[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: JBoss OutOfMemoryError - Help needed regarding Heap Size

2008-07-24 Thread PeterJ
The maximum heap you allocate depends on the operating system, even the patches 
to the operating system, the amount of RAM and swap space available, and the 
other DLLs that are loaded into the JVMs address space.

For example, on a machine with 1GB RAM and 1GB swap space, you probably will 
not have enough free memory available to allocate 1.5GB.

Another example: I recall that a certain software  registered a lot of 
performance statistics, so when I ran the JVM I saw a lot of that software's 
DLLs in the JVM address space. One way you can check what DLLs are loaded with 
your JVM is with the listdlls or Process Explorer tools from SysInternals. Look 
at where the DLLs are loaded into memory - the JVM always allocates the heap in 
one contiguous block so you can only allocate as much heap as the largest free 
memory block.

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: JBoss OutOfMemoryError - Help needed regarding Heap Size

2008-07-24 Thread JKV
Thanks Peter. That was a great post! I am looking on to your presentation and 
checking to see if I can optimize my GC. BTW I am using Window XP as my 
platform, and is there a relation between the operating system word length and 
the maximum heap size that can be allocated?? Do we have any statistical 
relation for it?

If I consider my OS to be 32 bit then I should be allowed to set a Maximum heap 
size 1.5GB which is 1536m (to be in multiples of 512m). If thats the case I am 
getting error for this statement 

Xms1536m -Xmx1536m. 
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
Press any key to continue . . . 

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[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Re: JBoss OutOfMemoryError - Help needed regarding Heap Size

2008-07-23 Thread PeterJ
What operating system, are you using? I will assume Windows, and that it is 
32-bit. In that case, you can only allocate around a 1.5GB heap.

Also, what kind of OOME are you getting? See 
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/OutOfMemoryExceptions for suggested fixes.

Based on your description, I am guessing that it is not a permgen space problem 
(those usually happen when you redeploy an app). In which case you probably 
have a memory leak somewhere in your application. You might want to monitor 
heap usage. See my presentation at 
 for some suggestions.

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