[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-20 Thread vmnokso1
I wonder, if you have defined your server successfully.

This happens by opening first the JBoss Server View

Windows = Show view = Other.. = Server = JBoss Server View

Then by right-clicking Jboss Server View = New = Server = Server window with 
name and home directory information

When you have done this, you should have symbol of the defined server in

Window = Preferences = JBoss Eclipse IDE = JBoss Servers

But if you canĀ“t find JBoss Servers line after this process, then may be some 
other problem in your system

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-18 Thread vmnokso1
I am using JBoss Eclipse IDE 2.0.0.Beta1. I can't find twiddle tab from Window 
= Prefereces.

My jboss username and password are the same as my Windows username and password.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-18 Thread vmnokso1
I can't find anything about twiddle in the Edit launch configuration 
properties window. I seems to be best to wait for the next release.
Thanks, Rob !

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-17 Thread vmnokso1
There seems to also exist second type of Twiddle launch property:

_TIME_  12
_ARGS_   -s localhost:1099 - a jmx/rmi/RKIAdaptor get 
jboss.system:type=Server Started
23:47:10, 968 ERROR [Twiddle]Exec failed java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to 
authenticate principal=null, securityDomain=jmx-console at 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-14 Thread vmnokso1

Could you explain how to check the properties of twiddle launch. 
Right-clicking of twiddle launch item gives only Refresh Viewer.

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-13 Thread vmnokso1

hello rob   humanlikerobot 

In my case the last text in server.log is Started in XX m XX ms.

The display in JBoss Server View differs from humanlikerobots case so, that I 
only have the structure
Event log
  Starting server
Console out

but I have no Twiddle Launch messages at all.

So in my case twiddle function seems not to be on. Earlier I had similar
Twidle Launch message as humanlikerobot but for some case it has disappeared. I 
assume, this happened when I deleted my server and created a new one using File 
= New = Other =Server.


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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-13 Thread vmnokso1
Correction to my previous comment:

In my server file the last text is Started in XX m XX ms.

At moment my system seems not to update server.log file, but there 
I have last similar text, nut this must be from the previous server version 

 Loaded properties, users=[admin] 
 Loaded properties, users=[admin] 
 Bad password for username=null 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-13 Thread vmnokso1
I deleted my server and created a new one by right-clicking the JBoss server 
View. Now my situation is the same as humanlikerobots.

I get a only long list of Twiddle launch: Server is down- messages to the
Event Log. The listing on the console tolds that the server has started.

Probably there is some kind of communication problem between Eclipse and 

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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-12 Thread vmnokso1


My system behaves in a similar way, but in my case the status of the
serves seems to be permanently Starting. Propably this depends on the
settings we have used in Window = Preferences = JBoss Eclipse IDE = JBoss 
Servers. The time of the Start timeout seems not to depend on the settings to 
Server Timeouts. In my case it seems to be permanently 450 s.

Also my Debug window differs bfrom the image in the Tutorial Case so that I 
cant get the symbol of my server there.

A think a detailed tutorial would needed about how to connect JBossAS 4.0 to 
Eclipse 3.2 with JBossIDE-2.0.0.Beta1.



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[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Re: Cannot start JBoss4 Server from IDE2

2006-09-12 Thread vmnokso1
Thanks for Your answer, Rob.

In my case the listing on the console ends with

17:02:34,875 INFO  [Server] JBoss (MX MicroKernel) [4.0.4.GA (build: 
CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_4_GA date=200605151000)] Started in 47s:141ms

but the status of the Server in the Jboss Server View remains Starting.

After 450 seconds I get the message Timeout waiting for jboss4A to start.
Server did not start after 450 s.

Could You explain, what happens and how to start the server ?



Here you get the whole listing on the console:

17:01:47,718 INFO  [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
17:01:47,718 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.4.GA (build: 
CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_4_GA date=200605151000)
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: C:\Program Files\jboss-4.0.4.GA
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/C:/Program Files/jboss-4.0.4.GA/
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Server Name: default
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Server Home Dir: C:\Program 
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Server Home URL: file:/C:/Program 
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Server Log Dir: C:\Program 
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Server Temp Dir: C:\Program 
17:01:47,734 INFO  [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml
17:01:50,093 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.5.0_08,Sun Microsystems Inc.
17:01:50,093 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
1.5.0_08-b03,Sun Microsystems Inc.
17:01:50,093 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Windows XP 5.1,x86
17:01:53,500 INFO  [Server] Core system initialized
17:02:06,375 INFO  [Log4jService$URLWatchTimerTask] Configuring from URL: 
17:02:22,703 INFO  [NamingService] JNDI bootstrap JNP=localhost/, 
RMI=localhost/, backlog=50, no client SocketFactory, Server 
SocketFactory=class org.jboss.net.sockets.DefaultSocketFactory
17:02:22,812 INFO  [SubscriptionManager] Bound event dispatcher to 
17:02:23,562 INFO  [WebService] Using RMI server codebase: 
17:02:27,171 INFO  [Embedded] Catalina naming disabled
17:02:27,250 INFO  [ClusterRuleSetFactory] Unable to find a cluster rule set in 
the classpath. Will load the default rule set.
17:02:27,250 INFO  [ClusterRuleSetFactory] Unable to find a cluster rule set in 
the classpath. Will load the default rule set.
17:02:27,875 INFO  [Http11BaseProtocol] Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on 
17:02:27,875 INFO  [Catalina] Initialization processed in 625 ms
17:02:27,875 INFO  [StandardService] Starting service jboss.web
17:02:27,890 INFO  [StandardEngine] Starting Servlet Engine: Apache 
17:02:27,937 INFO  [StandardHost] XML validation disabled
17:02:27,968 INFO  [Catalina] Server startup in 93 ms
17:02:28,234 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/invoker, 
17:02:28,703 INFO  [WebappLoader] Dual registration of jndi stream handler: 
factory already defined
17:02:29,375 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/, 
17:02:29,578 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossws, 
17:02:29,765 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jbossmq-httpil, 
17:02:30,218 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console, 
17:02:30,500 INFO  [[/web-console]] MonitorsFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,500 INFO  [[/web-console]] UCLs: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,531 INFO  [[/web-console]] JMS Message: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,531 INFO  [[/web-console]] JSR77 WebModule: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,546 INFO  [[/web-console]] J2EEFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,546 INFO  [[/web-console]] AOPFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,546 INFO  [[/web-console]] SystemFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,578 INFO  [[/web-console]] MBeans: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:30,593 INFO  [[/web-console]] JSR77 Domains and Servers: Failed to init 
plugin, null
17:02:30,593 INFO  [[/web-console]] JSR77 EJBModules and EJBs: Failed to init 
plugin, null
17:02:30,609 INFO  [[/web-console]] JSR77 J2EE Apps: Failed to init plugin, null
17:02:31,281 INFO  [MailService] Mail Service bound to java:/Mail
17:02:31,687 INFO  [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view 
META-INF/ra.xml in .../deploy/jboss-ha-local-jdbc.rar
17:02:31,734 INFO  [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view 
META-INF/ra.xml in .../deploy/jboss-ha-xa-jdbc.rar
17:02:31,781 INFO  [RARDeployment] Required license terms exist, view 
META-INF/ra.xml in .../deploy/jboss-local-jdbc.rar
17:02:31,812 INFO  [RARDeployment] Required license terms