[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-25 Thread perrylucas
Ok - you should be able to find a mini tutorial here now: 

(Linked from the jbpm home wiki page under jbpm 3)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-23 Thread perrylucas
Hmm, yeah I guess that makes sense...  for some reason I had it set in my mind 
that since all the task instances for a process instance weren't created from 
the get go, that I wasn't going to be able to plan ahead, but obviously the 
process definition itself could be accessed runtime!  

Thanks for the reminder.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-23 Thread perrylucas
it seems like a common thing to want to be able to do... for now i have tried 
adding the attributes i need to Task and that seems to be working well.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Scheduled TaskInstances within a ProcessInstance?

2007-03-22 Thread perrylucas
Our company is considering JBPM as a replacement for our current workflow 
management software (built in-house), but it seems to be missing a vital piece! 
 Here's the scenario:

We need to assign several stateful properties, including Estimated Man Hours, 
Actual Man Hours, Due Date, etc to our Tasks/TaskInstances so that we can plan 
employees' workloads over the lifetime of a ProcessInstance.  Upon creation of 
a ProcessInstance, however, only the first TaskInstance is available as only it 
is active...  This obviously makes it impossible to do any kind of planning!

I have searched on the forum and have found many related topics but nothing 
that really hit home here, so before telling my boss that JBPM simply doesn't 
meet the requirements here, I'd like to know if anyone else has had the need 
and found a way to do this.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: deployment in JBoss

2007-03-22 Thread perrylucas
Continual Improvement is one of the main benefits you achieve by having a BPM, 
right?  So, I'd say that the deployment and redeployment of process definitions 
should be encouraged in production, not just during development!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: JBPM Documentation wanted - PDF, Word ( anything we can

2007-03-21 Thread perrylucas
ok, what you need to do is actually download the version of JBPM that you're 
insterested in using, and look for the single page userguide.  For version 
jbpm-jpdl-3.2.GA, you can find this in the \doc\userguide\html_single folder.  
Be sure to open the html_single version of the user guide unless you feel like 
printing out each page manually...

(and btw, I don't see anything unusual about asking JBPM related questions in 
the JBPM forum!)

good luck!
- Perry

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: How to build 3.2-ga from source?

2007-03-20 Thread perrylucas
Yes, don't rely on maven to build from source as it isn't being supported 
currently.  You'll find that the build is very maven-like anyways as it will 
set up a local repository and gather up all the dependencies for you.  You will 
have to define a class variable named JBPM_REPO within eclipse that points to 
this directory.  The default location is in ${user.home}/jbpm/repository, but 
you can change this within your buil.properties if you want...  Also, while 
you're in the build.properties, you may need to change the version of jboss 
(AS) that you're running locally, among other settings.  After all that, just 
run ant install, then taker a look at the other build options after that!

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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - jbpm-console from cvs

2007-03-20 Thread perrylucas
While trying to help another user this morning to build jbpm3-2 from source, i 
was trying to deploy the jbpm-console web app that i retreived from CVS.  I set 
my JBPm_REPO and ran install which successfully downloaded all the libs needed 
to compile the project.  I changed the version of my jboss AS in the 
build.properties, then I started up my jboss-4.0.5.GA server.  Then I ran ant 
deploy for the console project, and I got:

  | deploy:
  |   [get] Getting: 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war
  |   [get] To: C:\Documents and 
  |   [get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned 
HTTP response code: 505 for URL: 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war
  |   [get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned 
HTTP response code: 505 for URL: 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war
  |   [get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned 
HTTP response code: 505 for URL: 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war
  |   [get] Can't get 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war to 
C:\Documents and 
  | C:\Documents and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console\build.xml:224: 
Can't get 
 and Settings\plucas\workspace\jbpm.3\console/target/jbpm-console.war to 
C:\Documents and 
  | Total time: 5 seconds

So I tried to just package him up and drop the .war file in manually... and I 
saw the following error:

  | ...
  | 10:38:01,414 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbpm-console, 
  | 10:38:02,725 ERROR [STDERR] Mar 20, 2007 10:38:02 AM 
com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener contextInitialized
  | INFO: Initializing Sun's JavaServer Faces implementation (1.2_03-b09-FCS) 
for context 'null'
  | 10:38:03,084 ERROR [STDERR] Mar 20, 2007 10:38:03 AM 
com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProviderFactory createInstance
  | WARNING: JSF1033: Resource injection is DISABLED.
  | 10:38:03,272 ERROR [[/jbpm-console]] Exception sending context initialized 
event to listener instance of class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
  | java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid start=695 end=1 length=696
  | at org.jboss.lang.JBossStringBuilder.delete(JBossStringBuilder.java:256)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(StandardHost.java:524)
  | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at 
  | ...

I have never built anything from jbpm cvs, but I am pretty sure I am doing 
things as expected and that this is a broken build.  Can anyone confirm this?  
If it is in fact a broken build, when would be the normal time to try and synch 
up with CVS?  eg, every day @ 18:00 GMT, every friday, or ???


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[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Java 5 dependency a problem for Web Console ?

2007-03-03 Thread perrylucas
Integration with Java 5 is of utmost importance IMO.  We need to get tighter 
integration with SEAM!  SEAM is getting a lot of attention right now and so now 
is the time to either branch JBPM to port 1.5 or just declare the change as 
part of the roadmap.  With all of the attention, people are sure to want to 
know more and more about JBPM, especially if SEAM makes is so easy to use.  
Furthermore, with so many eyes on the project, discussion is sure to flourish 
with new and better ideas for how JBPM's future should take shape.  Things are 
moving so quickly over there, with great advances every couple of weeks or so.  
I think the longer we wait in 1.4 land, the more we postpone the next step in 
JBPM's success.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Query By Example in Seam

2007-01-29 Thread perrylucas
So I was looking around Hibernate's API and found the QBE bit which seems to be 
handy for simple queries.  I then wondered how I could go about something 
similar in Seam.  I didn't want to open up my own Hibernate Session and 
consequently manage that Session, so I came up with a little utility method for 
QBE.  Granted this example is very limited and simplistic, but I could see it 
coming in handy for some of the simpler queries.  

  | public class QueryUtils {
  | ...
  | public static T ListT queryByExample(T example, EntityManager em){
  | Class clazz = example.getClass();
  | StringBuffer q = new StringBuffer(from  + clazz.getName() +  
  | MapString, Object params = new HashMapString, Object();
  | Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
  | boolean isFirstClause = true;
  | for(Field field: fields){
  | String getterName = get + 
  | try{
  | Method getter = 
clazz.getDeclaredMethod(getterName, new Class[0]);
  | Object propertyValue = getter.invoke(example, 
new Object[0]);
  | if(propertyValue != null){
  | if(isFirstClause){
  | q.append( where );
  | }else{
  | q.append( and );
  | }
  | q.append(obj. + field.getName() +  = 
: + field.getName());
  | params.put(field.getName(), 
  | isFirstClause = false;
  | }
  | }catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){
  | //do nothing for now
  | }catch(InvocationTargetException ite){
  | //do nothing for now
  | }catch(IllegalAccessException iae){
  | //do nothing for now
  | }   
  | }
  | Query query = em.createQuery(q.toString());
  | for(String key: params.keySet()){
  | query.setParameter(key, params.get(key));
  | }
  | System.out.println(q.toString());
  | return query.getResultList();
  | }
  | ...

Also, I wanted to mention that QBE inherently does not include any way to 
search, say, within a date range or an integer range if your bean so happens to 
have a date or integer property.  In this case, would you just opt not  to use 
QBE at all, or do you go into adding Expressions via hints?  The end goal is to 
be able to make otherwise long/tedious queries simply by providing an example 
(and perhaps also expressions for ranged properties).  I just wanted to present 
this to the community and see what others are doing.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Query By Example in Seam

2007-01-29 Thread perrylucas
ok, for readers' reference, here's a link to the feature request:


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