[jboss-user] [Clustering] - Tibco Ems Cluster - JBoss MQ

2009-09-15 Thread tzman
JBoss - 4.2.3.GA

We are trying to deploy an application that was previously not clustered into a 
clustered environment. The application has heavy usage of tibco ems with both 
consumers and producers. When initially configuring the system, we used the 
wiki document on integrating JBoss with TibcoEms.

The problem now seems to be in enabling the singleton jms for the consumers. I 
am not entirely sure which portion of the configuration would need to go into 
deploy-hasingleton/jms versus deploy/jms. The setup for clustered jms suggests 
that all of the configuration go into deploy-hasingleton/jms which causes only 
the first node started to be able to find the queues. Adding the configuration 
to deploy/jms allows everything to start appropriately, however we then have 
multiple consumers trying to connect to tibco ems, which is not expected. 

The clustering documentation states that we should configure a shared 
persistence provider for the queues. Is this used to enable JBoss to determine 
which of the consumers ( node ) is active?  We did not configure the 
persistence for jms as tibco is handling this functionality. 

I am not quite sure what additional information to provide. Is this supported? 
Should the configuration be split between the deploy-hasingleton/jms and 
deploy/jms? A pointer to which configurations I need to modify/provide would be 
greatly appreciated and my apologies if this does not make perfect sense.

Thanks in advance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Persistence provider suggestions needed.

2007-11-22 Thread tzman

We have implemented a Custom JPA EntityManager, yes we are either masochists 
and/or not very bright. The real reason behind this endeavor is that 
operations on entities (CRUD) actually occurs via xml messaging with a number 
of services. So, the EntityManager manages creation of the correct message for 
the operation called on the given entity. For the most part, implementing the 
JPA spec made sense. Developers can work with either our EntityManager or the 
one provided by Hibernate with little transition time. However, there were some 
things that did not correlate properly to what we needed and we did not want to 
force something that may end up confusing to developers. Queries were the first 
thing, and are simply just not supported. Transactions are a little stranger, 
the concept is somewhat the same but different enough that using the 
Transaction API would be confusing. So what we have instead is a Bundle, a 
bundle conceptually works the same as a transaction but differs in!
  that what we are actually doing is sending a number of XML messages bundled 
into a wrapper message. The receiving service will then perform the operations 
within a single transaction. This all works pretty well, so far. 

Now we are to the point of integrating this with Seam. So, we have an 
EntityManagerFactory, an EntityManager and a Session ( yes, we modeled this 
after Hibernate; does that make us genius' ). What we do not have is a 
persistence unit, which does not really map to a host and port number. What we 
would like to do is have Seam manage the EntityManager/Session and possibly the 

Our thoughts are that we may have to wrap our Bundle in a transaction 
implementation for either JPA or Hibernate. But, we are not sure if we can get 
around not having a persistence unit defined. We are slo unsure if we can try 
to mirror the Hibernate managed context in Seam or if we need to implement all 
of the JPA requirements and have Seam manage the JPA persistence provider. What 
is the easiest and/or best way to do this?

Any suggestions, pointers or comments are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Ejb reference in Glassfish

2007-11-13 Thread tzman
I am trying to get an application up and running in Glassfish that currently 
works in JBoss.

Seam 2.0 Beta 1

The deployed ear file is milton-core.ear

In the web.xml file I have the following

  !-- JEE5 EJB3 names --

  !-- copied from the jee5 example. Do we need this? --

My ejb definition

@Name( authenticator )
public class Authenticator implements IAuthenticator
protected EntityManager entityManager;

MiltonIdentity  identity;

private IUserSvcuserSvc;

   public boolean authenticate()

The Local interface 

public interface IAuthenticator 
public abstract boolean authenticate(

The entry from components.xml
core:init jndi-pattern=milton-core/#{ejbName}/local debug=true/
security:identity authenticate-method=#{authenticator.authenticate}/

Did I miss a step here?

Thanks in advance for any help.

The stacktrace

 The specified SerializationProvider implementation 
'org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.serialization.JBossSerializationProvider' cannot 
be loaded.|#]

 11:45:06,971 55938 [httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1] ERROR 
org.jboss.seam.security.jaas.SeamLoginModule  - Error invoking login method
org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate Seam component: 
at org.jboss.seam.Component.newInstance(Component.java:1853)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1756)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1723)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1717)
at org.jboss.seam.el.SeamELResolver.getValue(SeamELResolver.java:60)
at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.getValue(CompositeELResolver.java:143)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstIdentifier.getValue(AstIdentifier.java:44)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstValue.getTarget(AstValue.java:34)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(AstValue.java:95)
at org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions$2.invoke(Expressions.java:174)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.invoke(LoginContext.java:769)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext$5.run(LoginContext.java:706)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.login(LoginContext.java:575)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.authenticate(Identity.java:331)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.authenticate(Identity.java:321)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.login(Identity.java:237)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at org.jboss.seam.util.Reflections.invoke(Reflections.java:21)

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Ejb reference in Glassfish

2007-11-13 Thread tzman
My eyes deceived me.

core:init jndi-pattern=milton-core/#{ejbName}/local debug=true/ 


core:init jndi-pattern=java:comp/env/milton-core/#{ejbName}/local 

as per the jee5 example gives me the following stacktrace. Did I miss something 

 The specified SerializationProvider implementation 
'org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.serialization.JBossSerializationProvider' cannot 
be loaded.|#]

 12:24:20,866 77734 [httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1] ERROR 
org.jboss.seam.security.jaas.SeamLoginModule  - Error invoking login method
org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate Seam component: 
at org.jboss.seam.Component.newInstance(Component.java:1853)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1756)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1723)
at org.jboss.seam.Component.getInstance(Component.java:1717)
at org.jboss.seam.el.SeamELResolver.getValue(SeamELResolver.java:60)
at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.getValue(CompositeELResolver.java:143)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstIdentifier.getValue(AstIdentifier.java:44)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstValue.getTarget(AstValue.java:34)
at org.jboss.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(AstValue.java:95)
at org.jboss.seam.core.Expressions$2.invoke(Expressions.java:174)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.invoke(LoginContext.java:769)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext$5.run(LoginContext.java:706)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.login(LoginContext.java:575)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.authenticate(Identity.java:331)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.authenticate(Identity.java:321)
at org.jboss.seam.security.Identity.login(Identity.java:237)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
at org.jboss.seam.util.Reflections.invoke(Reflections.java:21)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)

[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Looking for some insight/advise on predetermining authorizat

2007-09-22 Thread tzman
Reading through the faq's on security as well as documentation on different 
forms of security, I have not seen any references to complex authorization 
pre-checks. I was hoping to get some insight, as I am not an expert in this 
area and may have missed the reference. 

We have implemented service based security, meaning the restraints on 
authorization are placed on specific services and or domain objects in the 
application. Authorization checks work well and are much the same security 
implemented in JAAS/JBoss. The problem is actually in determining whether a 
principal has permissions to a resource prior to the actual call being made. 

As a scenario:

A domain object Person.
Our ACL would be something like

From the UI perspective this is a pretty simple thing to do. In JSF/Seam we 
can dynamically enable/disable the update button based on the ACL of Person 
given the Principal. If we add another domain object, say Location, and it 
also has an ACL then permission checks would be based on both the ACL of 
Person and Location. That is assuming that a single button would result in the 
operation on both domain objects. As you can see, adding services that make 
use of domain objects and/or other services, can become quite complicated. In 
addition, any links to this page would not be enabled if the principal did not 
pass at least one of the authorization checks for all of the actions that 
could be performed on that page. The thought is that there is no reason to 
present a link to the page, when the user cannot even read a Person or 

We are now in the beginning stage of migrating our application to a component 
based architecture using Seam and JSF. This will entail creating reusable 
components that would encapsulate the security pre-checks. So the problem is 
defining what domain objects a component is directly making use of as well as 
what other components that are directly being made use of. Following the 
definition chain to each domain object and nested component, we can derive a 
concrete list of domain objects to check for permissions.

I first thought that I would create an annotation that would define what 
secured operations that the method performed. The code could then be scanned at 
start up to determine the list of domain objects that should be checked given a 
starting definition and following the chain to other definitions, then ending 
at a domain object that authorization could be performed on. The problem with 
this solution is the definition of what operations are being performed. 

In a purely fictitious example we have a screen that makes use of a component 
to find a person by name. It would allow the input of an address and register 
the located person with that address. To access this screen the user should 
have permission to the Find Person service, create a Location and call the 
Register service.

The code may look something like this:

  | public class RegisterPersonAction
  | {
  |@In FindPersonSvc findPersonSvc;
  |@In Location location;
  |@In RegisterPersonSvc registerService;
  |Person person;
  |@SecReg( FindPersonSvc.class, findPersonByName )
  |public Person findPerson( String name )
  |person = findPersonSvc.findPersonByName( name );
  |@SecReg( Location.class, create )
  |public void createLocation()
  |@SecReg( RegisterPersonSvc.class, registerPerson )
  |public void registerPerson()
  |registerService.registerPerson( person, location );
  | }
  | public class FindPersonSvc
  | {
  | @SecReg( Person.class, read )
  | public Person findPersonByName( String name )
  | {
  | ...
  | }
  | }
  | public class RegisterPersonSvc
  | {
  | /**
  |   * This service is itself secured.
  |   */
  | public void registerPerson( Person person, Location location )
  | {
  | ...
  | }
  | }

The problem with this approach is that any of these methods could be 
overridden, making the registration non-unique. In order to make this approach 
work each method that could be annotated would have to have a unique name. A 
name could be added to the annotation, but this seems to be getting to be too 
verbose and against the original intention, which is simplicity for developers 
and easy maintenance. An alternative would be to actually scan the call chain, 
in much the same way as a profiler, looking for paths that end in a secured 
operation. But, this could be too time consuming to do at startup. 

This, finally, leads me to the reason for my post. I started wondering if I had 
missed some standard solution for this problem, or if someone might have some 
insight or advise. How does one predetermine permissions across a complex graph 
of components that make use of secured services or domain 

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - A few issues.

2007-08-13 Thread tzman
My apologies if these issues have already been fixed/mentioned.

1.) org.jboss.seam.mock.BaseSeamTest

  |protected void startJbossEmbeddedIfNecessary() throws 
DeploymentException, IOException
  |   if ( !started )
  |   {
  |  Bootstrap bootstrap = Bootstrap.getInstance();
  |  bootstrap.bootstrap();
  |  started = true;
  |  if ( resourceExists(seam.properties) ) 
  |  {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBase(seam.properties);
  |  }
  |  if ( resourceExists(META-INF/components.xml) ) 
  |  {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBase(META-INF/components.xml);
  |  }
  |  if ( resourceExists(META-INF/seam.properties) ) 
  |  {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBase(META-INF/seam.properties);
  |  }
  |   }

The call to deployResourceBase will only locate the first resource?

or should this be:

  | @Override
  | protected void startJbossEmbeddedIfNecessary(
  | ) throws DeploymentException, IOException
  | {
  | Bootstrap   bootstrap;
  | if ( !started )
  | {
  | bootstrap = Bootstrap.getInstance();
  | bootstrap.bootstrap();
  | started = true;
  | if ( resourceExists( seam.properties ) ) 
  | {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBases( seam.properties );
  | }
  | if ( resourceExists( META-INF/components.xml ) ) 
  | {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBases(META-INF/components.xml );
  | }
  | if ( resourceExists( META-INF/seam.properties ) ) 
  | {
  | bootstrap.deployResourceBases(META-INF/seam.properties );
  | }
  | }
  | }

2.) org.jboss.seam.framework.Identifier

The equals method checks for an instance of the derived type 

3.) It doesn't appear as though we can use injection in base classes. Am I 
mistaken? Is this a design decision?
We have gotten around this by retrieving the components programatically, i.e. 
Component.getInstance( entityManager );

This means that for testing I have to load the container, when I only need 
hibernate; or I have to do a check in by base class before retrieving the 
component to ensure the application context is active.

Thanks for all the work.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: A few issues.

2007-08-13 Thread tzman
anonymous wrote : I will try to put a patch in for this if I can get a moment 
to update from cvs. 

Never mind, you already fixed it. :)

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: A few issues.

2007-08-13 Thread tzman
1.) Thanks

2.) Here is the JIRA issue


I will try to put a patch in for this if I can get a moment to update from cvs.

anonymous wrote : I don't know what you mean by a base class.

By base class I mean a base class we code for our application. Something 
similar to the EntityHome framework. We have a base abstract business object 
where we wrap the functionality of entities and an entity manager. We have 
something similar for entity queries and other service based code. For both 
cases we can do a large portion of the work in the base class, but that 
requires an entity manager.

anonymous wrote : But Seam injection only occurs in classes annotated @Name.
This sort of the point, in most case it would not make sense to have a base 
class be a named component, and it cannot be if it is abstract. 

Seam checking for annotations in the base class(es) of the component would make 
things easier, but if it was a design decision to not do so then that is fine 
and I can make use of what ever api's are available. I was merely curious as to 
if it was something that has just not been added yet or was never planned to be 

Thanks again.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Problem with Hibernate sessions post-Seam2 migration

2007-07-17 Thread tzman

Did you find a solution to the datasource not being bound? I am running into 
the same problem.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Context listener

2007-05-23 Thread tzman
As a learning/debug helper I am trying to catch events when  components are 
stored/removed from any context. org.jboss.seam.preSetVariable and the like do 
pretty much what I am looking for, but I would like to set this in a more 
coarse grained manner. As it is now, to use this I need to create a method for 
each event and for each variable I want to catch an event on. I would like to 
declare the components I want to catch events on and receive the events on the 
same listener.

I could programatically add the observer when I see a component I am interested 
in but when the method is called I will not know which component it is for as 
there is no parameter passed to these methods.

As an example if I have the following:

  | @Name( personAction )
  | @Scope( ScopeType=PAGE )
  | public class PersonAction implements Serializable
  | {
  | @In( scope=ScopeType.SESSION )
  | Person person;
  | ...
  | }
And a listener something like:

  | public presetVariable( Event someEvent )
  | {
  | log.debug( Event variable: + someEvent.getVariable() );
  | log.debug( Component: + someEvent.getComponent() );
  | log.debug( Contect type: + someEvent.getContextType() );
  | }

If somehow, in a yet determined way, I configure this component as an Observer 
for my event. I would like notification of when personAction and person 
have been added to context and removed from context and which context that is.

I am not sure if there is already a means to do this, so any insight is 


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - 1.2.1 GA -- Split deployments

2007-04-20 Thread tzman
I have been trying to split the registration example into 2 non-nested/root 
level deployments ( war and ear ). So far this has been unsuccessful and it 
appears as though the reason is that the loading of the jboss-seam.jar kicks 
off the seam deployment scanner. This means that it should be deployed with 
components. The problems is that war deployments are done prior to ear 
deployments and since it requires the SeamListener web deployment fails because 
it is also in jboss-seam.jar.

Searching the forums on this gives me nothing, but I find it hard to believe 
someone hasn't asked this before, most likely in some other words.

Is this possible with Seam 1.2.1GA? My first thought was to pull out the 
servlet package and put it into a jboss-seam-web.jar but it looks as though 
that may turn out to reference much of core.

Thanks in advance for any insight.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Deploying seam app along side standard jsf app problem

2007-04-19 Thread tzman
From http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ClassLoadingConfiguration

anonymous wrote : 
  | With nested modules, only the top level file may specify class loader 
scoping. If you have a .ear file containing other modules, only scoping 
specified in the .ear's META-INF/jboss-app.xml is used. This also applies for 
any other deployment which contains sub-deployments. For example, if a .sar 
contains a .war deployment, only the .sar META-INF/jboss-service.xml scoping 
has effect.

I took this as meaning that if you specify a loader at the ear level, any 
loader specified in a nested war or sar will be ignored. If you specified the 
loader in jboss-app, then all of contents of the ear should be loaded within 
the same classloader. You can see what jars are loaded within your specified 
classloader by checking the jmx-console; just search for your 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Pros/Cons of war vs. ear deployments (Jboss 4.2)

2007-04-18 Thread tzman
I pointed out Exadel only because I was just trying it out. The server publish 
action calls into a generated ant script that bundles and moves the file to the 
deploy directory. I believe this is actually a part of jst or wst?

Really the point of the comment is that having the ability to do hot 
deployments of code and only the code that has really been modified is/would be 
a huge productivity boost for us. This is more important on the ui/web side 
then the back end services. 

I did not mean to point a finger at any specific tool, only making a generic 
comment about what our shop needs.

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[jboss-user] [The Lizzard's corner] - JavaOne 2007 - JBoss Reception?

2007-04-18 Thread tzman
Will ther be one this year? Haven't heard anything and have really enjoyed it 
the times I have gone.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Pros/Cons of war vs. ear deployments (Jboss 4.2)

2007-04-17 Thread tzman
With applications having 500k+ lines of code, it is very important to us to 
shrink the amount of time it takes to code/test/redeploy. We have had success 
in the past with deploying the ejb's in an ear file and hot deploying the web 
components in an exploded war outside of the ear; the ejb components are tested 
outside of the container. Just starting to look at seam, but it appears as 
though this may be troublesome to say the least.

It seems as though most IDE solutions are fine with small applications where 
packaging and deployment times are negligible, but not very useful for large 
applications. Exadel?s solution fits into this category.

Just my 2 cents.

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