[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: Xerces.jar upgradation

2008-08-18 Thread zmanish
Hi skajotde,
That issue is different. JBoss already overirides the JDK 
reference implementation of XML_APIS by putting Xerces Implementation in its 
endorsed folder (JDK endorsed mechanism). What we need is help in upgrading 
this xerces jar from 2.6.2 to 2.8.0 from any past experiences.


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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Xerces.jar upgradation

2008-08-13 Thread zmanish
Hi All,
 We are planning to use an utility in our web application which uses 
2.8.0 version of Xerces. But the JBoss server [4.x] we are using uses 2.6.2 
version of xerces from its endorsed/lib folder. 

A) The utility can't be modified to use 2.6.2 xerces. Replacing/upgrading  the 
xerces.jar in endorsed/lib is one option but we are not sure WHAT kind of 
impact it would have and WHEN? 

B) We tried Isolating the classloading for this jar, but it seems that it 
doesn't work for jar in its endorsed/lib folder.  

Any one have simillar kind of problems?...Any expert suggestions.

Thanks in advance,

--manish kumar

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