[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] - Web page restricted to certain users

2009-11-12 Thread nfteodoro
Hi, is it possible to restrict an url from a web page just for one user? Like, 
only the user X can access that url, and anyone who copies that url will not be 
able to see that web page. I´m getting a little bit lost in this situation, if 
you could help me, i appreciate.


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[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] - Re: Web page restricted to certain users

2009-11-12 Thread nfteodoro
ok, so after reading a little more, what i want i something like a Valve 
element in one specific WebApp. Is this possible?

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Applet deployment

2009-11-02 Thread nfteodoro
Hi all, i'm stuck with a problem here, i hope you can help me. I have an applet 
which i want to deploy with jboss. the problem is i only can load the .html 
file, the applet is not loaded, and the error i get is that the classes are not 

Everything works outside jboss but somehow it cannot find the class code.

Here's what i've done: I have a .html file and a classes directory (which 
contains the .class files for the applet). 
I made a .war file with those 2 items. 
I placed that .war file under jboss pathserver/default/deploy

i opened the file in the browser and i can see the html code but the applet is 
not loaded because it cannot find the classes. But why, if they are in the same 
directory(the .war file)?

Thanks for your help.

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[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] - Applet deployment problem

2009-11-02 Thread nfteodoro
Ok, only now i noticed there is a beginner's corner, sorry about posting in 
another location in the forum. So, i'm going to repeat myself bu i have the 
following problem:

I have an applet which i want to deploy with jboss. the problem is i only can 
load the .html file, the applet is not loaded, and the error i get is that the 
classes are not found.

Everything works outside jboss but somehow it cannot find the class code.

Here's what i've done: I have a .html file and a classes directory (which 
contains the .class files for the applet).
I made a .war file with those 2 items.
I placed that .war file under jboss pathserver/default/deploy

i opened the file in the browser and i can see the html code but the applet is 
not loaded because it cannot find the classes. But why, if they are in the same 
directory(the .war file)?

Thanks for your help.

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[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] - Re: Applet deployment problem

2009-11-02 Thread nfteodoro
hm, seems this doesnt has a edit button. Ok, so now i've created the WEB-INF 
and META-INF folders and placed the web.xml inside web-inf. I also created a 
classes folder inside web-inf, where i copied the directories structure and 

i have something like: web-inf/classes/noesis/zon/applets/*.class (all the 

and in the web.xml i have a simple file like 

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?

inside the html file i have: 

H3Gestao de Informacoes Diversas/H3

APPLET codebase=classes 
code=noesis/zon/applets/GestaoDeInformacoesDiversas.class width=650 

I've created again a .war file with the web-ing, meta-inf and html file 
(meta-inf is empty because i dont know what to put there and if it is needed).

i still can't load the applet, the html code appears fine but i get the same 
class not found for the applet..

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