[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-08-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HAPartition logs a State was retrieved successfully message at DEBUG level; 
if you don't have that logging level enabled you won't see it.  If you have 
DEBUG on and don't see it, there's a problem.

I'll change that so it logs the receipt at INFO as well.

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-08-24 Thread abosch
thanks a lot brian, your post is very insightful.

i'll try that and post the results.

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-08-24 Thread abosch
hi again!

i've changed BindAddress in HA-JNDI and ServerAddress in JRMPInvokerHA.

with iptables disabled (traffic can go freely) everything starts smothly but 
when i limit external interface to only accept petitions from outside i get 
some errors.

actually, servers get clustered but i receive some bad messages from second 
server (first starts with no problem):

[org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.HAPartition.SiapPartition] Fetching state 
(will wait for 6 milliseconds):

here it get freezes for some time and then continues. should i receive some 
state was retrieved successfully message?

can i ignore this issue or must i dig more?

if you want further info, please just ask

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-08-23 Thread abosch
thanks for the response but i dont really get it.

in a multi-ethernet scenario where all clustering traffic is supossed to go 
through second/internal interface, why do i need to open also communication 
between first/external interface?

is this by desing or is configurable anywhere?

my goal is to separate all cluster related traffic from external traffic.

maybe im not heading correctly the problem so i'll be glad to hear your 

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-08-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for asking; we resolved this on our support portal and I forgot to post 
the result here.

The issue is the RMI stub for the HA-JNDI service.  Clients that connect to 
HA-JNDI use RMI as the transport, so each server running HA-JNDI creates an RMI 
stub for use in communicating with that server.  When a client contacts the 
HA-JNDI service and downloads a proxy for that service, the proxy includes the 
RMI stubs for *all* the servers in the cluster.  The presence of these stubs is 
what allows the proxy to fail over from one server to another if needed.

So, say you have a 3 server cluster, A, B and C.  A client contacts C (e.g. at 
port 1100) and downloads an HA-JNDI proxy.  The proxy includes separate RMI 
stubs for A, B and C.

How does C have a stub for A and B?  When C joins the cluster, it fetches A and 
B's stubs, and sends its stub to A and B.

The traffic Anne was seeing was the normal traffic of an RMI stub communicating 
back to its origin server for the purpose of maintaining a lease on the RMI 
server object.  This lease is used by RMI's distributed garbage collection; 
without it the RMI server object could be gc'd.  By default, this communication 
happens when the stub is first deserialized, and every 5 minutes thereafter.  
This communication is part of standard RMI stub behavior; it's not something 
JBoss wrote.

The communication occurred on 1098 because that's the RMI port they had 
configured for HA-JNDI.  By default in current versions of the AS, this port is 

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-07-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can you post your JGroups protocol stack config? (IIRC you're using TCP).

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-07-24 Thread annecotter
JGroups config:

  |  mbean code=org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartition 
  | !-- Name of the partition being built --
  | attribute 
  | !-- The address used to determine the node name --
  | attribute name=NodeAddress${jboss.bind.address}/attribute
  | !-- Determine if deadlock detection is enabled --
  | attribute name=DeadlockDetectionFalse/attribute
  | !-- Max time (in ms) to wait for state transfer to complete. Increase 
for large states --
  | attribute name=StateTransferTimeout3/attribute
  | !-- The JGroups protocol configuration --
  | attribute name=PartitionConfig
  |   !--
  |  The default UDP stack:
  |  - If you have a multihomed machine, set the UDP protocol's 
bind_addr attribute to the
  |  appropriate NIC IP address, e.g bind_addr=
  |  - On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature being 
broken with multicast
  |  (even after disabling media sense) set the UDP protocol's loopback 
attribute to true
  |  --
  |   Config
  | TCP bind_addr= start_port=11800 loopback=true /
  | TCPPING initial_hosts=[11800] port_range=1 
timeout=3000 num_initial_members=3 up_thread=true down_thread=true /
  | MERGE2 min_interval=5000 max_interval=1 /
  | FD shun=false up_thread=true down_thread=true timeout=5000 
max_tries=9 /
  | VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout=15000 up_thread=true down_thread=true 
  | pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag=100 retransmit_timeout=3000 
up_thread=true down_thread=true /
  | pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip=2 up_thread=true 
down_thread=true /
  | pbcast.GMS join_timeout=5000 join_retry_timeout=2000 
shun=false print_local_addr=true
  | up_thread=true down_thread=true /
  | pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread=true down_thread=true /
  |   /Config
  | /attribute
  |   /mbean

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-07-21 Thread MarcReis
Hi, I dont know if you have seen it already, but it comes in handy:


The mentioned port belongs to the naming service, defined in the 

  | !-- The port of the RMI naming service, 0 == anonymous --
  | attribute name=RmiPort1098/attribute
  | ...

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[jboss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Does clustering require traffic over 1098 as well as 118

2006-07-21 Thread annecotter
Hi Marc,  thank you I have seen that document.   I wonder if I haven't phrased 
my question well, but what I'm trying to find out is when a new member joins a 
cluster, does it make an RMI call to the existing member?  So do the members of 
a cluster use RMI for any communication with each other?  


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