito
So I was testing the send rates of a C++ Soap client (using Axis C++ ,Linux OS, 
and a very simple string message) to a java webservice (JBoss server) and i 
found that it was slowing my processing from 250,000 to about 50 per second.  I 
guess i was wondering what is the prefered C++ library to interact with JBoss 
Webservices?  Assuming that the blame is thrown on Axis I would like to know 
the fastest, and most approved, way of contact a Java Jboss Webservice... I 
would also like to know about how many soap messages a second could a JBoss 
webservice process?  We can assume that the webservice is just a simple 
counter, and every time a message comes in it incriments the counter and 
returns nothing

I will be interested to hear you all's response

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[jboss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - C++ and JMS

2006-09-13 Thread ncapito
What is the recommended way to send a JMS message on a linux operating system?  
I was also wondering the speed of the JMS Jboss implementation.  I was using 
soap to contact a JBoss Webservice and was able to send 50/second.   50/second 
is no where close to what i would like to send at...  I was hopefuly by using 
the JMS system it will improve my message rate.  I guess a second question is 
on average what kind of performance can the JMS JbossMQ offer me?  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Native Java Code (POJO) Invocation

2006-08-14 Thread ncapito
Is there support for invoking plain old java code vs. WebService calls?  I have 
wsdl's designed for my java classes, but i don't want the overhead of 
webservice calls?  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Native Java Code (POJO) Invocation

2006-08-14 Thread ncapito
I actually agree with everything you have said.   Ironically i started of with 
JPDL, saw the Bpel Extension and liked the functionality so i converted.  But i 
then found myself in a non distributed environment so i was wondering if really 
i should be using webservices at all

But idealy, my personal thoughts, I would like to have some process services, 
types of utlities to mesh together the returns from other webservices and 
actual webservices as well.  My beliefs could just be an over emphisis on the 
complexity/NetworkIO/etc...  and quite honestly  I hadn't really thought of the 
XML-to-Java mapping overhead on making local java calls...

It seems that JPDL is powerful because of its interaction with java, and BPEL 
for its integration of Web Services I guess the problem is that you might 
want to mesh the two together without having to change process languages. 
it seems like there is no real in between.

Think of this situation

Which would perform better:
A standalone system with just standard java calls,
A standalone system using bpel with java calls being converted to local WS 
(endpoints) calls?  

Assuming that the BPEL is fully portable(of course with minor invoke changes) 
from JPDL to the extension the above situation should be an easy port  I am 
going to do some testing with it so I will let you know what i find out

Has there been any performance comparison between JPDL and the BPEL Extension?

I will put a little more thought into it and get back to you.  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: HelloTest NullPointer Exception

2006-07-18 Thread ncapito
What does your directory set up look like?  Where is the hello directory 
located with respect to where you are running the test?  

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simple Problem Literal Problem

2006-07-15 Thread ncapito
The work around for the bug worked 

To all who are interested here was how i assigned an int constant



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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simple Problem Literal Problem

2006-07-15 Thread ncapito
Code didn't make it:  

  | from expression=string(1) /
  |to variable=MyVar part=myInt/
  | /copy

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Simple Problem Literal Problem

2006-07-14 Thread ncapito
I get an error if i try the 1 example.  It says... 

2006-07-14 16:24:08,711 ERROR org.jbpm.bpel.xml.ProblemHandler]  
MyWorkFlow.bpel(285) cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'from' cannot have character 
[children], because the type's content type is element-only.

FYI bpel block:
  | from1/from
  | to variable=serviceRequest_NewAmbiguityTrack part=int_2 /
  | /copy
  | /assign

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