[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread PeterJ
Always pass values as method parameters - do not use fields. With an SLSB 
multiple threads can be using it simultaneously and if you use a field you will 
get interesting results.

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread vanyatka
PeterJ wrote : With an SLSB multiple threads can be using it simultaneously 

What about SLSB pools then? I was sure that a thread takes SLSB instance from 
the POOL, executes it and returns it back for later use. Never two threads 
execute on the same SLSB instance.

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread ALRubinger
Peter is right, though for the wrong reason. :)

SLSBs *do* have state, as the instance is returned to the Pool after use.  
Therefore invocation-specific data should not be kept in instance members of a 
SLSB.  For SFSB this is acceptable (and good practice) because it's guaranteed 
that every subsequent invocation upon a given proxy will invoke upon the same 
SFSB instance.

However, EJBs are Thread-safe - no two invocations will use the same instance 
concurrently (by spec anyway):

EJB 3.0 Core Specification 4.7.11 wrote : The container must ensure that only 
one thread can be executing an instance at any time.


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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread vanyatka
ALRubinger wrote : SLSBs *do* have state, as the instance is returned to the 
Pool after use.  Therefore invocation-specific data should not be kept in 
instance members of a SLSB. 

Thanks, Andrew. This makes good sense. However, if I only run one single facade 
method, and previous old state doesn't bug me (all variables are re-initialized 
before used), can such temporal use of fields be justified?

Imagine I have a chain of methods inside a SLSB.
a calls b, b calls c, c calls d, etc.

Facade method receives a parameter. I need to use that parameter down the chain 
of execution. Should I put that parameter in each method declaration? Ouch ... 
Doesn't look very appealing, don't you think?

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread ALRubinger
vanyatka wrote : ...if I only run one single facade method, and previous old 
state doesn't bug me (all variables are re-initialized before used), can such 
temporal use of fields be justified?

Sure, but you've set up a maintenance gotcha that is pretty easy to violate 
and will be difficult to debug.  Also, you'll be less likely to see the 
inconsistencies exhibited in development, meaning it's likely that Peter's 
weird stuff will happen in Production.  So as a general rule, I'd avoid this 
paradigm unless you can say:

1) There's no cleaner way
2) Document the hell out of it to make sure the instance var is cleansed upon 
each invocation

vanyatka wrote : Imagine I have a chain of methods inside a SLSB.
  | a calls b, b calls c, c calls d, etc.
  | Facade method receives a parameter. I need to use that parameter down the 
chain of execution. Should I put that parameter in each method declaration? 
Ouch ... Doesn't look very appealing, don't you think

No, cluttered APIs are not pretty, though this approach *is* pretty foolproof. 

You can also look into:

1) Store that parameter in a ThreadLocal
2) Each method looks to the ThreadLocal for the value
3) Apply an interceptor to, after invocation, clear the value of the 
ThreadLocal (as the Thread will also be returned to a pool).


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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread vanyatka

Thanks for sharing your insights on this issue!

ALRubinger wrote : Sure, but you've set up a maintenance gotcha that is 
pretty easy to violate and will be difficult to debug.  Also, you'll be less 
likely to see the inconsistencies exhibited in development, meaning it's likely 
that Peter's weird stuff will happen in Production.  So as a general rule, 
I'd avoid this paradigm 

Agreed. I don't like it either. That's why I brought it up )

anonymous wrote : 
  | unless you can say:
  | 1) There's no cleaner way

Before asking this question I thought of two, you introduced the third, and now 
I don't like any of them )

anonymous wrote : 
  | 2) Document the hell out of it to make sure the instance var is cleansed 
upon each invocation

Good point.

anonymous wrote : 
  | No, cluttered APIs are not pretty, though this approach *is* pretty 
Ugly or fragile? That is the question.

anonymous wrote : 
  | You can also look into:
  | 1) Store that parameter in a ThreadLocal
  | 2) Each method looks to the ThreadLocal for the value
  | 3) Apply an interceptor to, after invocation, clear the value of the 
ThreadLocal (as the Thread will also be returned to a pool).

Looks kinda the same as our discussed approach, only you have to clean a single 
variable. To make sure that variables are clean I can devote a special init() 
method for that, and call it each time inside my business methods.

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[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: SLSB basic design question

2008-08-18 Thread PeterJ
Of course an alternate approach is to go back to what was done with EJB 2.x to 
support unittestability - place all of the methods into another object, and 
make the SLSB a mere facade for that object. Then each SLSB method would look 

void doSomething(int var) {
  new RealObject(var).doSomething()

Unfortunately, this approach generates unneeded garbage.

Personally, I vote for passing the values along from method to method. Less 
chance of unintentional bugs later on.

And besides, by adding fields (whose values change) to an SLSB you are in 
effect adding state to what should be a stateless object. And as Andrew pointed 
out, you will be bit by this during maintenance (most likely several 
months/years down the line when someone inadvertently assumes that the field 
actually hold real state, and not pseudo-state).

And besides, IDEs are pretty good about helping you manage method signatures. 
For example, say you wanted to add a second parameter to your facade method, 
and you dutifully add the parameter to the call_internal method invocation - 
Eclipse will flag the method call and provide suggested changes, including 
adding the parameter to the call_internal method. 

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