i got this error out of a log file:
My config. Windows Server 2003 on SQL 2005 Database, and JBOSS 4.0.5GA.
PhoenixException: DBEngine.executeSelect: {SELECT count(*) thecount FROM {oj
task LEFT OUTER JOIN rsrc ON task.rsrc_id=rsrc.rsrc_id} WHERE ( task.task_type
= 'TT_Mile' OR task.task_type = 'TT_FinMile') AND task.proj_id = 1017 AND (
(task.status_code = 'TK_NotStart' AND task.target_end_date < '2009-05-07
14:46:20') OR(task.status_code = 'TK_Complete' AND task.act_end_date >
'2009-04-17 14:46:20' AND task.act_start_date < '2009-05-07 14:46:20') )}
Bei der Konvertierung eines char-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der
datetime-Wert auÃerhalb des gültigen Bereichs.
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